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Primitives for creating high performance file explorers with React

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  • Zero-recursion, expandable tree
  • Virtualization, only render what is visible
  • Create/delete/move/rename actions
  • Drag and drop
  • Hotkeys
  • Multiselect
  • Traits, add class names to selections, focused elements, anything
  • Filtering/search
  • Tree snapshot restoration for persisting the expanded state of the tree between refreshes
  • Strongly typed so you can engineer with confidence
  • Concurrent mode safe, ready for React 18

The problem

File explorers in React tend to be large, slow, and opinionated. They usually peter out at a hundred nodes and aren't suitable for building a complex file explorer in the browser. Other solutions like Aspen aimed to solve this problem by using typed arrays (which don't seem to offer much benefit in performance) and event-driven models. They did a pretty job, however, the documentation was sparse and the code was verbose. All that said, Aspen and Monaco's tree were huge inspirations.

The solution

With this library I tried to solve all of those problems. It's built on plain JavaScript arrays, well-designed data structures, an event-driven model, and concurrent mode-safe React hooks. It does just enough to be extremely powerful without being opinionated about styles, hotkeys, or traits. It's also performant enough to be used in browser integrated development environments. It makes sure React only renders what changes without render thrashing.

Most importantly - it's easy to use. So check out the recipes below and give it a try!


☀︎ Coming soon

  1. How to create a new file or directory to the tree
  2. How to delete a file or directory from the tree
  3. How to rename a file
  4. How to implement drag 'n drop with multiselect
  5. How to add traits to files/directories
  6. How to add your own hotkeys
  7. How to do perfom an action when a file is selected (opened)
  8. How to filter the list of visible files/directories
  9. How to write your own file tree plugin
  10. How to restore the state of the file tree from local storage

React API


Create a file tree that can be used with the React API.


Name Type Required? Description
getNodes GetNodes<Meta> Yes A function that returns the nodes of the file tree.
config FileTreeConfig<Meta> No Configuration options for the file tree.


type GetNodes<Meta> = {
   * Get the nodes for a given directory
   * @param parent - The parent directory to get the nodes for
   * @param factory - A factory to create nodes (file/dir) with
  (parent: Dir<Meta>, factory: Omit<FileTreeFactory<Meta>, "createPrompt">):
    | Promise<FileTreeNode<Meta>[]>
    | FileTreeNode<Meta>[];


type FileTreeConfig<Meta> = {
   * A function that compares two nodes for sorting.
  comparator?: FileTree["comparator"];
   * The root node data
  root?: Omit<FileTreeData<Meta>, "type">;
   * Restore the tree from a snapshot
  restoreFromSnapshot?: FileTreeSnapshot;

Returns FileTree

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A hook similar to react-window's FixedSizeList component. It allows you to render only enough components to fill a viewport, solving some important performance bottlenecks when rendering large lists.


Name Type Required? Description
fileTree FileTree<Meta> Yes A file tree
config UseVirtualizeConfig Yes Configuration options


Name Type Required? Description
windowRef WindowRef Yes A React ref created by useRef() or an HTML element for the container viewport you're rendering the list inside of.
nodeHeight number Yes The fixed height (in px) of each node in your list.
nodeGap number No Optionally set a gap (in px) between each node in your list.
nodes number[] No When using a hook like useFilter you can supply the filtered list of nodes to this option. By default, useVirtualize() uses the nodes returned by useVisibleNodes()
overscanBy number No This number is used for determining the number of nodes outside of the visible window to render. The default value is 2 which means "render 2 windows worth (2 * height) of content before and after the items in the visible window". A value of 3 would be 3 windows worth of grid cells, so it's a linear relationship. Overscanning is important for preventing tearing when scrolling through items in the grid, but setting too high of a value may create too much work for React to handle, so it's best that you tune this value accordingly.
ResizeObserver ResizeObserver No This hook uses a ResizeObserver for tracking the size of the viewport. If you need to polyfill ResizeObserver you can provide that polyfill here. By default, we use the ResizeObserver from the window global.

