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Bob's Universal and Very Intelligent System

This repository contains more than my dotfiles, so I don't stick to the convention, and I'm not naming it "dotfiles".

Feel free to reuse anything, but proceed with caution.

If you find something I could be doing a better way, please drop me an email at [email protected]. I always appreciate any opportunity to learn. Thank you!


System independent steps

  1. Install NerdFonts for Powerline from romkatv:
  2. Install python and pip
  3. Install node
  4. Install lazygit
    • MacOS: brew install jesseduffield/lazygit/lazygit
    • Windows: scoop bucket add extras; scoop install lazygit
  5. Install libffi-dev (brew install libffi in macOS, sudo apt install libffi-dev in Linux, WSL)

Additional system specific steps


  1. Install all pending OS updates: About This Mac - Software Update...
  2. Install xcode command line tools: xcode-select --install
  3. Check that curl is installed: command -v curl (it should come with the system but let's check anyway)
  4. Set the desired machine name following if booted for the first time
  5. Restart


  1. Configure git to keep line endings as they are: git config --global core.autocrlf false


  1. Follow 20190805142816 in Zettelkasten to fix network issues in corporate environment (excuse me, I can't publish this, as it contains my employer's sensitive information; it is about getting WSL network work by using wsl-vpnkit and using proxy forwarder on Windows host)
  2. Update the system: sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
  3. Install packages used by BUVIS: sudo apt-get install -y build-essential checkinstall direnv libreadline-dev libncursesw5-dev libssl-dev libsqlite3-dev tk-dev libgdbm-dev libc6-dev libbz2-dev liblzma-dev nodejs npm vifm


macOS, WSL, and potentially any Linux distro

curl -Ls | /usr/bin/env bash


  1. Copy get-buvis.bat from here
  2. Run get-buvis.bat in cmd


Not all applications used by buvis can be configured using "dotfiles". You'll need to follow the manual instructions. Application-specific instructions are stored in .config directory.

Automate scripts' dependencies updates

  1. Create post-merge file in .buvis/modules/scripts/.git/hooks

cd ~/scripts
echo "Running pipenv lock in ~/scripts"
pipenv lock
echo "Installing dependencies system-wide"
pipenv install --system
cd -
  1. Make it executable: chmod +x .buvis/modules/scripts/.git/hooks/post-merge

Configure git

  1. Go to dotfiles root: cd $DOTFILES_ROOT
  2. Store credentials: cfg config credential.helper store
  3. Honor global ignores: git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore_global

Install tmux plugins

When in tmux, press <tmux-prefix>+I.

Use default configuration for ruff


Make symlink from ~/.config/ruff/pyproject.toml to ~/Library/Application Support/ruff/pyproject.toml


  1. Create symlinks in vifm (yy source, al in destination)
    • windows-home from /mnt/c/Users/<WINDOWS_USERNAME>
    • Downloads from /mnt/c/Users/<WINDOWS_USERNAME>/Downloads
    • onedrive-company from /mnt/c/Users/<WINDOWS_USERNAME>/<OneDrive - company>
    • onedrive-private from /mnt/c/Users/<WINDOWS_USERNAME>/<OneDrive - private>
    • z from /mnt/c/Users/<WINDOWS_USERNAME>/<OneDrive - private>/z
  2. Fix files coloring in vifm
    1. Add filesystem configuration to /etc/wsl.conf
      enabled = true
      options = "metadata,uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=0022,fmask=11,case=off"
      mountFsTab = false
      crossDistro = true
      umask = 0022
    2. Restart WSL: run wsl --terminate Ubuntu in cmd, then start WSL
    3. Run chmod -R a-x+X,u-x+rwX,go-wx+rX * in directory where you want to fix the file coloring in vifm
  3. Fix permissions to install npm packages globally: npm config set prefix '~/.local/'
  4. Fix locale: sudo tic -xe alacritty,alacritty-direct ~/.config/alacritty/
  5. Use WSL specific configuration for some tools: vim $HOME/.bashrc-wsl, add
export P_PROPERTIES_FILE="/home/bob/"
export GITA_PROJECT_HOME="/home/bob/.config/wsl/"
  1. Let VS Code from Windows host use WSL
    1. Install WSL Extenstion
    2. Add VS Code to WSL's path: echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/mnt/c/Users/tbouska/.local/bin/vscode/bin' >> ~/.bashrc-wsl

Install tools

Run asdf install.

Get git repositories

  1. Create directory for git: mkdir -p $HOME/git/src
  2. Clone repositories you need
  3. Repeat for each repository: add repository to gita: gita add .



macOS, WSL, and potentially any Linux distro

  1. Open terminal
  2. Go to user's home: cd $HOME
  3. Pull updates cfgl
  4. Stage updates: cfgapa
  5. Commit updates with <MESSAGE>: cfgm "<MESSAGE>"
  6. Push back to repository: cfgp


  1. Run cmd
  2. Go to user's home: cd %userprofile%
  3. Pull updates cfgl.bat
  4. Stage updates: cfgapa.bat
  5. Commit updates with <MESSAGE>: cfgm.bat "<MESSAGE>"
  6. Push back to repository: cfgp.bat

Add default python package

  1. Add package to $HOME/.default-python-packages
  2. Install: pip install -r $HOME/.default-python-packages