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Amazon-Connect-Copy User Guide

The Amazon-Connect-Copy script (v1.3.5) copies components from the source Amazon Connect instance to the target instance safely, fixing all internal references.

You may use Amazon-Connect-Copy to deploy an Amazon Connect instance across environments (AWS accounts or regions), or to save a backup copy of the instance for restoration when required, reducing an hours-long error-prone manual job to a few minutes of automated and reliable processing.

Ids and Arns of components copied from the source instance will be re-mapped to their corresponding components in the new instance, including:

  • Instance (pre-existing)
  • Lambda functions (pre-deployed)
  • Lex bots (Classic) (pre-deployed)
  • Prompts (pre-uploaded)
  • Hours of operations
  • Queues (STANDARD type only)
  • Routing profiles
  • Contact flow modules
  • Contact flows

The following components are not copied by Amazon-Connect-Copy (to avoid any impact on other contact centres that may happen to be using the same target instance):

  • Users (agents) related settings, statuses and the hierarchy
  • Security profiles
  • Phone numbers
    • Inbound Contact flow/IVR mappings
    • Outbound caller ID number for queues
  • Quick connects
  • Agent queues
  • Settings for existing standard queues
    • Note: Settings for new standard queues will still be copied
  • Historical metrics and reports
  • Contact Trace Records (CTRs)
  • Custom vocabularies
  • Rules for Contact lens and Third-party integration

Amazon-Connect-Copy was designed for deployment across environments (e.g., from non-prod to prod). Considering the target instance may accommodate multiple contact centres, Amazon-Connect-Copy does not remove any target instance components which are not found in the source instance. If there are multiple contact centres sharing the same Amazon Connect instance, it is a good practice to prefix contact centre specific components with their individual Contact Centre Codes (CCCs).

A note to developers: To contribute, please read first. We will accept PRs on the development branch only. Thank you.


  • Install AWS CLI.
    • Recommend installing the latest version of AWS CLI (2.9.4 or higher).
  • Install jq (if not already installed on your platform).
    • Require jq version 1.6 or higher.
  • Copy bin/* to your Shell search path (e.g., cp bin/* /usr/local/bin/).


Please replace names in the example with names specific to your use case.

connect_save -p source-profile -c CCC source-connect-alias
connect_save -p target-profile -c CCC target-connect-alias
connect_diff source-connect-alias target-connect-alias helper
# Dry run
connect_copy -d helper
# Real run
connect_copy helper

In this example:

  • We copy from instance source-connect-alias to instance target-connect-alias.
  • Credentials for the source and target instances are in AWS profiles source-profile and target-profile respectively.
  • You may use the same profile for source-profile and target-profile, as long as that profile allows access to both the source and the target instances (typically when they are in the same AWS account).
  • Only contact flows and modules with names prefixed by the CCC Contact Centre Code will be copied to the target instance.
  • Differences of the two instances (including profile specifications) will be saved in directory helper.

Copying process

Note: All names in Amazon Connect are case sensitive.


  • Make sure no one else is making changes to either the source or the target instances, or any Lambda functions or Lex bots (Classic) they integrate with.
  • Deploy all Lambda functions required by the target instance.
  • Build all Lex bots (Classic) required by the target instance.
  • Upload all required prompts to the target instance.
    • The prompt names need to be exactly the same as their counterparts in the source instance.
  • For an incremental instance update with contact flow or module name changes, before the copying please manually change the corresponding flow or module names in the target instance. Otherwise, contact flows and modules with new names will be created in the target instance, and those with old names will be left untouched.


