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Ruby client for the Cloud API with an object-oriented interface

Note: this is not an official gem by Particle. It is maintained by Julien Vanier.


# Install via Rubygems
$ gem install particlerb

# or add to your Gemfile
gem "particlerb", "~> 1.4.0"

# Require the gem
require 'particle'

Providing credentials

A Particle cloud API access token is necessary for most requests. You can use the one from the Web IDE for testing, but it's recommended to generate a new token with this gem using Particle.login or with the Particle CLI using particle token new

# Provide acess token as an environment variable

# Or configure global authentication credentials
# If you use Rails, you can put this in config/initializers/particle.rb
Particle.configure do |c|
  c.access_token = "38bb7b318cc6898c80317decb34525844bc9db55"

# Or pass access token when creating a client
# If no token is passed to, the global or environment one is used
client = "38bb7b318cc6898c80317decb34525844bc9db55")

Making requests

API methods are available as module methods (consuming module-level configuration) or as client instance methods.

# Fetch the list of devices using the global client
# This is equivalent to

# Or used a newly created client
client =
# Fetch the list of devices

When using this gem in a multi-threaded program like a Rails application running on the puma server, it's safer to use in each thread rather than using the global Particle.client.

Interacting with devices

List all devices. Returns an Array of Particle::Device.

devices = Particle.devices

Get a Particle::Device by id or name.

device = Particle.device('blue_fire')
device = Particle.device('f8bbe1e6e69e05c9c405ba1ca504d438061f1b0d')

Get information about a device.

device = Particle.device('blue_fire')
device.attributes     # Hash of all attributes             # ==> 'f8bbe1e6e69e05c9c405ba1ca504d438061f1b0d'           # ==> 'blue_fire'
device.connected?     # true
device.platform_name  # "Core" or "Photon"
device.variables      # {:myvar => "double" } or nil if not connected
device.functions      # ["myfunction"] or nil if not connected
device.get_attributes # forces refresh of all attributes from the cloud

# If you get a Device from the Particle.devices call, you will need to call
# get_attributes to get the list of functions and variables since that's not
# returned by the cloud when calling Particle.devices
device = Particle.devices.first
device.connected?     # ==> true
device.functions      # ==> nil
device.functions      # ==> ["myfunction"]

Claim a device by id and add it to your account. Returns a Particle::Device.


Remove a device from your account. Returns true on success.


Rename a device. Returns true on success.


Call a function on the firmware with an optional String argument. Returns the result of running the function as as Number.

Particle.devices.first.function('digitalWrite', '1')'brew') # aliased as call

Get the value of a firmware variable. Returns the result as a String or Number.

Particle.device('mycar').variable('battery') # ==> 12.33
device = Particle.device('f8bbe1e6e69e05c9c405ba1ca504d438061f1b0d')
device.variable('version') # ==> "1.0.1"
device.get('version') # aliased as get

Ping a device to see if it is online. Returns true when online.


Signal a device to start blinking the RGB LED in rainbow patterns. Returns whether the device is signaling.


Create a new device for a product that allows self-provisioning. Currently only the Raspberry Pi (product id 31) allows this. Returns the new device. You can then claim the device when it is online.

device = Particle.provision_device(product_id: 31)
# Wait for device to be online

Update the public key for a device. The public key must be in PEM format. See <spec/fixtures/> for an example.

public_key ='')
Particle.device('f8bbe1e6e69e05c9c405ba1ca504d438061f1b0d').update_public_key(public_key, algorithm: 'rsa')

See the Particle Cloud API documentation about devices for more details.

Interacting with events

Publish an event to your devices. Returns true on success.

Particle.publish(name: "wakeup")
Particle.publish(name: "server_ip", data: "", ttl: 3600, private: true)

Data, ttl and private are optional.

Data is converted to JSON if it is a Hash or an Array, otherwise it is converted to a String.

See the Particle Cloud API documentation about publishing events for more details.

Limitation: Subscribe not supported

This gem does not support subscribing (listening) to events from devices.

