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This bash script will provide the overall status of the must-gather

Installation and updates


The script use the command omc (OpenShift Must-Gather Client) This command should be installed and available in your PATH on your laptop/server. It's available for download from github


  • pull the repository
git clone
  • Create the alias mg_check for in your .bashrc profile (optional)
echo -e "\nalias mg_check=${PWD}/mg_cluster_status/" >> ${HOME}/.bashrc
source ${HOME}/.bashrc

Update to latest version (based on the alias)

To update to the latest version, you simply have to pull the script from the repository.

mg_cluster_status_dir=$(dirname $(alias mg_check | cut -d"'" -f2)); cd ${mg_cluster_status_dir}; git pull origin main; cd -

Remove the script (based on the alias)

mg_cluster_status_dir=$(dirname $(alias mg_check | cut -d"'" -f2))
if [[ -d ${mg_cluster_status_dir} ]]; then rm ${mg_cluster_status_dir}; fi
sed -i -e "/alias mg_check/d" ${HOME}/.bashrc


Basic Usage

  • Set the Must-gather to use in omc and run the script
omc use <must-gather-folder>
  • Run the script with the desired options (without any parameter the script will run all checks)

Advanced Usage

Script Options

Using the -h option will display the help and provide the list of the available options, and the version of the script. Adding the -d option with the -h option will display the customizable variables (including colors for colorblind persons)

usage: [-acevMmnopsS] [-d] [-h]
| Options | Description                                                     | [Details] |
|      -a | display the ALERTS                                              |           |
|      -c | display the CLUSTER CONTEXT                                     |           |
|      -e | display the ETCD status                                         |           |
|      -v | display the EVENTS                                              |           |
|      -M | display the MACHINES status                                     | [Y]       |
|      -m | display the MCO status                                          | [Y]       |
|      -n | display the NODES status                                        | [Y]       |
|      -o | display the OPERATORS status                                    | [Y]       |
|      -p | display the PODS status                                         | [Y]       |
|      -s | display the STATIC PODs status                                  | [Y]       |
|      -S | display the SecurityContextConstraints                          | [Y]       |
|         | Additional Options:                                             |           |
|      -d | display additional details on specific Options (as noted above) |           |
|      -h | display this help and check for updated version                 | [Y]       |

Customizable variables before running the script (Optional):
|Options                                    | Description                                                                                  | [Default]  | [Current]                      |
|export OC=[omc|omg|oc]                     | #Change the must-gather tool (use 'oc' to run the script against live cluster)               | [omc]      | [/Users/vlours/.crc/bin/oc/oc] |
|export ALERT_TRUNK=<interger>              | #Change the length of the Alert Descriptions                                                 | [100]      |                                |
|export CONDITION_TRUNK=<interger>          | #Change the length of the Operator Message in 'oc get co'                                    | [220]      |                                |
|export POD_TRUNK=<interger>                | #Change the length of the POD Message in 'oc get pod'                                        | [100]      |                                |
|export POD_WIDE=<boolean>                  | #Enable/Disable the '-o wide' option in the command 'oc get pod'                             | [true]     |                                |
|export MIN_RESTART=<integer>               | #Change the minimal number of restart when checking the POD restarts                         | [10]       |                                |
|export NODE_TRANSITION_DAYS=<interger>     | #Change the value to highlight the conditions[].lastTransitionTime for the Nodes             | [30]       | [1]                            |
|export OPERATOR_TRANSITION_DAYS=<interger> | #Change the value to highlight the conditions[].lastTransitionTime for the Cluster Operators | [2]        |                                |
|export TAIL_LOG=<integer>                  | #Change the number of lines displayed from logs ('tail')                                     | [15]       |                                |
|export graytext=<color_code>               | #Replace the gray color used in the script                                                   | [\x1B[30m] |                                |
|export redtext=<color_code>                | #Replace the red color used in the script                                                    | [\x1B[31m] |                                |
|export greentext=<color_code>              | #Replace the green color used in the script                                                  | [\x1B[32m] |                                |
|export yellowtext=<color_code>             | #Replace the yellow color used in the script                                                 | [\x1B[33m] |                                |
|export bluetext=<color_code>               | #Replace the blue color used in the script                                                   | [\x1B[34m] |                                |
|export purpletext=<color_code>             | #Replace the purple color used in the script                                                 | [\x1B[35m] |                                |
|export cyantext=<color_code>               | #Replace the cyan color used in the script                                                   | [\x1B[36m] |                                |
|export whitetext=<color_code>              | #Replace the white color used in the script                                                  | [\x1B[37m] |                                |
|export resetcolor=<color_code>             | #Replace the color used to rest colors in the script                                         | [\x1B[0m]  |                                |

Current Version:  1.X.X - The script is up-to-date. Thanks

You can mix the options to display only the desired status:

mg_check -ae # will only display the alerts and etcd status
mg_check -vp # will only display the events and pods status
mg_check -acevmnop # will have the same display as running the script without options

Customizable VARIABLES (optional)

Before running the script you can set some variables which allow you to customize your outputs

export OC=/usr/bin/omc    # Where to locate the `omc` command     - Default: omc
export ALERT_TRUNK=100    # Length to trunk alerts descriptions   - Default: 100
export OPERATOR_TRUNK=220 # Length to trunk Operator descriptions - Default: 220
export MIN_RESTART=5      # Minimal restart count for PODs        - Default: 5

Pulling and running the script from the Source repository

In some case, you may want to run the script again a live cluster and cannot pull or deploy the script on a server. This is totaly faisable if you have internet access from your server. The only requirement will be to have curl installed, then you should be able to run the command:

export OC=$(which oc | awk '{print $NF}')                                         #Set the OC variable to your `oc` command  #Ensure you are accessing the RAW version of the script
bash <(curl -s https://${URI})                                                    #This will pull the script from the Repo and execute it from memory.

And if you want to use the script with an option, simply add it at the end of the command:

bash <(curl -s https://${URI}) -h

Finally, if your DNS is providing IPV4 and IPV6 resolution and you want to force the connection through the IPV4 (or IPV6), simply add the -4 (or -6) option in the curl command:

bash <(curl -s -4 https://${URI})


Script to analyse the basic health of a cluster







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