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Magical Money Manager

Table of Content


  • Security:
    • User Authentication & Authorization (secure access control)
  • User Management:
    • Email Verification (confirm user accounts)
    • Password Recovery (reset forgotten passwords)
  • Cloud Integration & Storage:
    • AWS S3 (file uploads and storage)
    • Amazon RDS (scalable data storage)
  • Payment Processing:
    • Stripe (secure payment transactions)
  • Notifications:
    • Email Notifications (timely user communication)
  • Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment:
    • AWS CodePipeline (automated deployment workflows)
    • DockerHub
  • User Experience:
    • Fast Filtering (efficient search capabilities)
  • Artificial Intelligence:
    • ChatGPT Integration (AI-driven analytics and interactions)

Tech Stack

  • Core Programming Languages:
    • TypeScript (primary)
    • JavaScript (when necessary)
  • Server Environment: Node.js
  • Primary Frameworks: Express.js
  • Database Intergration: TypeORM (for database management)
  • Payment Processing: Stripe
  • Storage Solutions: Amazon S3 (for static file hosting and management)
  • Continuous Integration/Continous Deployment:
    • AWS CLI
    • DockerHub

Installation setup


Before proceeding, ensure that you have git and Node.js with npm installed on your machine.

Step 1: Clone the Repository

Clone the project repository to your local machine with the following command:

git clone [email protected]:V1rushB/ExpenElixir.git .

Step 2: Install dependencies

npm install

Step 3: Environment Configuration

The default port for the project is 2077. To change that just set up the PORT environment variable when using docker ensure that you have mapped the ports correctly to avoid any run time issue.

Step 4: Running the applicaiton

To run the application you can use this command:

npm run dev

Deployment notes:

Remember to map the following: Port 80 to the application's PORT for HTTP Port 443 to the application's PORT for HTTPS

Other notes.

you'll also need to setup other environment variables in order for the application to run properly.


Register API Documentation


POST /user/register


Endpoint for user registration.

Request Body

Field Type Description Required
username String Username of the new user. Yes
password String Password for the new user. Yes
email String Email address of the new user. Yes
firstName String First name of the User Yes
lastName String Last name of the User Yes
phoneNumber String Phone number of the User No
Currency String User's currency, default is USD No


  • 201: Created
    User has successfully registered and must verify his email.
    Example Value:
  "username": "v1rushb",
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "password": "password",
  "firstName": "Bashar",
  "lastName": "Herbawi",
  "phoneNumber": "0599999999"
  • 423: Locked User tried to access the service before verifying email

  • 409: Conflict User tried to register using an existing email or username.

  • 400: Bad Request User didn't provide the necessary fields to register. Example Value:

  "password": "password",
  "firstName": "Bashar",
  "lastName": "Herbawi",
  "phoneNumber": "0599999999"
email is Required.
username is Required.
  • 500: Internal Server Error

Login API Documentation


POST /user/login


Endpoint for user login.

Request Body


Field Type Description Required
username String Username of the new user. Yes
password String Password for the new user. Yes

IAM Users

Field Type Description Required
username String Username of the new user. Yes
password String Password for the new user. Yes
IAMID String ID of creaetd user under some user's business Yes


  • 200: OK
    User has logged in.
    Example Value:
  "username": "v1rushb",
  "password": "password",
  "username": "v1rushb",
  "password": "password",
  "IAMID": "012345678901"
You have successfully logged in v1rushb!
  • 423: Locked User tried to access the service before verifying email

  • 409: Conflict User tried login but already logged in.

  • 401: Unauthorized IAM user of an expired Business user tries to login User tried to login with invalid username or password.

  • 400: Bad Request User tried to log in when he is already logged in Example Value:

  "username": "v1rushA",
  "password": "password"
Invalid credentials
  • 500: Internal Server Error

logout API Documentation


POST /user/logout


Endpoint for user logout.

Request Body

Empty Body


  • 200: OK User logged out successfully. Example Value:

You have been logged out. See you soon v1rushb!
You have successfully logged in v1rushb!
  • 423: Locked User tried to access the service before verifying email

  • 409: Conflict User tried login but already logged in.

  • 401: Unauthorized User tried to logout without being logged in.

