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A Python repository over DynamoDB, leveraging the excellent Pydantic library to model records.

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Install from PyPI:

pip install pydantic-dynamo

Or even better, use Poetry:

poetry add pydantic-dynamo


All of the goodness of pydantic data modeling, pointed at your DynamoDB table instead of your REST API.

The ideal consumer is a developer of a low-to-medium complexity application. You will lose some benefits of the single-table pattern, specifically the ability to query and retrieve objects of different types in a single connection. Except the most complex single-table examples, access patterns can be implemented to utilize the list/list_between and get_batch functions, documented below, to prevent N+1 queries and provide sufficient performance.

Table Creation

This package assumes the specified table already exists and the application it is running from has sufficient access to the table.

The following IAM permissions are required:

- dynamodb:BatchGetItem
- dynamodb:BatchWriteItem
- dynamodb:GetItem
- dynamodb:PutItem
- dynamodb:Query
- dynamodb:UpdateItem


Create a Pydantic model specifically for storage. This should generally not be shared in API contracts or other external interfaces to adhere to single-responsibility principle.

from pydantic import BaseModel
from typing import Optional

class FilmActor(BaseModel):
    id: str
    name: str
    review: Optional[str]

Reserved Attribute Names

This package implicitly uses the following attributes, and therefore they should not be used in any object model classes.

Attribute Usage
_table_item_id Default Partition Key name, can be overridden in repository instantiation. Not a default in v2
_table_content_id Default Sort Key name, can be overridden in repository instantiation. Not a default in v2
_timestamp Automatic ISO-formatted timestamp for when record was created or updated
_object_version Internal object versioning integer, automatically incremented on update, and can be used to enforce conditional updates
_ttl Optionally used to store the DynamoDB TTL expiry value, which must be declared in the table's TimeToLiveSpecification

Version 1 (Deprecated)

The original repository implementation that still exists but will no longer receive updates. This will be removed in a future release.

V1 Documentation has been moved to keep the main README a reasonable size.

Version 2 (Experimental)

This is the implementation that is intended for longer-term maintenance and will receive updates.


V2 removes the build convenience function found in V1 and provides only a __init__ constructor. Since V2 is async-first the table and resource objects need to be constructed from aioboto3

A working example can be found in the integration tests

from aioboto3 import Session
from pydantic_dynamo.v2.repository import DynamoRepository
from tests.models import Example # Use your record model instead

session = Session()
boto3_kwargs = {"service_name": "dynamodb"} # endpoint_url, region_name, etc.
async with session.resource(**boto3_kwargs) as resource:
    repo = DynamoRepository[Example](
        table=await resource.Table("table_name"),
        consistent_reads=False,  # default

The repository class also implements AsyncContextManager so it can be readily used in async with... statements. This may make it easier to properly manage other object dependencies in factory/builder functions.

from contextlib import asynccontextmanager
from aioboto3 import Session
from pydantic_dynamo.v2.repository import DynamoRepository
from tests.models import Example  # Use your record model instead

async def build_repo() -> DynamoRepository[Example]:
    session = Session()
    boto3_kwargs = {"service_name": "dynamodb"}  # endpoint_url, region_name, etc.
    async with session.resource(**boto3_kwargs) as resource, DynamoRepository[Example](
        table=await resource.Table("table_name"),
        consistent_reads=False,  # default
    ) as repo:
        yield repo

There is also a synchronous variant that can be used if you don't want to work with async/await and async generators in your business code. Most of the subsequent documentation is focused on the async variant.

from aioboto3 import Session
from pydantic_dynamo.v2.repository import DynamoRepository
from pydantic_dynamo.v2.sync_repository import SyncDynamoRepository
from tests.models import Example # Use your record model instead

session = Session()
boto3_kwargs = {"service_name": "dynamodb"} # endpoint_url, region_name, etc.
async with session.resource(**boto3_kwargs) as resource:
    repo = DynamoRepository[Example](
        table=await resource.Table("table_name"),
        consistent_reads=False,  # default

    sync_repo = SyncDynamoRepository[Example](async_repo=repo)

Consistent Reads

By default, both boto3 and this library use eventually consistent read operations. You can configure a repository instance to use strongly consistent reads by passing the consistent_reads kwarg as True during instantiation.

