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treeVM - Tree based bytecode VM

Program & Data


The dpc-address is used to get labels and literals in the program/data areas. It is defined as unsigned 32-Bit number

typedef uint32_t vm_dpc_address_t


The program and data area are both organized as an up to (2³² - 1) elements big block of memory the VM expects that it doesnt change during runtime


The program and data area are both organized as an up to (2¹⁶ - 1) chunks, each with a size of up to (2¹⁶ - 1) elements, the address is split up into a chunk index by division and into an offset by modulus, the vm expects that the individual chunks dont change, when reallocating the array of chunks the interpreter should lock the areas, the vm uses the vmx_interpreter_lock and vmx_interpreter_unlock functions for synchronization.


Alignment & Addressing

Data types are aligned to 8-Bytes and addressed as 8-Byte elements

Small Numbers

32-Bit numbers are stored in the instruction itself, see int32, uint32 and float Data types

Big Numbers

Doubles are stored in the data area as a single 8-Byte element


Strings are stored in the data area starting at an 8-Byte element, the first element contains the string header (vm_string_t), the size field of the string header is ignored, so it is recommended that both fields are set to the length


Data types

See also enum vm_node_type

Name Id Insertable Internal Callable Arithmetic Additional information
null 0 X X
int32 1 X X will be converted to double (number)
uint32 2 X X will be converted to double (number)
float 3 X X will be converted to double (number)
number 4 X X X must be read from data area, using dpc_address
string 5 X X must be read from data area, using dpc_address
value 6 X X X Set to value of node, without children
node 7 X Set to value of node, with children, cant be set to the same node
cut node 8 X X X Set to value of node, with children, and remove original, cant be set to the same node
pop node 9 X Set to value of node in subtree, and remove last node, cant be done in the ins instruction
function 12 X X X Bytecode function
core_func. 13 X X X Core Library function
ext_func. 14 X X X Extended Library function
dyn_func. 15 X X X Dynamic Library function
call 17 X
object ref. 18 X Object reference
custom type 19 X Custom data type

Insertable Types

These are types that can be inserted through the ins, set, push ... instructions as a literal

Internal Types

Internal types are types that the vm can store, other types are converted

Callable Types

Callable types can be called with the Call instruction, value and pop-node types are indirect and instead refer to a node with a callable type

Arithemtic Types

Arithmetic types can be used in the arithmetic instructions, value and pop-node types are indirect and instead refer to a node with a callable type


Instructions are always 8 bytes long

Symbol Meaning
I Opcode, analogous to enum vm_opcode
N Node byte, index to the node
T Type byte, specifies the data type, see enum vm_node_type
D General purpose data byte, awlway accompied by a T byte
0 Unsigned integer byte
J Byte for a jump address
. Unused byte, set to 0


Name Opcode Format Description
exit 64 I 0 . . . . . . Exit the program and return error, error is limited between 0 and 127
vint 65 I . 00 JJJJ Call interrupt with 00 as argument, and goto JJJJ if interrupt returns !0
new 66 I . NN . . . . Allocate a heap object and put reference into node
free 67 I . NN . . . . Free a heap object by its réference
open 68 I . NN . . . . Open a heap object, so that it can be entered
close 69 I . NN . . . . Close a open heap object
slen 70 I . NN NN . . Get string length
push 71 I T NN DDDD Insert node into N subtree
ins 72 I T .. DDDD Insert a new node
set 73 I T NN DDDD Set a node
rem 74 I . . . . . . . Remove the last node
clear 75 I . NN . . . . Clear a nodes children
len 76 I . NN . . . . Get length of current subtree
enter 77 I . NN . . . . Enter a subtree
leave 78 I . NN . . . . Leave the subtree
pop 79 I . NN NN . . Put last node in subtree into node, and clear source node
jmp 80 I . . . JJJJ Jump to JJJJ
jtab 81 I 0 NN JJJJ Jump table, skip instruction if value is higher than 0
jneg 82 I . NN JJJJ Jump to JJJJ if value is negative
jzr 83 I . NN JJJJ Jump to JJJJ if value is zero
jpos 84 I . NN JJJJ Jump to JJJJ if value is positive
jnul 85 I . NN JJJJ Jump to JJJJ if value is null
call 86 I T NN DDDD Call DDDD, the Operant must be a Callable types
return 87 I . NN . . . . Return a node, to the caller
add 88 I T NN DDDD Add, the operant must be an Arithmetic type
sub 89 I T NN DDDD Subtract, the operant must be an Arithmetic type
mul 90 I T NN DDDD Multiply, the operant must be an Arithmetic type
div 91 I T NN DDDD Divide, the operant must be an Arithmetic type
mod 92 I T NN DDDD Modulo, the operant must be an Arithmetic type
neg 93 I . NN . . . . Negate (* -1)
floor 94 I . NN . . . . Floor, round down to next full number
ceil 95 I . NN . . . . Ceil, round up to next full number

Nodes and Children

The program always starts in the root node, and can enter into child nodes, or leave child nodes, only the children of the current nodes can be addressed by instructions.


