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AWX is originally designed to run in a Kubernetes environment only. This code allows you to install and use AWX only using Docker without K8S. Ideas from awx, awx-operator and awx-ee code.

AWX configuration and deployment

Master branch is compatible with AWX version 21.13.0. Use git tag with desired version.



  • Ansible 4.0.0+
  • Working hostname resolution mechanism (DNS records, Docker's extra_hosts values, /etc/hosts)

Install demo

Befor installation please read about AWX in general, AWX node types (control, hybrid, hop, execution), execution nodes and receptor. These are beyond the scope of this guide.

Demo secrets, certs, keys are for test purpose ONLY. Please do not use for production.

Create secret data first

This is not necessary as this demo contains all needed secrets. This is an example of how to create secret data for production.

mkdir secrets
cd secrets
1. Create AWX CA
openssl genrsa -out awx_receptor_signing_private_key 4096
openssl rsa -in awx_receptor_signing_private_key -out awx_receptor_signing_public_key -outform PEM -pubout

openssl genrsa -out awx_receptor_ca_key 4096
openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -key awx_receptor_ca_key -subj "CN=AWX Demo Receptor Root CA" -sha256 -days 3650 -out awx_receptor_ca_crt
2. Create self-signed SSL for AWX web
openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout awx_web_cert_key -out awx_web_cert_crt -sha256 -days 365
openssl rsa -in awx_web_cert_key -out awx_web_cert_key
3. Create receptor signing key pair
openssl genrsa -out awx_receptor_signing_private_key 4096
openssl rsa -in awx_receptor_signing_private_key -out awx_receptor_signing_public_key -outform PEM -pubout
4. Create receptor key pair

Repeat for every node in cluster

docker pull
docker run --rm -v $PWD:/tmp --env-file <(env | grep receptor_hostname) receptor --cert-makereq bits=2048 commonname=$receptor_hostname dnsname=$receptor_hostname nodeid=$receptor_hostname outreq=/tmp/$receptor_hostname.req outkey=/tmp/$receptor_hostname.key
docker run --rm -v $PWD:/tmp --env-file <(env | grep receptor_hostname) receptor --cert-signreq req=/tmp/$receptor_hostname.req cacert=/tmp/awx_receptor_ca_crt cakey=/tmp/awx_receptor_ca_key notbefore=$(date --iso-8601=seconds) notafter=$(date --date="+2 years" --iso-8601=seconds) outcert=/tmp/$receptor_hostname.crt verify=yes

Modify awx_ee_image_url variable

Create custom Docker image for execution nodes and for management nodes (if awx_node_role_type variable is set to hybrid).

Or use image which is based on the same Dockerfile.

Start installation (K8S-like with auto peering)

Before actually running playbook, take a look at the role defaults, demo/inventory and demo/host_vars|group_vars and make changes accordingly.

cd ../demo
ansible-playbook -i inventory demo.yml --diff

Add execution nodes to the AWX cluster (manually)

Ansible will do it automatically but in case you need re-add it again.

Repeat for every execution node in cluster

This can be done in Web UI or by using awx-manage CLI:

docker exec -ti awx-task bash
awx-manage provision_instance --node_type=execution

Start installation (AAP-like with manual peering)

Before actually running playbook, take a look at the role defaults, demo/inventory-with-hop and demo/host_vars|group_vars and make changes accordingly.

cd ../demo
ansible-playbook -i inventory-with-hop demo.yml --diff


cd demo
ansible-playbook -i inventory demo.yml --diff -e awx_tasks=upgrade

Remove old Docker images

cd demo
ansible -i inventory all -a "docker rmi awx_img_id"


You'll need to make sure that you have pre-commit setup and installed in your environment by running these commands:

pre-commit install --hook-type commit-msg


AWX clustering using Ansible and Docker






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