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  • âś… Easy styling of default breadcrumb via CSS custom properties
  • âś… Customize breadcrumb separator via string or custom template
  • âś… Customize breadcrumb via template
  • âś… Focus on DX


npm install --save


A live demo is available at go to demo


Import the NgxBreadcrumbModule module into your AppModule

You must import the NgxBreadcrumbModule into lazy-loaded modules, too. Otherwise, no breadcrumbs will be rendered for the sub-routes of the lazy-loaded module.

// app.module.ts

import { NgxBreadcrumbModule } from '';

  imports: [NgxBreadcrumbModule],
export class AppModule {}

Provide Breadcrumbs

Setup breadcrumb data in your route configuration

// app-routing.module.ts

const routes: Routes = [{ path: 'example', data: { breadcrumb: 'Example' } }];

  imports: [RouterModule.forRoot(routes)],
  exports: [RouterModule],
export class AppRoutingModule {}

Implement the BreadcrumbProvider interface (Optional)

Some components need a dynamic breadcrumb label, e.g. editor components. Such components may implement the BreadcrumbProvider interface and offer dynamic breadcrumb data to the BreadcrumbService.

// my-editor.component.ts

export class MyEditorComponent implements BreadcrumbProvider {
    getBreadcrumb(): BreadcrumbData {
      return {
        label: ..., // this could be a string or an observable, e.g. from ReactiveForm controls
        link: ... // this could be `false` to disable linking or a external url (or a different route...)

Provide root breadcrumb(s)

Root breadcrumb(s) are breadcrumbs which are rendered in front of the breadcrumbs dervived from the route. This can e.g. be a "home"-breadcrumb.

You can provide root breadcrumbs either programmatically or by configuration.


// app.component.ts
// ...
constructor(private breadcrumbProviderService: NgxBreadcrumbProviderService) {
    { label: 'Home', link: '/' }


// app.module.ts
  imports: [
      stickyRoot: [new Breadcrumb('Home', '/'), new Breadcrumb('Home1', '/')],
export class AppModule {}

Provide a root breadcrumb component

You can provide a root breadcrumb component which will be rendered in front of the breadcrumbs dervived from the route.

Simply configure it in your app.module.ts:

  stickyRootComponent: {
    component: RootBreadcrumbComponent,
    data: {
      label: 'Home',
      link: '/'

// component
  selector: 'root-breadcrumb',
  template: `
        d="M6 19h3v-6h6v6h3v-9l-6-4.5L6 10Zm-2 2V9l8-6 8 6v12h-7v-6h-2v6Zm8-8.75Z"
  styles: [
      :host {
        display: grid;
        place-items: center;
        width: 24px;
        height: 24px;
        border: 1px solid #e2e8f0;
        border-radius: 100%;
        background-color: #e2e8f0;
        padding: 8px;
export class RootBreadcrumbComponent implements StickyBreadcrumbComponent {
  click: EventEmitter<void> = new EventEmitter<void>()

  constructor(private router: Router) {}

  getBreadcrumb(): BreadcrumbData {
    return {
      label: 'Home',
      link: '/',

  onClick() { 0)

Note: you need to implement the StickyBreadcrumbComponent-interface so that it will work properly.

Additional info on Route setup

For static breadcrumb configuration, you have to provide the required data with the route setup. Therefore add a breadcrumb segment to the Route's data attribute.

The breadcrumb attribute may be

  • a boolean value (if data.breadcrumb === false, no breadcrumb will be generated for that route)
  • a string value (string will be taken for breadcrumb label)
  • a BreadcrumbData object

When providing a BreadcrumbData object, you may use the attribute to either suppress linking of the breadcrumb (text-only) or to specify a deviating url.

For dynamic breadcrumb configuration, your routed components may implement the BreadcrumbProvider interface in order to provide breadcrumb data which overrides the route configuration.

const routes: Routes = [
  // Routed component does NOT implement the BreadcrumbProvider interface:

  // don't generate a breadcrumb for this route (as there's no label to display)
  { path: 'example', component: ExampleComponent },
    path: 'example',
    component: ExampleComponent,
    data: { breadcrumb: true },

  // don't generate a breadcrumb for this route (as it has been disabled explicitly)
    path: 'example',
    component: ExampleComponent,
    data: { breadcrumb: false },

  // generate a regular breadcrumb with label "Example"
    path: 'example',
    component: ExampleComponent,
    data: { breadcrumb: 'Example' },
    path: 'example',
    component: ExampleComponent,
    data: { breadcrumb: { label: 'Example' } },
    path: 'example',
    component: ExampleComponent,
    data: { breadcrumb: { label: 'Example', link: true } },

  // generate a label-only breadcrumb with label "Example"
    path: 'example',
    component: ExampleComponent,
    data: { breadcrumb: { label: 'Example', link: false } },