  • 500: Internal Server Error

User Balance API Documentation


GET /user/balance


Endpoint for getting user balance. this will send the user a number which represents current balance.

Request Body

Empty body.


  • 200: OK User successfully recieved his balance. Example Value:
Your total income is: 400000 USD
  • 401: Unauthorized User is not logged in.

  • 500: Internal Server Error

Upgrade User to Business API Documentation


POST /user/upgrade-to-business


Endpoint for upgrading a normal user to a business user.

Request Body

Field Type Description Required
card number number of the user's credit cards Yes


  • 200: OK Payment succeeded Example Value:
  "card": "2"
Payment succeeded
  • 400: Bad request User tried to upgrade to business but already a business user. Card expired Insufficient funds Payment failed.

  • 423: Locked User tried to access the service before verifying email

  • 401: Unauthorized User tried to upgrade without being logged in. IAM user tried to upgrade.

  • 500: Internal Server Error

delete account API Documentation


DELETE /user/delete-account


Endpoint for a user to delete their account.

Request Body

Empty body


  • 200: OK Account deletion succeeded Example Value:

Your account has been deleted successfully.
  • 423: Locked User tried to access the service before verifying email

  • 401: Unauthorized User tried to access without being logged in

  • 500: Internal Server Error

Reset password API Documentation


POST /user/reset-password


Endpoint for a user to reset password.

Request Body

Field Type Description Required
email string Forgotten password user's email Yes
newPassword string New password Yes


  • 200: OK Email has been sent Example Value:
  "email": "[email protected]"
  "newPassword": "ASD@!#%%lg^SDZC&sd*FDdas^S"
Please check your mailbox for to continue in resetting your passwrd.
  • 400: Bad request Email not provided Password not provided Old password is the same as new password weak password.

  • 404: Not found User not found

  • 423: Locked User tried to access the service before verifying email

  • 401: Unauthorized User tried to access without being logged in.

  • 500: Internal Server Error

Update user info password API Documentation


PUT /user


Endpoint for a user to update his information.

Request Body

Field Type Description Required
username String Username of the new user. Yes
password String Password for the new user. Yes
email String Email address of the new user. Yes
firstName String First name of the User Yes
lastName String Last name of the User Yes
phoneNumber String Phone number of the User No
phoneNumber String User's currency, default is USD No


  • 200: OK Email has been sent Example Value:
  "email": "[email protected]"
  "newPassword": "ASD@!#%%lg^SDZC&sd*FDdas^S"
Please check your mailbox for to continue in resetting your passwrd.
  • 400: Bad request Invalid password

  • 423: Locked User tried to access the service before verifying email

  • 401: Unauthorized User tried to access without being logged in.

Insert income API Documentation


POST /income


Endpoint for a user to add a new income

Request Body

Field Type Description Required
title String Income's title Yes
amount String Income's amount Yes
incomeDate String Income's date Yes
description String Income's description No


  • 200: OK Income has been created Example Value:
  "title": "Footfill",
  "amount": "20000",
  "incomeDate": "2023-10-10T15:11:54.000Z",
  "description": "some income"
You have successfully added a new income!
  • 400: Bad request Empty body Any empty attribute

  • 423: Locked User tried to access the service before verifying email

  • 401: Unauthorized User tried to access without being logged in.

Getting total user's income API Documentation


PUT /income/total


Endpoint for a user to get their total income.

Request Body

Empty body


  • 200: OK Income has been created Example Value:
Total income: 40000
  • 423: Locked User tried to access the service before verifying email

  • 401: Unauthorized User tried to access without being logged in.

Get incomes API Documentation


get /income/total


Endpoint for a user to get his incomes

Request Body

Empty body


  • 200: OK will send total income Example Value:
Total income: 40000 USD
  • 423: Locked User tried to access the service before verifying email

  • 401: Unauthorized User tried to access without being logged in.