  • Set up named profiles for AWS CLI access to Amazon Connect.
    • <source_profile> for the source instance
    • <target_profile> for the target instance
    • This step is optional if your default profile already has access to both the source and the target instances. If not sure, skip this step for now. You only need to set up the profiles if connect_save fail due to a permission error.
  • cd to an empty working directory (e.g., md <dir>; cd <dir>).
  • Optionally, run connect_save with no arguments to show the help message:
    Usage: connect_save [-?fsev] [-p aws_profile] [-c contact_flow_prefix] [-G ignore_prefix] instance_alias
        Retrieve components from an Amazon Connect instance into plain files
        instance_alias          Alias of the Connect instance (or path to the directory to save, with the alias being the basename)
        -f                      Force removal of existing instance_alias directory
        -s                      Skip unpublished contact flow modules and contact flows with an error (instead of failing)
        -e                      Proceed even when the system may not encode Extended ASCII characters properly
        -v                      Show version of this script
        -p profile              AWS Profile to use
        -c contact_flow_prefix  Prefix of Contact Flows and Modules to be copied (all others will be ignored) - Default is to copy all
        -G ignore_prefix        Ignore hours, queues, routing profiles, flows or modules with names prefixed with ignore_prefix
        -C codepage             Override the auto-detected codepage (e.g., use '-C CP1252' for Gitbash ANSI if experiencing encoding issues)
        -?                      Help
    • <instance_alias> can be a directory path.
    • <instance_alias>.log will be produced by connect_save.
  • Run connect_save -p <source_profile> -c <contact_flow_prefix> <source_instance_alias> .
  • Run connect_save -p <target_profile> -c <contact_flow_prefix> <target_instance_alias> .
  • Optionally, run connect_diff with no arguments to show the help message:
    Usage: connect_diff [-?fev] [-l lambda_prefix_a=lambda_prefix_b] [-b lex_bot_prefix_a=lex_bot_prefix_b] instance_alias_a instance_alias_b helper
        Based on connect_save result on Amazon Connect instance A and B,
        find the differences and produce helper files to safely copy components from A to B.
        instance_alias_a    Alias of the Connect instance A
        instance_alias_b    Alias of the Connect instance B
                            (Aliases can be a path to the directory where the instance was saved using connect_save.)
        helper              Name of the helper directory
        -f                  Force removal of existing helper directory
        -e                  Proceed even when the system may not encode Extended ASCII characters properly
        -v                  Show version of this script
        -l lambda_prefix_a=lambda_prefix_b
                            Lambda function name prefixes for instances A and B (if different) to be replaced during copying
        -b lex_bot_prefix_a=lex_bot_prefix_b
                            Lex bot (Classic) name prefixes for instances A and B (if different) to be replaced during copying
        -?                  Help
        Note: This script create files in the helper directory without changing any instance component files.
  • Run connect_diff -l <source_lambda_prefix>=<target_lambda_prefix> -b <source_lex_bot_prefix>=<target_lex_bot_prefix> <source_instance_alias> <target_instance_alias> <helper> .
  • Optionally, check under the helper directory <helper> to find the four helper files:
    • - components to create (those found in the source but not in the target); You may remove components that you do not want to be created from
    • helper.old - components to update (those found in the source and also in the target); You may remove components that you do not want to be updated from helper.old.
    • helper.sed - SED script to fix references (so target components will not refer to any components in the source)
    • helper.var - variables of the two instances (instance A is the source, and instance B is the target)
  • Optionally, run connect_copy with no arguments to show the help message:
    Usage: connect_copy [-?dev] helper
        Copy Amazon Connect instance A to instance B safely, based on the
        connect_save and connect_diff results, under the helper directory
        creating new components in, updating old components in helper.old,
        and updating references defined in helper.sed.
        helper  Name of the helper directory
        -d      Dry run - Run through the script but not updating the target instance
        -e      Proceed even when the system may not encode Extended ASCII characters properly
        -v      Show version of this script
        -?      Help
  • Optionally, verify the helper by dry-running connect_copy -d <helper> .
    • Check if the proposed changes are as what you would expect from the output.
    • AWS CLI commands to execute can be found in <helper>.log for your reference.
    • Please do not run the log file as an executable. Run connect_copy without -d (dry-run) to perform the actual copying.
  • Run connect_copy <helper> .
    • Verify if the target instance contains all source instance components of the latest version, with all internal references, Lambda invocations and Lex bot (Classic) input properly adjusted.


  • Login to Amazon Connect target instance.
  • Open Phone numbers.
    • Check Contact flow/IVR of all phone numbers.
    • If required, re-map phone numbers to the new Inbound Contact flows/IVR.
  • Open Queues.
    • For new outbound queues created, set these if required:
      • Outbound caller ID name
      • Outbound caller ID number
      • Outbound whisper flow

Backup an Amazon Connect instance using Amazon-Connect-Copy

You may restore an Amazon Connect instance from a previous backup copy saved by connect_save.


  • Save a backup copy of the Amazon Connect instance.
    connect_save -p <profile> <backup_dir>/<connect_instance_alias>
  • Restore the same instance from the backup copy.
    • Save the current copy (the one to be restored).
      connect_save -p <profile> <working_dir>/<connect_instance_alias>
    • Diff the current copy with the backup copy.
      connect_diff <backup_dir>/<connect_instance_alias> <working_dir>/<connect_instance_alias> <helper_dir>
    • Optionally, dry run to verify restoration changes.
      connect_copy -d <helper_dir>
    • Restore the instance.
      connect_copy <helper_dir>

Useful Tips

  • DO NOT reuse the target instance directory and the helper directory. Remove these two directories after copying.
    • If you want to keep a backup of the target instance after copying, run connect_save again on the target instance.
  • This script has been tested with AWS CLI 2.9.4, which supports the latest Amazon Connect features, including Contact Flow Modules. (Even your instances may not be using all latest Amazon Connect features, the script will check them and therefore require the latest AWS CLI.)
  • Make sure both the source instance and the target instance remain unaltered by anyone during the entire copying process (save, diff and copy).
  • connect_diff only creates the helper directory and will not change anything in the source and the target instance directories.
  • connect_copy will change files in the helper directory, and when in non-dry-run mode, will change the target instance directory as well. i.e., connect_copy is not idempotent to the target and helper directory.
  • connect_diff and connect_copy do not change the source instance directory, so the source can serve as a backup or be used to copy to multiple target instances.
  • If relative paths are specified in instance aliases, make sure you are running connect_diff and connect_copy from the same directory, so that connect_copy will resolve the relative paths correctly.
  • The Amazon-Connect-Copy script does not affect any instance-specific settings outside of the Amazon Connect console, such as Amazon Connect service quotas.
  • For Hours of operations, contact flows, and contact flow modules, Description is required in the target instance. If the Description is missing in the source instance, the component name will be used as Description in the target instance in the copying process. (For other component types, Description is optional.)
  • The Amazon-Connect-Copy script requires the following actions to be allowed. Please configure your AWS Profile with a role authorised to perform these actions: