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importvet is a Go linter which verifies that import paths in Go packages conform with the supplied specification.


Install importvet:

go get


Run importvet with Go package pattern to analyze:

importvet ./...

For each import which violates the specification, importvet reports diagnostic information:

./talos/internal/pkg/provision/request.go:11:2: import path
  "" is denied by config

importvet analyzes not only direct imports in the specified package pattern, but also transitive dependencies, that is package A imports package B (which is allowed by the specification), but package B imports package C which is denied, such import is reported:

./talos/internal/pkg/provision/providers/factory.go:11:2: import path is denied
  by config (via chain -> ->


Import specification is configured using rules which act like firewall: rules are executed top-down, last matching rule action is used. Rules evaluation might be stopped with stop: true.

Rules should be placed into file .importvet.yaml at any project subdirectory. importvet scans current directory for rules before linting is started, and applies configuration to matching packages by looking up closest rule file up in the tree. If more one rule file is found, importvet reports that as error.

Rule format:

action: allow|deny # action is required
stop: true # default is false
regexp: ^ # at least one of 'regexp', 'set' is required
set: std

Property regexp matches against canonical package import path. Property set allows to pull in some predefined package sets, at the moment the only set implemented is std which expands to list Go standard library packages.

Rule matches import path if both set and regexp match the import path (but empty set or regexp matches any import path).

Unless stop: true is specified, rule evaluation continues to the end of the rule list.

Default action is allow (if no rule matches or .importvet.yaml is missing).

Full .importvet.yaml looks like:

# .importvet.yaml
  - action: deny
    regexp: .+  - action: allow
    regexp: ^
  - action: allow
    set: std


imporvet can be used as golangci-lint plugin.

Details TBD.