Returns UseVirtualizeResult

interface UseVirtualizeResult<Meta> {
   * The current scroll position of the viewport
  scrollTop: number;
   * `true` if the viewport is currently scrolling
  isScrolling: boolean;
   * Scroll to the viewport a given position
   * @param scrollTop - The new scroll position
   * @param config - Configuration options
    scrollTop: number,
    config: Pick<ScrollToNodeConfig, "behavior">
  ): void;
   * Scroll to a given node by its ID
   * @param nodeId - The node ID to scroll to
   * @param config - Configuration options
  scrollToNode(nodeId: number, config?: ScrollToNodeConfig): void;
   * Props that should be applied to the container you're mapping your virtualized
   * nodes into.
  props: VirtualizeContainerProps;
   * Calls a defined render function on each node and returns an array that
   * contains the resulting React elements.
   * @param render - A callback that renders a node.
    render: (config: VirtualizeRenderProps<Meta>) => React.ReactElement
  ): React.ReactElement[];

interface VirtualizeRenderProps<Meta> {
   * A stable key as required by React elements that are included in arrays
  key: number;
   * The index of the node within the list of visible nodes
  index: number;
   * A file tree node
  node: FileTreeNode<Meta>;
   * The file tree that contains the node
  tree: FileTree<Meta>;
   * Styles that need to be applied to the node element
  style: React.CSSProperties;

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A React component that renders a node in a file tree with plugins. This can be directly paired with the useVirtualize() hook.

Node Props

Name Type Required? Description
as React.ComponentType<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>> No Render the node as this component. Defaults to "div".
node FileTreeNode<Meta> Yes A file tree node
index number Yes The index of the node within the file tree list of visible nodes
tree FileTree<Meta> Yes The file tree that contains the node
style React.CSSProperties Yes Styles to apply to the <div> element
children React.ReactNode Yes Children to render within the node

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A plugin that creates and memoizes node-specific props.


Name Type Required? Description
fileTree FileTree<Meta> Yes A file tree
config Pick<NodeProps<Meta>, "node" | "index" | "style"> Yes Options to generate node-specific props from


A hook that observes to updates to the file tree and returns the nodes that are currently visible in the file tree.


Name Type Required? Description
fileTree FileTree<Meta> Yes A file tree

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A hook that observes to plugins and retrieves props that should be applied to a given node. An example of a plugin wouuld be the useTraits() hook. The <Node> component uses this under the hood.


Name Type Required? Description
nodeId number Yes The node ID used to retrieve props from a plugin
plugins NodePlugin[] Yes A list of file tree plugins


type NodePlugin<T = unknown> = {
   * A subject that the `useNodePlugins()` hook will observe to.
  didChange: Subject<T>;
   * A function that returns React props based on a node ID.
   * @param nodeId - The ID of a node in the file tree.
  getProps(nodeId: number): React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>;

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A hook that returns filtered visible nodes based on a filter function.


Name Type Required? Description
fileTree FileTree<Meta> Yes A file tree
filter ((node: FileTreeNode<Meta>, i: number) => boolean) | null Yes A stable callback (e.g. useCallback(() => {}, [])) that returns true if the node should be visible. This needs to be memoized or hoisted to the top level to ensure the filtered nodes only get re-generated when the filter changes or the file tree's visible nodes change.

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A plugin hook that allows you to arbitrarily apply traits/decorations to nodes in the file tree. For example, if you wanted to add a class name to a node in the tree if it were selected, focused, et. al. you could use this hook to do that. Another example would be the M modified decorations in VSCode.


Name Type Required? Description
fileTree FileTree<Meta> Yes A file tree
traits string[] Yes The list of available traits that can be applied to nodes

Returns UseTraitsPlugin

interface UseTraitsPlugin<Trait> {
   * A subject that you can use to observe to changes to traits.
  didChange: Subject<Map<string, Set<number>>>;
   * Get the React props for a given node ID.
   * @param nodeId - A node ID
  getProps(nodeId: number): TraitsProps;
   * Adds a trait to given node IDs
   * @param trait - The trait to apply to the given node IDs
   * @param nodeIds - Node IDs to add the traits to
  add(trait: Extract<Trait, string>, ...nodeIds: number[]): void;
   * Sets node IDs to a given trait. This is different from add in
   * that it replaces any exist node IDs assigned to the trait.
   * @param trait - The trait to apply to the given node IDs
   * @param nodeIds - Node IDs to add the traits to
  set(trait: Extract<Trait, string>, nodeIds: number[]): void;
   * Deletes a node ID from a given trait
   * @param trait - The trait
   * @param nodeId - The node ID to delete a trait for
  delete(trait: Extract<Trait, string>, nodeId: number): void;
   * Clears all of the node IDs assigned to a given trait
   * @param trait - The trait
  clear(trait: Extract<Trait, string>): void;
   * Clears all of the node IDs assigned to all traits
  clearAll(): void;
   * Clears the traits assigned to a given node ID
   * @param nodeId - A node ID
  clearNode(nodeId: number): void;

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A plugin hook for adding select and multi-select to the file tree.