This would require an HTTP client that supports streaming responses which is not common in Ruby. Some clients like EM-HTTP-Request do support streaming responses, but are tied to specific architectures like EventMachine.

For web server applications, webhooks are better suited to process incoming events.

Interacting with webhooks

List existing webhooks. Returns an Array of Particle::Webhook


Get info about an existing webhook by id. Returns a Particle::Webhook

webhook = Particle.webhook('ffcddbd30b860ea3cadd22db')

Calling attributes will also send a test message to your webhook url and report the response or error.


webhook = Particle.webhooks.first
webhook.get_attributes # force reloading attributes from the cloud
# get_attributes necessary to get the response when Webhook was returned from the
# Particle.webhooks() method as it doesn't do a test message on each webhook

Create a new webhook. Pass a hash of any options accepted by the Particle Cloud API. Returns a Particle::Webhook

Particle.webhook(event: "weather", url: "").create

Currently the available options are:

  • event
  • url
  • requestType (HTTP method)
  • deviceid
  • headers
  • form
  • json
  • query
  • auth
  • mydevices
  • rejectUnauthorized

Remove a webhook. Returns true on success.

webhook = Particle.webhooks.first
Particle.webhooks.each(&:remove) # remove all

See the Particle Cloud API documentation about webhooks for more details.


Replace the access token on a client

Particle.access_token = 'f1d52ea0de921fad300027763d8c5ebd03b1934d'

# On client instance
client =
client.access_token = 'f1d52ea0de921fad300027763d8c5ebd03b1934d'

All these following methods requires the account username (email) and password.

List all tokens that can be used to access an account. Returns an Array of Particle::Token

Particle.tokens("[email protected]", "pa$$w0rd")

Log in and create a new token. Returns a Particle::Token. This will also set the token on the client for future calls.

Particle.login("[email protected]", "pa$$w0rd")

Create a token but don't set it on the client. Returns a Particle::Token

Particle.token.create("[email protected]", "pa$$w0rd")

login and token.create take an optional hash of options.

  • expires_in: number of seconds that the token will be valid
  • expires_at: Date when the token will become invalid
  • client: a Particle OAuth client to use. Defaults to particle.
  • secret: the corresponding OAuth secret. Defaults to particle.
  • grant_type: Type of OAuth authentication flow to use. Defaults to 'password'

Invalidate and delete a token. Returns true on success.

Particle.token('f1d52ea0de921fad300027763d8c5ebd03b1934d').remove("[email protected]", "pa$$w0rd")
Particle.tokens.first.remove("[email protected]", "pa$$w0rd")

See the Particle Cloud API documentation about authentication and token for more details.

Compiling and flashing

Flash new firmware from source. Returns a result struct

result = device.flash('blink_led.ino')
result.ok # ==> true

result = device.flash('bad_code.ino')
result.ok # ==> false
result.errors # ==> "Compiler errors\n...\n"

device.flash(Dir.glob('firmware/*') # all files in a directory
device.flash('application.bin', binary: true)

Compile firmware for a specific device, platform or product. Returns a result struct

result = device.compile('blink_led.ino')
result.ok # ==> true
result.binary_id # ==> "559061e16b4ba27e4602c5c8"

Particle.compile(Dir.glob('firmware/*', platform: :core) # or :photon
Particle.compile(Dir.glob('firmware/*', product_id: 1) # meaning depends on your account

Download a compiled binary. Returns the result bytes

result = device.compile('blink_led.ino')
binary = Particle.download_binary(result.binary_id)'application.bin', 'w') { |f| f.write(binary) }

See the Particle Cloud API documentation about firmware for more details.


Interact with firmware libraries.

List most popular libraries. Response array has pagination.

libs = Particle.libraries
libs.each { |lib| puts }
libs.next_page if libs.has_next?

libs = Particle.libraries name: "gps"

Get details about a library.

lib = Particle.library("internet_button")
puts "#{}@#{lib.version}: #{lib.sentence}"

See the Particle Cloud API documentation about libraries for more details.

OAuth Clients

Interact with OAuth clients used to authenticate requests with the Particle cloud. See Authentication.