The enter instruction "enters" a child of the current node, and makes it the new current node


The leave instruction leaves a node, and goes back to the parent node

Apush and Apop

The Apush removes a node and appends it to an subtree, Apop removes the last node in the subtree and returns it

Functions and Calls


The VM only allows the child nodes to be used as arguments


The function can return a single node, that will take the place of the parent node

Heap and Objects


Heap objects can be opened by a reference, when a reference is copied it is alway registerd, when deleting a reference, it is also registered, when there are no more references left the object is freed

Open Objects

When an object is opened it becomes part of the main tree, and gets synced back when closing, therefore there can only be one open reference per object. Open objects cant be moved in the tree, if there is an open node in a cleared subtree, the node will be cleared and closed

Heap Instructions


New creates an new object in the heap and puts reference into the specified node


Free frees an object in the heap, and invalidates the reference


Open a heap reference, so that it can be accessed by the node It also stores the value of the node in the heap, so that it can be gotten back when closing


Closes a heap object, it sets the value of the node to the node stores in the heap


How to integrate the vm into a loader/interpreter


The include.h file must be included


  1. Compile the treevm.c file as an object file, gcc treevm.c -c -options
  2. Compile the loader/interpreter as an object file gcc loader.c -c -options
  3. Link the files together with gcc -o output loader.o treevm.o

output is a placeholder for the resulting binary file, loader.c/loader.o is a placeholder for the loader/interpreter

Compiler Options

Clang and GCC provide the -D option which can be used to define a macro, during compilation, The following macros can be set for the VM

Name Prupose
-DLOADER If defined use a loader
-DINTERPRETER If defined use a interpreter
-DFORCE_SWITCH Force the use of a switch, even if a jump table is available
-DEXPLICIT_LHCAT Say that LHCAT is defined though a global variable, instead of the default of 8


The following globals and functions must be defined so that the VM can be used

Declaration Purpose
vm_core_t vmx_core Contains the program and data
void vmx_interpreter_lock(void) Function, called by the interpreter when jumping/getting data
void vmx_interpreter_unlock(void) Function, equivalent to vmx_interpreter_unlock
int vmx_interrupt(uint16_t int_id) Function, interrupt that can be called by the program, jumps if it returns !0
void vmx_return_clean(vm_node_t *node, vm_error_t error) Function, cleaning up the return value, subtree is cleared after
vm_error_t (* const vmx_corelib[])(vm_node_t *) Library functions, functions can return !0 on error
const uint32_t vmx_corelib_len Length of corelib
vm_error_t (* * vmx_extlib)(vm_node_t *) Extended Library functions, same as corelib, but isnt constant at startup
uint32_t vmx_extlib_len Extended Length of langlib
vm_error_t vmx_dynlib(uint32_t fn_id, vm_node_t *node) Function, calling dynamic functions
int vmx_dynlib_test(uint32_t fn_id) Function, testing if a dynamic function is available
const unsigned int VMX_LHCAT Only required with -DEXPLICIT_LHCAT flag, sets the least heap size category

The following globals are exposed to the loader/interpreter

Declaration Purpose
const double VM_MAX_PRECISE_DOUBLE Biggest precise integer a double can represent
int vm_get_build_information(volatile int no_print) Print vm information, if no_print isnt set
vm_error_t vm_run_main(const vm_instruction_t *ip, vm_node_t *root) Function for running the vm, also initializes the vm
vm_error_t vm_call_node(const vm_instruction_t *ip, vm_node_t *root) Function for running a function call
vm_error_t vm_node_copy_value(vm_node_t *src, vm_node_t *trg)
vm_error_t vm_node_copy(vm_node_t *src, vm_node_t *trg)
vm_error_t vm_node_clear_value(vm_node_t *node)
vm_error_t vm_node_clear_children(vm_node_t *node)
vm_error_t vm_node_clear(vm_node_t *node, int preserve_open_object)
vm_error_t vm_heap_alloc(vm_node_t *node) Allocate a heap object, also cleans the value of the node, subtree will remain
vm_error_t vm_heap_free(vm_node_t *node) Free a heap object, must be given an reference
vm_error_t vm_heap_create_reference(vm_node_t *node) Register a new object reference
vm_error_t vm_heap_remove_reference(vm_node_t *node) Remove a object reference
vm_error_t vm_heap_load_object(vm_node_t *node) Load a heap object, equivalent to open instruction
vm_error_t vm_heap_unload_object(vm_node_t *node) Unload a heap object, equivalent to close instruction
vm_error_t vm_heap_verify(vm_node_t *node) Check if an reference is valid
vm_error_t vm_heap_verify_open(vm_node_t *node) Check if an open object is valid


The Interrupt gets called with the specified uint16 as an argument, if the interrupt returns !0 the program jumps to the specified address


The library is a set of non bytecode functions callable by the program, there are 3 seperate librarys

Core Library

The Corelib is provided by the interpreter/loader through vmx_corelib and vmx_corelib_len, the VM expects that the langlib ist static and doesnt change, the functions get the node as an argument, the function can return !0 causing the program to crash

Language Library

The Langlib is provided by the interpreter/loader through vmx_langlib and vmx_langlib_len, the same as corelib, but isnt constant at startup, so it can be swapped before the start of the vm, the library needs to be static during the runtime

Dynamic Library

The Dynamic Library is accessed through the vmx_dynlib function, which gets the function id and the node as arguments, the vmx_dynlib function can return an error. The vmx_dynlib_test function returns !0 if a dynamic function doesn't exist


Tree based bytecode VM







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