Name Type Required? Description
fileTree FileTree<Meta> Yes A file tree
nodes number[] No When using a hook like useFilter you can supply the filtered list of nodes to this option. By default, useVirtualize() uses the nodes returned by useVisibleNodes()

Returns UseSelectionsPlugin

interface UseSelectionsPlugin {
   * A subject that you can use to observe to changes to selections.
  didChange: Subject<Set<number>>;
   * Get the React props for a given node ID.
   * @param nodeId - A node ID
  getProps(nodeId: number): SelectionsProps;
   * The head of the selections list
  get head(): number | null;
   * The tail of the selections list
  get tail(): number | null;
   * Select given node ids
   * @param nodeIds - Node IDs
  select(...nodeIds: number[]): void;
   * Deselect given node ids
   * @param nodeIds - Node IDs
  deselect(...nodeIds: number[]): void;
   * Clear all of the selections
  clear(): void;
   * A utility function that yields nodes from a set of selections if they
   * don't have a parent node in the set.
   * @yields {number} - A node id
  narrow(): Generator<number, void, unknown>;

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A plugin hook for adding drag and drop to the file tree.


Name Type Required? Description
fileTree FileTree<Meta> Yes A file tree
config UseDndConfig Yes A configuration object for the drag and drop plugin

Returns UseDndPlugin

interface UseDndPlugin {
   * A subject that emits drag 'n drop events.
  didChange: Subject<DndEvent<any> | null>;
   * Get the drag 'n drop props for a given node ID.
  getProps: (nodeId: number) => DndProps | React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>;


interface UseDndConfig {
   * Timeout for expanding a directory when a draggable element enters it.
  dragOverExpandTimeout?: number;
   * A React ref created by useRef() or an HTML element for the container viewport
   * you're rendering the list inside of.
  windowRef: WindowRef;

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A plugin hook for adding roving focus to file tree nodes.


Name Type Required? Description
fileTree FileTree<Meta> Yes A file tree

Returns UseRovingFocusPlugin

interface UseRovingFocusPlugin {
   * A subject that you can use to observe to changes to the focused node.
  didChange: Subject<number>;
   * Get the React props for a given node ID.
   * @param nodeId - A node ID
  getProps: (nodeId: number) => RovingFocusProps;

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A hook for adding standard hotkeys to the file tree.


Name Type Required? Description
fileTree FileTree<Meta> Yes A file tree
config UseHotkeysConfig No A configuration object for the hotkeys plugin


interface UseHotkeysConfig {
   * When using a hook like `useFilter` you can supply the filtered list of
   * nodes to this option. By default, `useVirtualize()` uses the nodes returned
   * by `useVisibleNodes()`
  nodes?: number[];
   * A React ref created by useRef() or an HTML element for the container viewport
   * you're rendering the list inside of.
  windowRef: WindowRef;
   * The returned value of the `useRovingFocus()` plugin
  rovingFocus: ReturnType<typeof useRovingFocus>;
   * The returned value of the `useSelections()` plugin
  selections: ReturnType<typeof useSelections>;
   * A pattern to use for selecting the elements in the list. Must contain an
   * `{index}` placeholder for the index of the element to select.
  querySelectorPattern?: string;

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A hook for observing changes to the value of a subject.


Name Type Required? Description
subject Subject Yes A subject to observe
observer (value: T) => void | (() => void) Yes A callback that is invoked when the subject changes

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Take a snapshot of the expanded and buried directories of a file tree. This snapshot can be used to restore the expanded/collapsed state of the file tree when you initially load it.


Name Type Required? Description
fileTree FileTree<Meta> Yes A file tree
observer (state: FileTreeSnapshot) => Promise<void> | void Yes A callback that handles the file tree snapshot

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Low-level API



Name Type Description
root number The root directory of the file tree.
comparator Dir<Meta> The comparator used for sorting the file tree.
visibleNodes FileTreeNode<Meta> The nodes that are currently visible.


Name Description
getById Get a node by its ID.
getByPath Get a node by its path. Note that this requires walking the tree, which has O(n) complexity.
walk Walks the tree starting at a given directory and calls a visitor function for each node.
expand Expand a directory in the tree.
collapse Collapse a directory in the tree.
remove Remove a node and its descendants from the tree.
invalidate Invalidate the list of visible nodes. This is useful for re-rendering your tree when node data changes.
produce Produce a new tree with the given function applied to the given node. This is similar to immer's produce function as you're working on a draft and can freely mutate the object.
move Move a node to a new parent.
newFile Create a new file in a given directory.
newDir Create a new directory in a given directory.
newPrompt Create a new prompt in a given directory.
rename Rename a node.
isExpanded A more accurate and real-time representation of whether a branch is expanded. Dir#expanded represents the "optimistic" expansion state of the branch in question not the actual status, because the child nodes might still need to be loaded before the change can be seen in the tree.
isVisible Returns true if the node and its parents are visible in the tree.
loadNodes You can use this method to manually trigger a reload of a directory in the tree.


type FileTreeData<Meta = {}> = {
  name: string;
  meta?: Meta;

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A class for creating a directory node.


