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Cluster API Bootstrap Provider Talos (CABPT)


The Cluster API Bootstrap Provider Talos (CABPT) is a project by Sidero Labs that provides a Cluster API (CAPI) bootstrap provider for use in deploying Talos-based Kubernetes nodes across any environment. Given some basic info, this provider will generate bootstrap configurations for a given machine and reconcile the necessary custom resources for CAPI to pick up the generated data.


There are a few corequisites and assumptions that go into using this project:


CABPT provider should be installed alongside with CACPPT provider.

clusterctl init --bootstrap talos --control-plane talos --infrastructure <infrastructure provider>

If you encounter the following error, this is caused by a rename of our GitHub org from talos-systems to siderolabs.

$ clusterctl init -b talos -c talos -i sidero
Fetching providers
Error: failed to get provider components for the "talos" provider: target namespace can't be defaulted. Please specify a target namespace

This can be worked around by adding the following to ~/.cluster-api/clusterctl.yaml and rerunning the init command:

  - name: "talos"
    url: ""
    type: "BootstrapProvider"
  - name: "talos"
    url: ""
    type: "ControlPlaneProvider"
  - name: "sidero"
    url: ""
    type: "InfrastructureProvider"


This provider's versions are compatible with the following versions of Cluster API:

v1alpha3 (v0.3) v1alpha4 (v0.4) v1beta1 (v1.x)
CABPT (v0.5.x)
CABPT (v0.6.x)

This provider's versions are able to install and manage the following versions of Kubernetes:

v1.19 v1.20 v1.21 v1.22 v1.23 v1.24 v1.25 v1.26 v1.27 v1.28 v1.29 v1.30 v1.31
CABPT (v0.5.x)
CABPT (v0.6.x)

This provider's versions are compatible with the following versions of Talos:

v1.0 v1.1 v1.2 v1.3 v1.4 v1.5 v1.6 v1.7 v1.8
CABPT (v0.5.x)
CABPT (v0.6.x)

Note: CABPT is not compatible with multi-document Talos Linux machine configuration, as it relies on JSON patch to apply configuration patches.

CABPT generates machine configuration compatible with Talos Linux version specified in the talosVersion: field (see below).


CABPT is not used directly, but rather via CACPPT (TalosControlPlane) for control plane nodes or via MachineDeployment (MachinePool) for worker nodes. In either case, CABPT settings are passed via TalosConfigTemplate resource:

kind: TalosControlPlane
  name: mycluster-cp
      generateType: controlplane
      talosVersion: v1.6
kind: TalosConfigTemplate
  name: mycluster-workers
      generateType: worker
      talosVersion: v1.6

Fields available in the TalosConfigTemplate (and TalosConfig) resources:

  • generateType: Talos machine configuration type to generate (controlplane, init (deprecated), worker) or none for user-supplied configuration (see below)
  • talosVersion: version of Talos to generate machine configuration for (e.g. v1.0, patch version might be omitted). CABPT defaults to the latest supported Talos version, but it can generate configuration compatible with previous versions of Talos. It is recommended to always set this field explicitly to avoid issues when CABPT is upgraded to the version which supports new Talos version.
  • configPatches (optional): set of machine configuration patches to apply to the generated configuration.
  • data (only for generateType: none): user-supplied machine configuration.
  • hostname (optional): configure hostname in the generate machine configuration:
    • source (MachineName): set the hostname in the generated machine configuration to the Machine name (not supported with MachinePool deployments)

Generated Machine Configuration

When generateType is set to the machine type of the Talos nodes (controlplane for control plane nodes and worker for worker nodes), CABPT generates a set of cluster-wide secrets which are used to provision machine configuration for each node. Machine configuration generated is compatible with the Talos version set in the talosVersion field.

  generateType: controlplane
  talosVersion: v1.5

User-supplied Machine Configuration

In this mode CABPT passes through machine configuration set in data field as bootstrap data to the Machine. Machine configuration can be generated with talosctl gen config.

  generateType: none
  data: |
    version: v1alpha1
      type: controlplane

Configuration Patches

Machine configuration can be customized by applying configuration patches. Any field of the Talos machine configuration can be overridden on a per-machine basis using this method.

There are two patch formats supported by CABPT:

  • the JSON 6902 format that you may be used to in tools like kustomize;
  • strategic merge patches which look like incomplete machine configuration documents.

See Talos Linux documentation for more information on patching.

JSON 6902 patch:

  generateType: controlplane
  talosVersion: v1.6
    - op: replace
      path: /machine/install
        disk: /dev/sda
    - op: add
      path: /cluster/network/cni
        name: custom

Strategic merge patch:

  generateType: controlplane
  talosVersion: v1.6
    - |
          disk: /dev/sda
    - |
            name: custom

Retrieving talosconfig

Client-side talosconfig is required to access the cluster using Talos API. CABPT generates talosconfig for generated machine configuration and stores it as <cluster>-talosconfig secret in cluster's namespace.

talosconfig can be retrieved with:

kubectl get secret --namespace <cluster-namespace> <cluster-name>-talosconfig -o jsonpath='{.data.talosconfig}' | base64 -d > cluster-talosconfig
talosctl config merge cluster-talosconfig
talosctl -n <IP> version

CABPT updates endpoints in the talosconfig based on control plane Machine addresses.


CABPT reconciles TalosConfig resources. Once TalosConfig and its associated Machine are ready, CABPT generates machine configuration and stores it in the <machine>-bootstrap-data Secret. Kubernetes cluster CA is stored in the <cluster>-ca Secret. Cluster-wide shared secrets are stored in the <cluster>-talos Secret. Client-side Talos API configuration is stored in the <cluster>-talosconfig Secret.

As part of its operation, CABPT sets a number of Conditions on the TalosConfig/Status resource:

  • DataSecretAvailable: CABPT generated machine configuration in <machine>-bootstrap-data Secret, CABPT unblocks infrastructure provider to boot the Machine.
  • ClientConfigAvailableCondition: CABPT generated Talos client configuration in <cluster>-talosconfig Secret.
$ kubectl describe talosconfig talosconfig-cp-0
    Last Transition Time:  2021-10-25T20:54:09Z
    Status:                True
    Type:                  Ready
    Last Transition Time:  2021-10-25T20:54:09Z
    Status:                True
    Type:                  ClientConfigAvailable
    Last Transition Time:  2021-10-25T20:54:09Z
    Status:                True
    Type:                  DataSecretAvailable
  Data Secret Name:        cp-0-bootstrap-data

If CABPT fails to perform its operations, it stores error message for the respective Condition.

    Last Transition Time:  2021-10-25T20:54:09Z
    Message:               failure applying rfc6902 patches to talos machine config: add operation does not apply: doc is missing path: "/machine/time/servers": missing value
    Reason:                DataSecretGenerationFailed
    Severity:              Error
    Status:                False

These statuses are also presented in the clusterctl describe cluster --show-conditions all output.


This project can be built simply by running make release from the root directory. Doing so will create a file called _out/bootstrap-talos/<version>/bootstrap-components.yaml. If you wish, you can tweak settings by editing the release yaml. This file can then be installed into your management cluster with kubectl apply -f _out/bootstrap-components.yaml.


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