List OAuth clients. Returns an Array of Particle::OAuthClinet.

clients = Particle.oauth_clients
clients.each { |client| puts }

Create an OAuth client. Returns a Particle::OAuthClient. Note that this is the only time that the secret attribute will be returned by the Particle API.

client = Particle.create_oauth_client(name: "my-client", type: "installed")
puts "OAuth client ID: #{} OAuth client secret: #{client.secret}"

Remove an OAuth client by id. Returns true on success.

client = Particle.oauth_clients.first


particlerb has partial support for interacting with your Particle products.

Returns all products that your account has access to


Return the Particle product associated with a device


Is the device a development kit (Photon, Electron, etc) or part of a custom product?


Returns firmware for the given version



When any API error occurs, a subclass of Particle::Error will be raised.

The actual error classes are

  • MissingTokenError
  • BadRequest
  • Unauthorized
  • Forbidden
  • NotFound
  • TimedOut
  • ServerError

See a description of each error on the Particle API docs.

This gem uses the Faraday HTTP client library, so API call may raise Faraday::ClientError for things like SSL errors, DNS errors, HTTP connection timed out.


Some Particle API endpoints are not implemented yet

List devices in a product

Import devices into a product

Remove a device from a product

Update an OAuth client

Add device notes

Create a device claim code

Request a device transfer

Approve/deny a quarantined device

All SIM card endpoints (list, data usage, activate, deactivate, set data limit, release from account)

Integrations that are not webhooks

All product firmware endpoints (list, get, upload, edit, download, release)

Get library versions

Upload library

Publish library

Main product endpoints (list, get, invite team member, remove team member)

Product functionality for many of the existing endpoints like device, firmware, etc


All API endpoints are availble directly on the client object as method calls like Particle.claim_device(id) but the preferred usage is to call methods on domain objects like Particle.device(id).claim. See the various Particle::Client subclasses for more details.

Environment variables with .env

If you are loading environment variables with the dotenv gem and use the PARTICLE_ACCESS_TOKEN environment variable, add this as the first gem in your Gemfile to ensure that the environment variables are loaded before the particlerb gem is required.

gem 'dotenv-rails', :require => 'dotenv/rails-now'

Accessing HTTP responses

While most methods return a domain object like Device, sometimes you may need access to the raw HTTP response headers. You can access the last HTTP response with Client#last_response:

device   = Particle.device('123456').claim
response = Particle.last_response
headers  = response.headers


This gem uses the VCR gem to record and replay HTTP requests.

To run the tests using pre-recorded HTTP requests:

$ bundle install
$ bundle exec rake spec

To run the test against the real API, you will need an account with Particle and a device added to your account.

Set the following environment variables:

  • TEST_PARTICLE_USERNAME: your Particle user email
  • TEST_PARTICLE_PASSWORD: your Particle password
  • TEST_PARTICLE_ACCESS_TOKEN: a Particle access token. You can get this from the web IDE
  • TEST_PARTICLE_DEVICE_IDS: a comma separated list of your device ids. You can get this from the Particle CLI particle list
  • TEST_PARTICLE_OAUTH_CLIENT: a valid Particle OAuth client
  • TEST_PARTICLE_OAUTH_SECRET: the corresponding OAuth secret

Make sure the first Particle device in TEST_PARTICLE_DEVICE_IDS is online and run

$ bundle install
$ bundle exec rake spec:rerecord


Open a GitHub issue if you find a bug.

Join the conversion on the awesome Particle community forums to discuss any other topic!


particlerb follows the Semantic Versioning standard.


  • Bump the version in version.rb
  • Describe the changes
  • Commit with message Version x.y.z
  • Tag the commit with vx.y.z
  • Run final tests with rake
  • Publish the release to RubyGems with rake release


This gem is heavily inspired by Octokit by GitHub. I stand on the shoulder of giants. Thanks!

Octokit is copyright (c) 2009-2014 Wynn Netherland, Adam Stacoviak, Erik Michaels-Ober and licensed under the MIT license.


Copyright (c) 2015 Julien Vanier

This gem is available under the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3.0


Ruby client for the API







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