Get incomes API Documentation


get /income


Endpoint for a user to get his incomes

Request Body

Empty body


  • 200: OK will return user's incomes Example Value:

        "id": "908fef0a-5a84-455e-8407-8d63d0ebd1e2",
        "title": "Footfill",
        "amount": 20000,
        "incomeDate": "2023-10-10T15:11:54.000Z",
        "description": "some income"
  • 423: Locked User tried to access the service before verifying email

  • 401: Unauthorized User tried to access without being logged in.

delete all incomes API Documentation


DELETE /income/all-incomes


Endpoint for a user to delete all their incomes

Request Body

Empty body


  • 200: OK All incomes will be deleted. Example Value:
You have successfully deleted all incomes!
  • 423: Locked User tried to access the service before verifying email

  • 401: Unauthorized User tried to access without being logged in.

delete an income API Documentation


DELETE /income/:id


Endpoint for a user to delete all their incomes

Request Params

id : string


  • 200: OK The income with specified ID will be deleted Example Value:
You have successfully deleted the income with id: c0bbbf41-18aa-48d8-b9b4-859e6cd056cf
  • 400: Bad request ID is required

  • 404: Not found Income with specified ID wasn't found.

  • 423: Locked User tried to access the service before verifying email

  • 401: Unauthorized User tried to access without being logged in.

Update an income API Documentation


PUT /income


Endpoint for a user to add a new income

Request Body

Field Type Description Required
title String Income's title Yes
amount String Income's amount Yes
incomeDate String Income's date Yes
description String Income's description No


  • 200: OK Income has been modified Example Value:
  "title": "Footfill",
  "amount": "40000",
  "incomeDate": "2023-10-10T15:11:54.000Z",
  "description": "some income"
You have successfully modified your income.
  • 400: Bad request Empty body Any empty attribute

  • 404: Not found Income with specified id wasn't found.

  • 423: Locked User tried to access the service before verifying email

  • 401: Unauthorized User tried to access without being logged in.

  • 500: Internal Server Error

Insert an Expense API Documentation


POST /expense


Endpoint for a user to add a new expense

Request Body

Field Type Description Required
title String Expense's title Yes
amount String Expense's amount Yes
expenseDate String Expense's date Yes
description String Expense's description No
category String category id in which expense lies in No
picURL String a picture attached to the Expense No


  • 200: OK Expense has been created Example Value:
  "title": "very huge bill",
  "amount": "1002336",
  "expenseDate": "2023-10-10T15:11:54.000Z",
  "description": "a bill that costed me a lot",
You have successfully added a new Expense!
  • 400: Bad request Empty body Any empty attribute

  • 404: Not found Category not found.

  • 423: Locked User tried to access the service before verifying email

  • 401: Unauthorized User tried to access without being logged in.

  • 500: Internal Server Error

Get expenses API Documentation


GET /expense


Endpoint for a user to get their expenses

Request Body

Empty body


  • 200: OK Expenses has been sent to the user Example Value:
        "id": "31630012-77bf-4f52-9bbc-b2c0fe60de98",
        "title": "very huge bill",
        "amount": 1002336,
        "expenseDate": "2023-10-10T15:11:54.000Z",
        "description": "a bill that costed me a lot",
        "picURL": "http://default",
        "category": {
            "id": "c2fb359b-3840-4c71-b2e6-aa41e77d5b9f",
            "title": "USA",
            "description": "my cat bro",
            "budget": 100000,
            "totalExpenses": 2004672
        "id": "46ef299c-fc26-42af-8cc9-c5929ed1c21b",
        "title": "very huge bill",
        "amount": 1002336,
        "expenseDate": "2023-10-10T15:11:54.000Z",
        "description": "a bill that costed me a lot",
        "picURL": "http://default",
        "category": {
            "id": "c2fb359b-3840-4c71-b2e6-aa41e77d5b9f",
            "title": "USA",
            "description": "my cat bro",
            "budget": 100000,
            "totalExpenses": 2004672
  • 423: Locked User tried to access the service before verifying email

  • 401: Unauthorized User tried to access without being logged in.

  • 500: Internal Server Error

Get total expenses amount API Documentation


GET /expense/total


Endpoint for a user to get the total of all expenses

Request Body

Empty body


  • 200: OK successfully sent the user total expenses amount Example Value:
Total expenses: 2004672
  • 423: Locked User tried to access the service before verifying email

  • 401: Unauthorized User tried to access without being logged in.

  • 500: Internal Server Error

Delete all expenses API Documentation


DELETE /expense/all-expenses


Endpoint for a user to delete all expenses

Request Body

Empty Body


  • 200: OK Deleted all user's expenses Example Value:
You have successfully deleted all expenses!
  • 423: Locked User tried to access the service before verifying email

  • 401: Unauthorized User tried to access without being logged in.