You can read more about read consistency in AWS's documentation.

Saving Data

Data is saved using an instance of the generic PartitionedContent[ObjT] class found in The partition_ids and content_ids are List[str]. Each value in the list is concatenated before saving, and prefixed with the repository's configured values.

For the content_ids field, you can leverage this to achieve degrees of query-ability for more complex use cases, eg: content_ids=["usa", "ny", "saratoga", "12020"] will result in a sort key value of usa#ny#saratoga#12020 that can be efficiently queried with DynamoDB's begins_with condition, utilized in this library's list function.

It's wise to ensure that any values being used in the partition and content IDs are also retained as fields on the model object as well, which will make updates easier to perform. This is less critical now since the V2 responses include reified PartitionedContent[ObjT] objects instead of just the modeled records in V1.

Put Single Item

This leverages the DynamoDB Put operation, and will overwrite an existing item with identical partition and content IDs.

from pydantic_dynamo.models import PartitionedContent
from uuid import uuid4

id1 = str(uuid4())
actor1 = FilmActor(id=id1, name="Daniel Day-Lewis")

await repo.put(
        partition_ids=[], content_ids=[id1], item=actor1

Put Multiple Items

When saving more than one item, you can use a batch operation that will utilize DynamoDB's write_batch operation, which will more efficiently buffer data and minimize the total number of network calls compared to calling put in a loop.

from pydantic_dynamo.models import PartitionedContent
from uuid import uuid4

id1 = str(uuid4())
actor1 = FilmActor(id=id1, name="Daniel Day-Lewis")
id2 = str(uuid4())
actor2 = FilmActor(id=id2, name="Steve Buscemi")

await repo.put_batch(
            partition_ids=[], content_ids=[id1], item=actor1
            partition_ids=[], content_ids=[id2], item=actor2

Update an item

NB: Please review the limitation in issue #1

Updates are handled in a somewhat more complex and manual manner using an UpdateCommand object. Since this is constructed by sending Dict[str, Any], dictionary entries are validated against the pydantic model's schema before sending data to DynamoDB.

set_commands can be used to map attributes' names to a new value. increment_attrs can be used to increment attributes' current values by some integer. append_attrs can be used to extend a List attribute's values

current_version can be used to enforce a check on the object's version number to adhere to an object versioning pattern.

from pydantic_dynamo.models import UpdateCommand

await repo.update(
        set_commands={"review": "Talented, but unfriendly in Gangs of New York"}

Reading Data

Get Item

Finally, something simple to document. This gets a single item by its partition and content IDs, returning a GetResponse[FilmActor] with a content value of None if no item is found.

This example would retrieve just the first actor item.

from typing import Optional
from pydantic_dynamo.models import PartitionedContent
from pydantic_dynamo.v2.models import GetResponse

response: GetResponse = await repo.get(partition_id=None, content_id=[id1])
item: Optional[PartitionedContent[FilmActor]] = response.content

Reading Multiple Items

This and all subsequent read operations return AsyncIterable[BatchResponse[ObjT]] references. These cannot be directly awaited, but rather need to be iterated in an async loop. See PEP-525 for details and this repository's tests for complete examples.

Most DynamoDB batch operations implement a continuation token pattern, where the API will return a subset of the data that matches the parameters up to some stored size (eg. 1MB) and then includes a continuation token to use in a subsequent API call.

A single BatchResponse[ObjT] represents one API response from DynamoDB, and contains an Iterable[ObjT] reference. This leaves you as the consumer in complete control whether you should lazily stream the records or project them all into a list.

Get Batch by Key

This leverages DynamoDB's batch_get_item API to collect multiple items by their partition and content IDs. This is often useful after having collected a previous set of records that have potentially related items that you want to retrieve, and then associate the two in a subsequent mapping logic layer.

