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Helm chart for Home Assistant

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This chart bootstraps a Home Assistant deployment on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager.

It is updated automatically with each new release of Home Assistant, ensuring you always have access to the latest features and improvements.


  • Automatic Updates: The chart is updated with each new release of Home Assistant.
  • Flexibility: Extensive configuration options to tailor Home Assistant to your needs.
  • Addons Support: Extend Home Assistant's functionality with supported addons, such as code-server.

Quick Start

To deploy Home Assistant using this Helm chart, follow these steps:

$ helm repo add pajikos
$ helm repo update
$ helm install home-assistant pajikos/home-assistant

This will deploy Home Assistant with the default configuration. See the Configuration section for details on customizing the deployment.

Tip: List all releases using helm list

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall/delete the home-assistant deployment:

$ helm delete home-assistant

The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.


The following table lists the configurable parameters of the Home Assistant chart and their default values.

Home Assistant Helm Chart

This document provides detailed configuration options for the Home Assistant Helm chart.

Parameter Description Default
replicaCount Number of replicas for the deployment 1
image.repository Repository for the Home Assistant image
image.pullPolicy Image pull policy IfNotPresent
image.tag Overrides the image tag (default is the chart appVersion) ""
image.imagePullSecrets List of imagePullSecrets for private image repositories []
nameOverride Override the default name of the Helm chart ""
fullnameOverride Override the default full name of the Helm chart ""
serviceAccount.create Specifies whether a service account should be created true
serviceAccount.annotations Annotations to add to the service account {} The name of the service account to use ""
podAnnotations Annotations to add to the pod {}
podSecurityContext Pod security context settings {}
env Environment variables []
envFrom Use environment variables from ConfigMaps or Secrets []
hostNetwork Specifies if the containers should be started in hostNetwork mode. false
dnsPolicy Specifies the dnsPolicy for the pod. false
hostPort.enabled Enable 'hostPort' or not false
hostPort.port Port number 8123
dnsConfig Override the default dnsConfig and set your own nameservers or ndots, among other options {}
service.type Service type (ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer, or ExternalName) ClusterIP
service.port Service port 8080
service.annotations Annotations to add to the service {}
ingress.enabled Enable ingress for Home Assistant false
resources Resource settings for the container {}
nodeSelector Node selector settings for scheduling the pod on specific nodes {}
tolerations Tolerations settings for scheduling the pod based on node taints []
affinity Affinity settings for controlling pod scheduling {}
persistence.enabled Enables the creation of a Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) for Home Assistant. false
persistence.accessMode The access mode of the PVC. ReadWriteOnce
persistence.size The size of the PVC to create. 5Gi
persistence.storageClass The storage class to use for the PVC. If empty, the default storage class is used. ""
persistence.existingVolume The name of an existing Persistent Volume to bind to. This bypasses dynamic provisioning. ""
persistence.matchLabels Label selectors to apply when binding to an existing Persistent Volume. {}
persistence.matchExpressions Expression selectors to apply when binding to an existing Persistent Volume. {}
additionalVolumes Additional volumes to be mounted in the home assistant container []
additionalVolumeMounts Additional volume mounts to be mounted in the home assistant container []
initContainers List of initialization containers []
configuration.enabled Enable or disable the configuration setup for Home Assistant false
configuration.forceInit Force init will merge the current configuration file with the default configuration on every start true
configuration.trusted_proxies List of trusted proxies in CIDR notation ["", "", "", ""]
configuration.templateConfig Template for the configuration.yaml file See Advanced Configuration
configuration.initScript Init script for Home Assistant initialization See values.yaml for the complete configuration options
configuration.initContainer Configuration for the init container See values.yaml for the complete configuration options
addons.codeserver.enabled Enable or disable the code-server addon false
addons.codeserver.resources Resource settings for the code-server container {}
addons.codeserver.image.repository Repository for the code-server image
addons.codeserver.image.pullPolicy Image pull policy for the code-server image IfNotPresent
addons.codeserver.image.tag Tag for the code-server image latest released version, automatically updated
addons.codeserver.service.type Service type for the code-server addon ClusterIP
addons.codeserver.service.port Service port for the code-server addon 12321
addons.codeserver.ingress.enabled Enable or disable the ingress for the code-server addon false
addons.codeserver.ingress.hosts Hosts for the code-server addon []
addons.codeserver.ingress.tls TLS settings for the code-server addon []
addons.codeserver.ingress.annotations Annotations for the code-server addon {}


The default configuration of this chart uses an emptyDir volume for persistence, which means that data is lost when the pod is removed. To enable persistent storage that survives pod restarts and redeployments, you can configure the chart to use a Persistent Volume Claim (PVC).