  • 500: Internal Server Error

Delete an expense API Documentation


DELETE /expense/:id


Endpoint for a user to delete a specified expense

Request Params

id : string


  • 200: OK Deleted the specified expense Example Value:
You have successfully deleted the expense with id: 0ba4ccff-035a-45de-bcb5-e842aee22139
  • 400: Bad request Required ID

  • 404: Not found Expense with specified ID wasn't found

  • 423: Locked User tried to access the service before verifying email

  • 401: Unauthorized User tried to access without being logged in.

  • 500: Internal Server Error

Delete an expense API Documentation


DELETE /expense/:id


Endpoint for a user to delete a specified expense

Request Params

id : string


  • 200: OK Deleted the specified expense Example Value:
You have successfully deleted the expense with id: 0ba4ccff-035a-45de-bcb5-e842aee22139
  • 400: Bad request Required ID

  • 404: Not found Expense with specified ID wasn't found

  • 423: Locked User tried to access the service before verifying email

  • 401: Unauthorized User tried to access without being logged in.

  • 500: Internal Server Error

Modify an Expense API Documentation


PUT /expense


Endpoint for a user to modify and existing expense.

Request Body

Field Type Description Required
title String Expense's title Yes
amount String Expense's amount Yes
expenseDate String Expense's date Yes
description String Expense's description No
category String category id in which expense lies in No
picURL String a picture attached to the Expense No


  • 200: OK Expense has been modified. Example Value:
  "title": "very huge bill",
  "amount": "1002336",
  "expenseDate": "2023-10-10T15:11:54.000Z",
  "description": "a bill that costed me a lot",
You have successfully modified the expense!
  • 400: Bad request Empty body Any empty attribute

  • 404: Not found Expense wasn't found. Category not found.

  • 401: Unauthorized User tried to access without being logged in.

  • 500: Internal Server Error

Insert a category API Documentation


POST /category


Endpoint for a user to add a new category

Request Body

Field Type Description Required
title String Category's title Yes
budget String Category's lookup limit budget Yes
description String Category's description No


  • 200: OK Category has been created Example Value:
    "title" : "USA",
    "description" : "my cat bro",
    "budget": "100000"
You have successfully added a new category!
  • 400: Bad request Empty body Any empty attribute

  • 423: Locked User tried to access the service before verifying email

  • 401: Unauthorized User tried to access without being logged in.

  • 500: Internal Server Error

Get all categories API Documentation


GET /category


Endpoint for a user to get all categories

Request Body

Empty body


  • 200: OK Categories will be sent to the user Example Value:
        "id": "aeddd75a-a399-46bb-b1d2-bb8ad43fce0b",
        "title": "Palestine",
        "description": "my cat bro",
        "budget": 100000,
        "totalExpenses": 0
        "id": "c2fb359b-3840-4c71-b2e6-aa41e77d5b9f",
        "title": "USA",
        "description": "my cat bro",
        "budget": 100000,
        "totalExpenses": 3007008
  • 423: Locked User tried to access the service before verifying email

  • 401: Unauthorized User tried to access without being logged in.

  • 500: Internal Server Error

Delete all categories API Documentation


DELETE /category/all-categories


Endpoint for a user to delete all categories

Request Body

Empty body


  • 200: OK All categories will be deleted. Example Value:
You have successfully deleted all categories!
  • 423: Locked User tried to access the service before verifying email

  • 401: Unauthorized User tried to access without being logged in.

  • 500: Internal Server Error

Delete a category API Documentation


DELETE /category/:id


Endpoint for a user to delete a specific category

Request Params

id : string


  • 200: OK The specified category will be deleted Example Value:
You have successfully deleted the category with id: d70a57f2-f6a0-4109-b6fd-4e4a6787d535!
  • 423: Locked User tried to access the service before verifying email

  • 401: Unauthorized User tried to access without being logged in.

