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Peter Skocovsky edited this page Jan 11, 2016 · 3 revisions


The release procedure of ELK is rather complicated since there are lot's of things happening at the same time: cutting off the release in the repository, generation of release notes and readme files, uploading of the distribution files (e.g., binaries), generation and uploading of the reports and javadocs, and releasing artifacts to maven central. Therefore, it is important to follow the steps below to ensure that the release goes as smooth as possible.

Performing The Release

  1. Edit the changes.xml file located in elk-distribution/src/changes and edit the description of the current release (e.g., "First maintenance relase after the third public release"). Make sure that all changes since the last release are described here. Do not replace the version and date as those will be substituted automatically during the release.

  2. Check whether new versions of dependencies are available by running:

mvn versions:display-dependency-updates 

Unless there are compatibility problems, switch to the latest versions of the dependencies (they can contain important bug fixes). Do not upgrade the version of log4j (1.2.14) or otherwise the Protege plugin will stop working with Protege 4.1

  1. Make sure the project compiles fine and all tests work as expected:
mvn clean install
  1. Inspect warnings, in particular
[WARNING] Used undeclared dependencies found:

The dependencies listed in this warning should be included in the pom file of the respecting module. There can also be similar warnings such as: [WARNING] Unused declared dependencies found: This means that the maven-dependency-plugin could not see where the specified dependencies were used. You may try to remove the listed dependencies and see if everything still works fine, but the plugin could not always detect all used dependencies.

  1. Check the produced distribution (zip) files in elk-distribution/target:

  2. Unless there have been major changes, they should have similar size as the files from the previous release

  3. The Readme.txt and Changes.txt files should have all variables properly expanded. Please, pay attention to the version numbers.

  4. The binaries should work as expected. Make sure to test the ELK Protege plugin with different versions of Protege.

  5. Check the user-local settings.xml file located in the .m2 folder of your home directory. The servers used in pom.xml files and user access credentials should be configured there. Currently the following entries are required:



  1. Read the Sonatype OSS Maven Repository Usage Guide. In particular, make sure that GPG keys are configured as described in Prerequisites.

  2. Next step is to test whether the current version satisfies the Maven Central Requirements. Since it is not possible to stage SNAPSHOT versions at the Sonatype repository, we need to temporarily remove the SNAPSHOT suffix from the version numbers of the artifact. For this, run the command:

mvn versions:set

and enter the version without -SNAPSHOT on the prompt. After this change, issue the following command:

mvn -P release-sign-artifacts deploy

This will activate the release-sign-artifacts profile, which ensures that javadocs are generated, and all artifacts are signed. All artifacts will be deployed to a Sonatype staging repository. After that, log into the Sonatype staging repositories, select the newly created repository and press Close in the menu. This will trigger the Maven Central Requirements tests. Make sure that no error messages appear and the repository status becomes closed. After that the repository can be dropped by pressing Drop in the menu. Do not worry, it will be generated again during the release phase. Finally, revert the version numbers back to the SNAPSHOT versions by calling the command:

mvn versions:revert
  1. Test whether the web site with Maven reports (including javadocs) can be generated and deployed by running:
mvn site site:deploy

Pay attention to javadoc warnings, e.g., missing linked classes, and fix the issues, if any.

  1. After all tests have been successful, it is time to perform the release:

  2. Set the MAVEN_OPTS environment variable to make sure java does not run out of memory during the release: export MAVEN_OPTS='-Xmx1G'

  3. Create and switch to a new temporary branch for the release: git checkout -b release/v[Version] where [Version] is the new version number (e.g., 1.2.3)

  4. Prepare for the release: mvn release:prepare This will ask about the released and next snapshot versions (X.Y.Z, please do not increment Z, it should be used only for back ports) and will create a tag for the release version in the repository (the default values are typically fine). You may want to first run the simulation of this procedure, which does not modify the repository: mvn release:prepare -D dryRun=true If everything went fine you can run the command without dryRun option after performing mvn release:clean For further information see the maven-release-plugin documentation.

  5. Perform the release: mvn release:perform This will check out the created released version from the repository, compile, generate the maven reports website, upload artifacts to a Sonatype staging repository and upload the maven reports website. If something goes wrong, just delete the created branch release/v[Version] and tag v[Version] and start over from point 1 above. All changes to the git repository should have been local.

  6. Log into the Sonatype staging repositories, select the newly created repository and press Close in the menu and after that press Release. This should activate the Maven Central sync. After a few hours, the new version of ELK should appear at Maven Central.

  7. The release branch can now be merged back to the original branch (develop in case of the major release and backports in case of a minor release), and the release branch can be removed

git checkout [original branch]
git merge --no-ff release/v[Version]  

In case there is a branch containing all releases (according to the git flow it should be master) the version from which released was made (the one but the last version in the release branch) can be merged there: git checkout master git merge --no-ff release/v[Version]~1

Now the temporary branch can be deleted and all changes can be pushed. git branch -D release/v[Version] git push --all && git push --tags

  1. Now install the next SNAPSHOT version locally and then run:
mvn clean site source:jar javadoc:jar deploy site:deploy

This will deploy the the Maven website, sources, and javadoc for the new SNAPSHOT version. Log into the ssh [email protected] and change the symbolic links latest and daily in /home/elkuser/elk_semanticweb_org/www/maven to point at the latest released and the latest snapshot folders respectively.

  1. Update the download links on the main page and the Getting ELK page.

  2. Update the information about the new release on the wiki, Protege wiki, W3C software wiki, and wiki

  3. Post a message at the ELK user mailing list about the new release. A draft is generated at elk-distribution/target/announcement.txt.

  4. In case of a major release, consider posting announcements at the following mailing lists: OWL [email protected], Protege OWL [email protected], OWL API Developer [email protected], Description Logic [email protected], Semantic Web [email protected]

  5. Cut out the release in elk-distribution/src/changes/changes.xml by specifying explicitly the latest release version, date and description. They can be found here. Leave the variables in the new current version. Commit the changes.