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VueJs Component for displaying an overview of a multiple sequence alignment


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Vue component for displaying phylogenetic trees



npm install --save vue-phylogram


  • Sources: json or newick
  • Zoom & Pan
  • Display branch lengths or not
  • Circular or linear layout
  • Metadata on nodes, branches and labels (size, color)
  • Display pies on nodes
  • Collapse nodes

Browse the tree

  • Zoom with the mouse wheel
  • Drag & drop to move into the tree
  • Hover a node or a label to increase its size
  • Select/Deselect a node by clicking on it and by choosing "Select/Deselect" in the menu
  • Collapse/Expand a node by clicking on it and by choosing "Collapse/Expand" in the menu

Import in a .vue file

import { VuePhylogram } from 'vue-phylogram';

Data Sources

The following tree can be represented by two formats : newick or json object.

Simple tree

From newick

<Phylogram :newick="newick"></Phylogram>
 data () {
    return {
		newick : "(((A:0.2, B:0.3):0.3,(C:0.5, D:0.3):0.2):0.3, E:0.7):1.0"

From Json String

Be careful, after the version 2.1.2, inputTree is not an object anymore but a String.

<Phylogram :inputTree="tree"></Phylogram>

Each node can have these attributes :

  • id : if not, will be computed. Be careful, to map metadata on nodes, they must have an id.
  • name : if not, the node label won't be displayed.
  • length : the length of the branch before the node. If not, the length will be 0.
  • branchset : the list of the nodes starting from this node. If absent, the node will be a leaf of the tree.
 data () {
    return {
		tree: `{
        "id": "ABCDE",
        "branchset": [
            "id": "ABCD",
            "length": 0.2,
            "branchset": [
                "length": 0.3,
                "id": "AB",
                "name": "AB",
                "branchset": [
                    "name": "A",
                    "id": "A",
                    "length": 0.2
                    "id": "B",
                    "name": "B",
                    "length": 0.3
                "length": 0.2,
                "id": "CD",
                "name": "CD",
                "branchset": [
                    "id": "C",
                    "name": "C",
                    "length": 0.5
                    "id": "D",
                    "name": "D",
                    "length": 0.3
            "id": "E",
            "name": "E",
            "length": 0.7

Generic layout

These props set up the generic layout :

  • width (default : 600)
  • height (default : 400)
  • margin (default : {top:10, right;10, bottom:10, left:10})
  • labelWidth : space allowed to display the labels (default : 200)

## Display a cladogram or a phylogram

A cladogram does not represent the branch lengths instead of the phylogram.

Display a phylogram (default)


<Phylogram :newick="newick"></Phylogram>


<Phylogram :newick="newick" :branch-lengths="true" ></Phylogram>


<Phylogram :newick="newick" branch-lengths ></Phylogram>

Display a cladogram


<Phylogram :newick="newick" :branch-lengths="false" ></Phylogram>

Display tree with right or smooth angles

Display tree with right angles (default)

<Phylogram :newick="newick" right-angle></Phylogram>
<Phylogram :newick="newick" :right-angle="true" ></Phylogram>

Display tree with smooth angles

Smooth Phylogram

<Phylogram :newick="newick" :right-angle="false" ></Phylogram>

Circular layout


By default, the tree is displayed in a linear way. If you want to display the tree as a circle:

<Phylogram :newick="newick" circular ></Phylogram>

Display leaves

Leaves are displayed by default. To hide them:

<Phylogram :newick="newick" :display-leaves="false" ></Phylogram>

Display inner nodes

Inner nodes are hiddent by default. To show them:

<Phylogram :newick="newick" :display-inner-nodes="true" ></Phylogram>

## Display leaf labels

The leaf labels are displayed by default. To hide them:

<Phylogram :newick="newick" :display-leaf-labels="false" ></Phylogram>

Display inner labels

The inner labels are hidden by default. To show them:

<Phylogram :newick="newick" :display-inner-labels="true" ></Phylogram>

Align labels

By default, labels are displayed close to the nodes. If you want to right align them :

<Phylogram :newick="newick" align-labels ></Phylogram>

Space for labels

If you want to increase or reduce the width of the space assigned to the labels, use the label-width prop:

<Phylogram :newick="newick" :label-width=400 ></Phylogram>

Display support values

Support values (e.g bootstrap values) can be read from newick string following the two ways described [here](https://link.