  • 500: Internal Server Error

Modify a category API Documentation


PUT /category/:id


Endpoint for a user to modify a category

Request Params

id : string

Request Body

Field Type Description Required
title String Category's title Yes
budget String Category's lookup limit budget Yes
description String Category's description No


  • 200: OK Category has been modified Example Value:
    "title" : "Palestine",
    "description" : "love <3",
    "budget": "100000"
You have successfully modified the category!
  • 400: Bad request Empty body Any empty attribute

  • 404: Not found Category with specified ID wasn't found.

  • 423: Locked User tried to access the service before verifying email

  • 401: Unauthorized User tried to access without being logged in.

  • 500: Internal Server Error

Business API documentation

Add a user API Documentation


POST /user/business/add-user


Endpoint for a business user to add a user under their business

Request Body

Field Type Description Required
username String Username of the new user. Yes
password String Password for the new user. Yes
email String Email address of the new user. Yes
firstName String First name of the User Yes
lastName String Last name of the User Yes
phoneNumber String Phone number of the User No
Currency String User's currency, default is USD No


  • 201: Created Descendant user has been created Example Value:
  "firstName": "Zain",
  "lastName": "Herbawi",
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "username": "z1rushb",
  "password": "!@R4F324DSdFgh#@5%fg@j#FSDFasd2",
  "phoneNumber": "05999999245"
z1rushb has been successfully added to your business. A verification email has been sent to [email protected]!
  • 400: Bad request Empty body Any empty attribute

  • 423: Locked User tried to access the service before verifying email

  • 401: Unauthorized User tried to access without being logged in. IAM or Normal users tried to access.

  • 500: Internal Server Error

Get business's users API Documentation


GET /user/business/


Endpoint for a business user to get all the users under their business.

Request Body



  • 200: OK Sends the business user all the users in their business including themselves. Example Value:

        "id": "5357e5e2-ce8b-470c-846d-d1848b83fa8c",
        "username": "z1rushb",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "password": "$2b$10$NCVYw3bkWTzq8wtGrl7GI.TSrQwZSraXLcbqpbYsrpXe/sCe/cAoS",
        "iamId": "1698492870296",
        "isVerified": true,
        "verificationToken": " ",
        "resetToken": null,
        "resetTokenExpiration": null,
        "newHashedPassword": null,
        "createdAt": "2023-10-28T15:34:30.384Z",
        "business": {
            "id": "394dc8e3-9e32-4782-89ee-e86e2e50491e",
            "businessName": "Basharr's Business",
            "rootUserID": "54a2d3d8-7e3f-4883-aa45-185ca059f905"
        "expenses": [],
        "categories": [],
        "incomes": [],
        "profile": {
            "id": "9b9ec30a-8938-4fde-be26-570577e1847d",
            "firstName": "Zain",
            "lastName": "Herbawi",
            "phoneNumber": "05999999245",
            "Currency": "USD",
            "role": "User",
            "subscription_date": null,
            "hasSentEmail": null
        "id": "54a2d3d8-7e3f-4883-aa45-185ca059f905",
        "username": "v1rushbb",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "password": "$2b$10$SxQKhUzY3SnU8njAFudx3u1sLgumWGfMlU7.GvIS/uM.DUtU/K/JG",
        "iamId": null,
        "isVerified": true,
        "verificationToken": " ",
        "resetToken": null,
        "resetTokenExpiration": null,
        "newHashedPassword": null,
        "createdAt": "2023-10-27T19:43:40.303Z",
        "business": {
            "id": "394dc8e3-9e32-4782-89ee-e86e2e50491e",
            "businessName": "Basharr's Business",
            "rootUserID": "54a2d3d8-7e3f-4883-aa45-185ca059f905"
        "expenses": [],
        "categories": [
                "id": "f6f91e39-0f95-45e6-9b45-a594baed7644",
                "title": "Palestine",
                "description": "love <3",
                "budget": 100000,
                "totalExpenses": 0
        "incomes": [
                "id": "c0bbbf41-18aa-48d8-b9b4-859e6cd056cf",
                "title": "Footfill",
                "amount": 40000,
                "incomeDate": "2023-10-10T15:11:54.000Z",
                "description": "some income"
        "profile": {
            "id": "6b39c160-feda-4c75-b519-2805fec9fbf0",
            "firstName": "Basharr",
            "lastName": "Herbawi",
            "phoneNumber": "0599999999",
            "Currency": "USD",
            "role": "Root",
            "subscription_date": "2023-10-28T11:34:26.000Z",
            "hasSentEmail": false
  • 423: Locked User tried to access the service before verifying email

  • 401: Unauthorized User tried to access without being logged in. IAM or Normal users tried to access.