Name Type Required? Description
parent Dir<Meta> Yes The parent node
data FileTreeData<Meta> Yes The node data
expanded boolean No Whether the node is expanded or not, defaults to false. This is an optimistic property, so when it is true its descendants may not be fully loaded yet. To get the more accurate representation, use FileTree#isExpanded.


Name Type Description
parentId number The ID of the parent node.
parent Dir<Meta> The parent node.
basename string The basename of the directory.
path string The full path of the directory.
expanded boolean true if the directory is expanded.
data FileTreeData<Meta> The node data


Name Description
contains Returns true if the node is a descendant of this directory.

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A class for creating a file node.


Name Type Required? Description
parent Dir<NodeData> Yes The parent node
data FileTreeData<Meta> Yes The node data


Name Type Description
parentId number The ID of the parent node.
parent Dir<Meta> The parent node.
basename string The basename of the directory.
path string The full path of the directory.
data FileTreeData<Meta> The node data

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A class for creating a prompt node.


Name Type Required? Description
parent Dir<NodeData> Yes The parent node


Name Type Description
parentId number The ID of the parent node.
parent Dir<Meta> The parent node.
path string The full path of the prompt.
basename string The base name of prompts is always an empty string.

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Returns true if the given node is a directory


Name Type Required? Description
treeNode FileTreeNode<T> Yes A file tree node

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Returns true if the given node is a file


Name Type Required? Description
treeNode FileTreeNode<T> Yes A file tree node

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Returns true if the given node is a prompt


Name Type Required? Description
treeNode FileTreeNode<T> Yes A file tree node

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A utility for creating a subject as part of the observer pattern.


Name Type Required? Description
initialState T Yes The initial state of the subject.

Returns Subject

export type Subject<T> = {
   * Emit a new state.
   * @param state - The new state
  setState(state: T): void;
   * Get the current state.
  getState(): T;
   * Observe changes to the state.
   * @param observer - A callback that is invoked when the value changes
  observe(observer: Observer<T>): () => void;
   * Remove a observer from the list of observers
   * @param observer - A callback that is invoked when the value changes
  unobserve(observer: Observer<T>): void;

type Observer<T> = {
  (state: T): void;

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Merges multiple props objects together. Event handlers are chained, classNames are combined, and styles are combined.

For all other props, the last prop object overrides all previous ones.


Name Type Required? Description
args {[key: string]: any;}[] Yes Multiple sets of props to merge together.

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Retry a promise until it resolves or the max number of retries is reached.


Name Type Required? Description
promiseFn () => Promise<T> Yes A function that returns a promise to retry when it fails
config RetryWithBackoffConfig No Configuration options


interface RetryWithBackoffConfig {
   * Max number of retries
   * @default 4
  maxRetries?: number;
   * Initial delay before first retry
   * @default 100
  initialDelay?: number;
   * Multiplier for each subsequent retry
   * @default 2
  delayMultiple?: number;
   * A function that should return `false` to stop retrying
   * @param error - The error that caused the retry
  shouldRetry?: (error: unknown) => boolean;

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Path utilities

Utilities for unix-style paths


Join all arguments together and normalize the resulting path.


Name Type Required? Description
paths string[] Yes Paths to join

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Solve the relative path from from to to. Paths must be absolute.


Name Type Required? Description
from string Yes The absolute path to start from
to string Yes The absolute path to solve to

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Splits a path into an array of path segments.


Name Type Required? Description
path string Yes The path to split.

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Normalize a path, taking care of .. and ., and removing redundant slashes while preserving trailing slashes.


Name Type Required? Description
path string Yes The path to normalize.

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Get the depth of a path.


Name Type Required? Description
path string Yest The path to split.

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Return the last fragment of a path.


Name Type Required? Description
path string Yes The path to get the basename of.

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Return the directory name of a path.


Name Type Required? Description
path string Yes The path to get the directory name of.

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Returns the extension of a file path, which is the part of the path after the last .. If the path has no extension, returns an empty string.


Name Type Required? Description
path string Yes The path to get the extension of.

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Returns true if the path is relative.


Name Type Required? Description
path string Yes The path to check.

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Returns true if path is inside dir.


Name Type Required? Description
path string Yes The path to check
dir string Yes The directory to check if the path is inside of

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Remove any trailing slashes from a path.


Name Type Required? Description
path string Yes The path to remove trailing slashes from.

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