In the json object, the source node must have a key called "support":

"branchset": [
            "id": "ABCD",
            "length": 0.2,
            "branchset": [
                "length": 0.3,
                "id": "AB",
                "name": "AB",
                "branchset": [


Branch colors

Color branches

<Phylogram :inputTree="tree" :branch-styles="branchStyles">

The branches are identified by the node that they reach (type:'to') or that they start from (type:'from') or both (type:'both') (default)

branchStyles: {
            CD: {
              color: 'green',
              type: 'from'
            ABCD: {
              color: 'orange',
              type: 'to'
            AB: {
              color: 'brown',
              type: 'both'

Node styles

Node Styles

Size and color can be set for each leaf node

<Phylogram :inputTree="tree" :node-styles="nodeStyles">
nodeStyles: {
            C: {
              size: 3,
              color: 'orange'
            B: {
              size: 0.5

Label styles

<Phylogram :inputTree="tree" :label-styles="labelStyles">

Label Styles

Background, border and stroke colors can set for each label.

<Phylogram :inputTree="tree" :label-styles="labelStyles">
  labelStyles: {
            A: {
              color: 'orange',
              background: 'darkgreen',
              borderWidth: 2
            C: {
              background: 'yellow'
            D: {
              borderWidth: 1
            E: {
              borderWidth: 4,
              borderColor: 'red'

Display pies on nodes


Hover a part of the pie to display the corresponding values.

<Phylogram :inputTree="tree" :pies="pies">

Be careful, the ids of the nodes must be well specified.

pies: {
            A: {
              data: [
                { label: 'value 1', value: 10, color: 'blue' },
                { label: 'value 2', value: 20, color: 'green' },
                { label: 'value 3', value: 30, color: 'red' }
              size: 5
            ABCD: {
              data: [
                { label: 'value 1', value: 50, color: 'blue' },
                { label: 'value 2', value: 80, color: 'green' },
                { label: 'value 3', value: 50, color: 'red' }
              size: 3
            CD: {
              data: [
                { label: 'value 1', value: 90, color: 'blue' },
                { label: 'value 2', value: 10, color: 'green' }
              size: 10

If you want to hide pies :

<Phylogram :inputTree="tree" :pies="pies" :show-pies="false">

Display glyphs beside leaves


<Phylogram :inputTree="tree" :glyphs="glyphs">

The glyphs must be an array with this format :

glyphs: [
              label: 'Good/Bad',
              categories: [
                  label: 'good',
                  style: { fill: 'green' },
                  ids: ['A', 'C']
                  label: 'bad',
                  style: { fill: 'red' },
                  ids: ['D', 'E']
              label: 'Yes/No',
              categories: [
                  label: 'yes',
                  style: { fill: 'cyan' },
                  ids: ['B']
                  label: 'no',
                  style: { fill: 'purple' },
                  ids: ['A', 'E']

If you want do hide glyphs:

<Phylogram :inputTree="tree" :glyphs="glyphs" :show-glyphs="false">

If you don't want that a tooltip is displayed when a glyph is hovered:

<Phylogram :inputTree="tree" :glyphs="glyphs" :show-glyph-labels="false">

Select nodes from props

Use the "selected" props and put the node ids separateb by commas.

<Phylogram :inputTree="tree" :selected="AB,E">

Collapse nodes from props

Use the "selected" props and put the node ids separateb by commas.

<Phylogram :inputTree="tree" :collapsed="AB,CD">

Layout mode

By default, branches are not ordered (layout-mode=0) To sort the branches by ascending length:

<Phylogram :inputTree="tree" :layout-mode="1">

To sort the branches by descending length:

<Phylogram :inputTree="tree" :layout-mode="2">


  • select-nodes: when the user selects or deselect one node, returns the array of the selected node ids.

  • collapse-nodes: when the user collapses a node or uncollapse a node, returns the array of the collapsed node ids.

  • click-node

  • right-click-node

  • hover-node

  • click-outside : click outside the nodes

  • click-label

  • right-click-label

  • hover-label

Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Run your unit tests

npm run test:unit

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.


VueJs Component for displaying an overview of a multiple sequence alignment







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