  • 500: Internal Server Error

Get business's balance API Documentation


GET /user/business/balance


Endpoint for a business user to get total balance under their business.

Request Body



  • 200: OK Sends the business user all the users in their business including themselves. Example Value:

Your business balance is: 40000
  • 423: Locked User tried to access the service before verifying email

  • 401: Unauthorized User tried to access without being logged in. IAM or Normal users tried to access.

  • 500: Internal Server Error

Add an income to a user API Documentation


POST /income/business/add-user-income


Endpoint for a business user to add an income to any user under their business

Request Params

id: string

Request Body

Field Type Description Required
title String Income's title Yes
amount String Income's amount Yes
incomeDate String Income's date Yes
description String Income's description No


  • 201: Created An income has been created and assigned to that user. Example Value:
  "title": "Footfill",
  "amount": "40000",
  "incomeDate": "2023-10-10T15:11:54.000Z",
  "description": "some income"
You have successfully added a new income!
  • 400: Bad request Any empty attribute

  • 401: Unauthorized User tried to access without being logged in. IAM or Normal users tried to access.

  • 500: Internal Server Error

Delete user's income API Documentation


DELETE /income/business/add-user-income


Endpoint for a business user to delete an income of a user under their business.

Request Params

id: string

Request Body

Field Type Description Required
userid String target user's id Yes


  • 201: Created targets an exact income for a certain user and deletes it. Example Value:
    "userid": "54a2d3d8-7e3f-4883-aa45-185ca059f905"
You have successfully added a new income!
  • 400: Bad request Any missing attribute

  • 404: Not found Income not found.

  • 401: Unauthorized User tried to access without being logged in. IAM or Normal users tried to access.

  • 500: Internal Server Error

Get business income to a user API Documentation


GET /income/business


Endpoint for a business user to get all business's incomes.

Request Body

Empty body.


  • 200: OK Sends the business user all business's incomes Example Value:

        "id": "99ae0e91-c14b-4b4a-a6b0-75667ebaa464",
        "title": "Footfill",
        "amount": 40000,
        "incomeDate": "2023-10-10T15:11:54.000Z",
        "description": "some income",
        "userId": "54a2d3d8-7e3f-4883-aa45-185ca059f905"
  • 401: Unauthorized User tried to access without being logged in. IAM or Normal users tried to access.

  • 500: Internal Server Error

Modify income to a user API Documentation


PUT /income/business

Request Params

id: string

Request Body

Field Type Description Required
title String Income's title Yes
amount String Income's amount Yes
incomeDate String Income's date Yes
description String Income's description No


  • 200: OK Sends the business user all business's incomes Example Value:
  "title": "Footfill",
  "amount": "80000",
  "incomeDate": "2023-10-10T15:11:54.000Z",
  "description": "some income"
You have successfully modified the income!
  • 400: Bad request Missing attributes

  • 401: Unauthorized User tried to access without being logged in. IAM or Normal users tried to access.

  • 404: Not found Specified user wasn't found.

  • 500: Internal Server Error

Insert a user expense for API Documentation


POST /expense/business/add-user-expense


Endpoint for a user to add a new expense for a user.

Request Params

id: string => user's id.

Request Body

Field Type Description Required
title String Expense's title Yes
amount String Expense's amount Yes
expenseDate String Expense's date Yes
description String Expense's description No
category String category id in which expense lies in No
picURL String a picture attached to the Expense No


  • 200: OK Expense has been created Example Value:
  "title": "very huge bill",
  "amount": "1002336",
  "expenseDate": "2023-10-10T15:11:54.000Z",
  "description": "a bill that costed me a lot",
You have successfully added a new Expense!
  • 400: Bad request Empty body Any missing attribute

  • 404: Not found Category not found. User not found.

  • 401: Unauthorized User tried to access without being logged in.

  • 500: Internal Server Error

Get business's expenses for API Documentation


GET /expense/business/


Endpoint for a business user to get all expenses under their business.

Request Body

Empty body.