Enabling Persistence

To enable persistence, set persistence.enabled to true. You can also specify the desired accessMode and size for the PVC. By default, the accessMode is set to ReadWriteOnce, and there is no default storage class (storageClass: ""), meaning the cluster's default storage class will be used.

  enabled: true
  accessMode: ReadWriteOnce
  size: 5Gi
  storageClass: ""

Using an Existing Volume

If you already have a Persistent Volume (PV) that you wish to use, you can specify the name of this existing volume in the persistence.existingVolume field. This will direct the chart to use the specified PV, bypassing dynamic volume provisioning.

  enabled: true
  existingVolume: "my-existing-volume"

When using an existing volume, ensure that the accessMode and size specified in the chart values match the capabilities and capacity of the existing PV.


You can further refine the selection of an existing PV using matchLabels or matchExpressions under the persistence section. These selectors will be used to match the existing PVs based on their labels.

  enabled: true
    type: fast-ssd
    - key: ""
      operator: "In"
      values: ["us-west-1a"]

Note: When specifying an existingVolume, ensure that the PV is not already bound to another PVC, as a PV can only be bound to a single PVC at a time.


To enable ingress for Home Assistant, set ingress.enabled to true. In addition, you can specify the ingress.hosts and ingress.tls values. The default values are [] and [] respectively. The second option is to set service.type to NodePort or LoadBalancer (when ingress is not available in your cluster)

HostPort and HostNetwork

To enable hostPort, set hostPort.enabled to true. In addition, you can specify the hostPort.port value. The default value is 8123. To enable hostNetwork, set hostNetwork to true. HostNetwork is required for auto-discovery of Home Assistant, when not using auto-discovery, hostNetwork is not required and not recommended.


The Home Assistant chart supports the following addons:

Additional volumes and volume mounts

To add additional volumes and volume mounts, you can use the additionalVolumes and additionalVolumeMounts values. The default values are []. Example mounting usb devices:

  - hostPath:
      path: >-
      type: CharDevice
    name: usb

  - mountPath: /dev/ttyACM0
    name: usb

Note: When mounting usb devices, you need to set the securityContext.privileged value to true.

Advanced Configuration

Init Containers

Use init containers to perform tasks before starting Home Assistant, such as waiting for a dependency:

  - name: init-myservice
    image: busybox
    command: ['sh', '-c', 'until nslookup myservice; do echo waiting for myservice; sleep 2; done;']

Home Assistant Configuration

Customize Home Assistant's configuration directly through the Helm chart:

# Configuration for Home Assistant
  # Enable or disable the configuration setup for Home Assistant
  enabled: true
  # Force init will merge the current configuration file with the default configuration on every start
  # This is useful when you want to ensure that the configuration file is always up to date
  forceInit: true
  # List of trusted proxies in the format of CIDR notation in a case of using a reverse proxy
  # Here is the list of the most common private IP ranges, use your list of possible trusted proxies, usually, it's the IP of the reverse proxy
    -      # Add the IP address of your cluster CIDR
  # Editing templateConfig allows you to customize the configuration.yaml file
  # You can use Go template functions to customize the configuration
  templateConfig: |-
    # Loads default set of integrations. Do not remove.

    {{- if .Values.ingress.enabled }}
      use_x_forwarded_for: true
        {{- range .Values.configuration.trusted_proxies }}
        - {{ . }}
        {{- end }}
    {{- end}}
    # Load frontend themes from the themes folder
      themes: !include_dir_merge_named themes

    automation: !include automations.yaml
    script: !include scripts.yaml
    scene: !include scenes.yaml

This allows for dynamic configuration based on your Helm values.


To enable the code-server addon, set addons.codeserver.enabled to true. In addition, you can specify the addons.codeserver.resources values. The default value is {}. To be able to access the code-server addon, you need to enable the ingress for the code-server addon by setting addons.codeserver.ingress.enabled to true or setting service.type to NodePort or LoadBalancer.