This example would retrieve both actor items in a single network request.

from typing import List
from pydantic_dynamo.models import PartitionedContent

items: List[PartitionedContent[FilmActor]] = [
    async for response in repo.get_batch([(None, [id1]), (None, [id2])])
    for content in response.contents                      

Listing Items

The following two functions leverage DynamoDB's query API and offers the ability to filter on partial content ID values, change sort order, limit the quantity of items.

These operations support optional kwargs:

  • limit integer to cap the number of records returned
  • sort_ascending boolean to change sort order based on the sort key value, which defaults to True

You may also pass an optional FilterCommand to filter on non-key attributes. All fields on this object are optional, and are applied utilizing and logic.

from pydantic_dynamo.models import FilterCommand

# Find actors without a `review` attribute
filter1 = FilterCommand(

# Find actors who are talented but unfriendly in Gangs of New York
filter2 = FilterCommand(
    equals={"review": "Talented, but unfriendly in Gangs of New York"}

# Find actors who are not talented but unfriendly in Gangs of New York
filter3 = FilterCommand(
    not_equals={"review": "Talented, but unfriendly in Gangs of New York"}

These operations are more interesting with a more complex data model, so let's pretend there might be more than one opinion on a given actor, so we'll store many reviews instead of just my own.

Let's define a review model that can be related to an actor:

from pydantic import BaseModel
from datetime import datetime

class ActorReview(BaseModel):
    id: str
    actor_id: str
    created: datetime
    review: str

and then pretend we save a few of them:

from datetime import datetime, timezone
from uuid import uuid4

now =

await repo.put_batch(
                review="I really thought he was the hero of this movie"
                review="He really embodies the New York state of mind"

This function supports filter items with a begins_with filter on their content IDs.

This example would retrieve all review items for actor1 that we previously saved.

from typing import List
from pydantic_dynamo.models import PartitionedContent

items: List[PartitionedContent[ActorReview]] = [
    async for response in repo.list(
    for content in response.contents

This example would retrieve all of the reviews created on a given year, because ISO-formatted datetime values are lexicographically sortable.

from typing import List
from pydantic_dynamo.models import PartitionedContent

items: List[PartitionedContent[ActorReview]] = [
    async for response in repo.list(
    for content in response.contents
List Between

This function supports filter items with a between filter on their content IDs.

NB: If content_start == content_end this will revert to calling list using begins_with. This prevents unexpected behavior of returning no records due to how Dynamo's Query API handles between conditions.

This example would retrieve all reviews for actor1 that were created in or after January 2023 and in or before March 2023.

from typing import List
from pydantic_dynamo.models import PartitionedContent

items: List[PartitionedContent[[FilmActor]] = [
    async for response in repo.list_between(
    for content in response.contents

Write Once Repository

This utility grew out of a need to minimize duplicate data being saved to the database, because new was going to be broadcast to data warehouse for wider analysis. This wrapper around the v2 DynamoRepository will return a List[PartitionedContent[ObjT]] for all records actually written to the database. The database will be queried, and each item will be compared to an existing record, if one exists, using Python equivalency.

Assuming the underlying repository is using strongly consistent reads, this should minimize the number of duplicate writes, although there is no statistical evaluation to prove its efficacy.

A note on costs:

Cost optimization is not the goal of this feature, but rather achieving a reasonable likelihood of saving any given record only once. This actually queries the database to compare input data to the existing data. This may cost more than just blindly putting the content. However, since write units cost significantly more than read units (maybe 4x? the pricing is confusing), if you have a high likelihood of duplicate data being saved, this may actually be able to save you some money. As with all things MIT licensed... no guarantees :)

from pydantic_dynamo.v2.write_once import WriteOnceRepository

write_once = WriteOnceRepository[Example](async_repo=repo)

count = 10000
data = [PartitionedContent(...) for _ in range(count)]

actually_written: List[PartitionedContent[ObjT]] = await write_once.write(data)
assert len(actually_written) == count

actually_written_again: List[PartitionedContent[ObjT]] = await write_once.write(data)
assert len(actually_written_again) == 0


A generic pydantic-based repository layer for DynamoDB







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