  • 200: OK Expenses has been sent to the business user. Example Value:

        "id": "de553647-b32e-4797-9c8d-98ab89fac878",
        "title": "very huge bill",
        "amount": 1002336,
        "expenseDate": "2023-10-10T15:11:54.000Z",
        "description": "a bill that represents everything I have bought in the USA part 2",
        "picURL": "http://default",
        "category": {
            "id": "541ed414-f418-4a98-978b-4589e351d744",
            "title": "huge",
            "description": "huge",
            "budget": 300,
            "totalExpenses": 2004672
        "userId": "54a2d3d8-7e3f-4883-aa45-185ca059f905"
  • 401: Unauthorized User tried to access without being logged in.

  • 500: Internal Server Error

delete user's expense for API Documentation


DELETE /expense/business/


Endpoint for a business user to delete a user's expense.

Request Params

id: string => user's id.

Request Params

id: string => expense ID

Request Body

{ "userID": "54a2d3d8-7e3f-4883-aa45-185ca059f905" }


  • 200: OK You have successfully deleted the expense! Example Value:
You have successfully added a new Expense!
  • 400: Bad request Empty body Any missing attribute

  • 404: Not found User not found. Expense not found

  • 401: Unauthorized User tried to access without being logged in.

  • 500: Internal Server Error

Filtered Search API Documentation


GET /expense/business/search


Endpoint for a business user to delete a user's expense.

Request Query

search minAmount maxAmount userID


  • 200: OK Sends filtered expenses accross all business. Example Value:
        "id": "dd606543-9047-41cb-ab5b-a257069ce09c",
        "title": "very huge bill",
        "amount": 1002336,
        "expenseDate": "2023-10-10T15:11:54.000Z",
        "description": "a bill that represents everything I have bought in the USA part 2",
        "picURL": "http://default",
        "category": {
            "id": "541ed414-f418-4a98-978b-4589e351d744",
            "title": "huge",
            "description": "huge",
            "budget": 300,
            "totalExpenses": 2004672
        "userId": "54a2d3d8-7e3f-4883-aa45-185ca059f905"
  • 401: Unauthorized User tried to access without being logged in.

  • 500: Internal Server Error

Insert a category API Documentation


POST /category/business


Endpoint for a business user to add a new category for a user in their business

Request Params

useerID: string

Request Body

Field Type Description Required
title String Category's title Yes
budget String Category's lookup limit budget Yes
description String Category's description No


  • 200: OK Category has been created and assigned to that user. Example Value:
    "title" : "USA",
    "description" : "my cat bro",
    "budget": "100000"
You have successfully added a new category!
  • 400: Bad request Any empty attribute

  • 401: Unauthorized User tried to access without being logged in.

  • 500: Internal Server Error

Get categories API Documentation


GET /category/business


Endpoint for a business user to get all categories in their business

Request Body

Empty body.


  • 200: OK Sends business user all the categories. Example Value:

        "id": "541ed414-f418-4a98-978b-4589e351d744",
        "title": "huge",
        "description": "huge",
        "budget": 300,
        "totalExpenses": 2004672,
        "userId": "54a2d3d8-7e3f-4883-aa45-185ca059f905"
        "id": "6408f54b-144b-4f28-b4ec-314ea073e35c",
        "title": "USA",
        "description": "my cat bro",
        "budget": 100000,
        "totalExpenses": 0,
        "userId": "54a2d3d8-7e3f-4883-aa45-185ca059f905"
        "id": "f6f91e39-0f95-45e6-9b45-a594baed7644",
        "title": "Palestine",
        "description": "love <3",
        "budget": 100000,
        "totalExpenses": 0,
        "userId": "54a2d3d8-7e3f-4883-aa45-185ca059f905"
  • 401: Unauthorized User tried to access without being logged in.

  • 500: Internal Server Error

Delete a category API Documentation


DELETE /category/business/:id


Endpoint for a business user to delete a category for a user in their business.

Request Params

id: string represents

category id (id): string

Request Body



  • 200: OK Category has been created and assigned to that user. Example Value:
  "userid": "54a2d3d8-7e3f-4883-aa45-185ca059f905"
You have successfully deleted the category with id: 6408f54b-144b-4f28-b4ec-314ea073e35c!
  • 400: Bad request Any missing attribute

  • 401: Unauthorized User tried to access without being logged in.