  // generate a breadcrumb with label "Example" linking to an external url
    path: 'example',
    component: ExampleComponent,
    data: { breadcrumb: { label: 'Example', link: '' } },

  // Routed component DOES implement the BreadcrumbProvider interface

  // generate a breadcrumb with data provided by the component
  { path: 'example', component: ExampleBreadcrumbProviderComponent },
    path: 'example',
    component: ExampleBreadcrumbProviderComponent,
    data: { breadcrumb: true },

  // don't generate a breadcrumb for this route (as it has been disabled explicitly)
    path: 'example',
    component: ExampleBreadcrumbProviderComponent,
    data: { breadcrumb: false },

  // generate a breadcrumb; merge the 'label' attribute from route data and component data
  // breadcrumb data from component has precedence over breadcrumb data from route
    path: 'example',
    component: ExampleBreadcrumbProviderComponent,
    data: { breadcrumb: 'Example' },
    path: 'example',
    component: ExampleBreadcrumbProviderComponent,
    data: { breadcrumb: { label: 'Example' } },
    path: 'example',
    component: ExampleBreadcrumbProviderComponent,
    data: { breadcrumb: { label: 'Example', link: true | false } },

Futher configuration

The NgxBreadcrumbModuleaccepts theNgxBreadcrumbConfig` configuration-object:

  • breadcrumbCount.fixedLead: number of visible leading breadcrumbs. Default: 1.
  • breadcrumbCount.fixedTail: number of visible trailing breadcrumbs. Default: 2.

With this configuration you can control the number of breadcrumbs which are rendered. Breadcrumbs in between are just rendered as dots.


There are two ways to for customization: via ng-template and/or via CSS custom properties

Customization via ng-template

Breadcrumb customization

<ngx-breadcrumbs [breadcrumbTemplate]="bc"></ngx-breadcrumbs>

<ng-template #bc let-last="last" let-crumb> {{crumb.label}} </ng-template>

Breadcrumb separator customization

<ngx-breadcrumbs [separatorTemplate]="sep"></ngx-breadcrumbs>

<ng-template #sep> // </ng-template>

Customization via CSS custom properties

Available CSS custom properties:

The breadcrumb-container

  • --ngx-breadcrumb-container-padding: padding of the breadcrumb container. Default: 0.5rem.
  • --ngx-breadcrumb-container-margin: the margin of the breadcrumb container.
  • --ngx-breadcrumb-container-bg-color: the background color of the breadcrumb container.
  • --ngx-breadcrumb-gap-between: gap between breadcrumbs. Default: 0.5rem.
  • --ngx-breadcrumb-container-width: the width of the breadcrumb container. Default: fit-content.
  • The breadcrumb itself:
  • --ngx-breadcrumb-padding: padding of the breadcrumb. Default: 0.5rem.
  • --ngx-breadcrumb-margin: the margin of the breadcrumb.
  • --ngx-breadcrumb-bg-color: the background color of the breadcrumb.
  • --ngx-breadcrumb-border: the border of the breadcrumb. Default: none.
  • --ngx-breadcrumb-border-radius: the border-radius of the breadcrumb. Default: 0.
  • --ngx-breadcrumb-link-decoration: the text-decoration of the breadcrumb link. Default: none.

The separator container:

  • --ngx-separator-container-height: the height of the separator container. Default: 100%.
  • --ngx-separator-container-width: the width of the separator container. Default: auto.
  • --ngx-separator-container-padding: the padding of the separator container. Default: 0.
  • --ngx-separator-container-margin: the margin of the separator container. Default: 0.
  • --ngx-separator-container-bg-color: the background color of the separator container. Default: inherit.

The separator-icon between breadcrumbs:

  • --ngx-separator-icon-color: the color of the separator icon. Default: black.
  • --ngx-separator-icon-height: the height of the separator icon. Default: 24px.
  • --ngx-separator-icon-width: the width of the separator icon. Default: 24px.

See Demo for examples.

Translate Breadcrumbs

To translate the breadcrums you only need to provide the NGX_TRANSLATION_ADAPTER token with an implementation of the NgxBreadcrumbTranslationAdapter-interface. You can choose any translation library of your choice.

import { TranslateService } from '@ngx-translate/core';
  providedIn: 'root',
export class MyTranslationAdapter implements NgxBreadcrumbTranslationAdapter {
  constructor(private translateService: TranslateService) {}

  translate(key: string): string {
    return this.translateService.instant(key);

// app.module.ts

  providers: [{provide: NGX_TRANSLATION_ADAPTER, useExisting: MyTranslationAdapter }],
export class AppModule {}


The versions align with the Angular versions. This means version 13.x.x of this library is compatible with Angular 13.x.x. or greater.


A highly customizable and flexible breadcrumb component for Angular






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