  • 404: Not found User not found Category not found

  • 500: Internal Server Error

Modify a category API Documentation


PUT /category/business


Endpoint for a business user to add a new category for a user in their business

Request Params

category ID: string

Request Body

Field Type Description Required
title String Category's title Yes
budget String Category's lookup limit budget Yes
description String Category's description No
userID String Target User's id Yes


  • 200: OK Category has been modified. Example Value:
    "title" : "Palestine",
    "description" : "hi",
    "budget": "10000220",
    "userID": "54a2d3d8-7e3f-4883-aa45-185ca059f905"
You have successfully modified the category!
  • 400: Bad request Any empty attribute

  • 401: Unauthorized User tried to access without being logged in.

  • 500: Internal Server Error

Get a recommendation to fire API Documentation


GET /expense/business/analytics/recommend-fire


Endpoint for a business user to get consultion of an AI model to fire somebody in the business, based on your business history.

Request Body

Empty body.


  • 200: OK Response has been generated and sent to the user. Example Value:

Name of the User: z1ruisbhb

Reason for firing: The user "z1ruisbhb" should be fired because their income-expense difference is 0, indicating that
they are not generating any profit or contributing positively to the business. It is essential for the business to
maintain a positive income-expense difference to sustain and grow.
  • 401: Unauthorized User tried to access without being logged in.

  • 404: Not found Business currently has 0 users (Business user excluded).

  • 500: Internal Server Error

Get a recommendation to promote API Documentation


GET /expense/business/analytics/recommend-promote


Endpoint for a business user to get consultion of an AI model to promoite somebody in the business, based on their business history.

Request Body

Empty body.


  • 200: OK Response has been generated and sent to the user. Example Value:

The user who should be given a promotion is v1rushb.

User v1rushb should be given a promotion because they have an income-expense difference of 15234. This indicates that they
have effectively managed their finances, ensuring that their income matches their expenses. Their ability to maintain a
balance between the money brought into the business and the money taken out demonstrates their proficiency in financial
management. Promoting them would not only recognize their skills but also motivate other employees to achieve similar
financial stability.
  • 401: Unauthorized User tried to access without being logged in.

  • 404: Not found Business currently has 0 users (Business user excluded).

  • 500: Internal Server Error

Get analytics API Documentation


GET /expense/analytics/expenses-by-category


Endpoint for a user to get a graph that will contain all categories and for each category will be the amount for all expenses lies in that category and an AI consultion that will give some advices for the future.

Request Body

Field Type Description Required
startDate Date beggining of time interval Yes
endDate Date Ending of time interval Yes


  • 200: OK Response has been generated and sent to the user. Example Value:

Expense by Categroy:
huge | ================================================== 103500

Based on the given ASCII graph, it seems that the "huge" category has the highest expense with a value of 103,500. To
improve spending and increase profitability, it is essential to focus on this specific category. Analyzing the expenses
within the "huge" category and identifying areas where costs can be reduced or optimized would be a good starting point.
By carefully reviewing the expenditures associated with this category, you can identify potential cost-saving measures
and evaluate their impact on overall profitability. It may also be beneficial to explore opportunities for increasing
revenue or finding ways to generate additional income. Striving for efficiency in managing expenses while maximizing
revenue streams will help in achieving better financial results.
  • 400: Bad request Any missing attribute

  • 401: Unauthorized User tried to access without being logged in.

  • 500: Internal Server Error

Get a prediction to promote API Documentation


GET /expense/analytics/predict-me


Endpoint for a user to get a prediction from an AI model that analyze history and give a prediction for future spending.

Request Body

Empty body.


  • 200: OK Response has been generated and sent to the user. Example Value:

Based on the provided data, it seems that you spent 34,500 units of currency on October 10, 2023, three times in a row.
If this is the complete dataset, there is not enough information to predict your future spending accurately or calculate
the spending velocity.

To make predictions and determine spending velocity, more historical data covering a range of dates and amounts would be
required. Additionally, factors such as income, expenses, and personal financial goals should be taken into account to
provide a comprehensive analysis of your spending behavior and evaluate whether it is considered good or not.
  • 401: Unauthorized User tried to access without being logged in.

  • 500: Internal Server Error


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