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Scott Kurz edited this page Oct 6, 2015 · 4 revisions

Guide for contributing a new TCK test (at least an outline of a guide)

Some Basic Test Structure

  • The typical test method begins by submitting a job via JobOperator#start.

    • There is no order of execution assumed among the tests, so to do pretty much anything requires a job to have run within the test method.

  • In general, the assertion / validation logic (i.e. the check for success/failure) is either performed:

    • within the TestNG test method at various points within the sequence of calls to the job repository (i.e. to JobOperator).

    • OR within the job execution (i.e. within the batch artifacts themselves)

    • OR within some combination of both.

  • The tests use the JobOperatorBridge utility provided by the TCK in order to encapsulate the waiting for "termination" (i.e. waiting for COMPLETED, FAILED, or STOPPED).

  • Some tests have waits which introduce a timing dependency. I.e. because batch jobs execute asynchronously (and because the stop operation is asynchronous), there is a chance that a conforming implementation will fail a given test because of a timing issue (e.g. job completed before it could be stopped). We deal with this by including a specific, well-documented system property for each such individual wait, in each individual test, to allow the executor to tune for his particular implementation and environment. A default value will be hard-coded as well.

What files make up a single test?

  1. First, the TestNG test method

    • Annotated with @Test (imported from org.testng.annotations)

    • Referring to one or more jobs (by JSL name)

  2. Second, the JSL (job definition XML)

    • Refers to one or more batch artifacts mostly by a short name (i.e. not the fully-qualified class name) for @ref value.

      • This value will be the CDI bean name, i.e. the value of the @Named annotation on the artifact ( or the equivalent default if @Named is omitted).

      • there will be a corresponding entry for each @ref value in batch.xml

    • I believe each JSL lives in its own file in At one point we were generating some but I think we removed that.

  3. Third, the batch artifacts (the readers, writers, batchlets, listeners, etc. implementing/extending the Batch API).

    • All have a package like*

    • At one time there was a thought to group more generic artifacts that can be reused across many different tests into like as opposed to those tied to a specific one or two tests which would live in

      • Some remnants of this remains, but you can see we’ve not been too organized and have also since created some new child packages like

    • In some cases, there are somewhat clear "mappings" in naming conventions/patterns such that you can understand what artifacts are used in which jobs (JSLs). In general though, this is not a super-easy task and requires some custom digging.

Checklist for new test

  1. Add new test class if necessary

    • Follow other class' examples and add methods:

      	private static void handleException(String methodName, Exception e)
      	public void setup(String[] args, Properties props)
      	public void  cleanup()
      	public void beforeTest()
      	public void afterTest()
  2. Add test method, JSL, artifacts

    • Annotate with both TestNG @Test and @org.junit.Test

    • Log with org.testng.Reporter

    • Instead of using something typical like JUnit Assert, use the custom (provided in this TCK) assertion util:

      • E.g. AssertionUtils#assertWithMessage

    • Use the TCK utility: which itself waits for termination on start and restart

    • Define a String METHOD corresponding to test method name, e.g.:

      	public void testSplitFlowContextPropagation() throws Exception {
           	  String METHOD = "testSplitFlowContextPropagation";
    • NEW: Add new @TCKTest annotation mapping back to spec

      • The existing 1.0 tests don’t include this yet but would like to add at some point if we can get to it

  3. Update batch.xml

    • TODO: explain

  4. Update TestNG suite XML (if necessary)

    • TODO: explain

  5. Verify with RI?

    • TODO: explain

  6. Update spec buzilla?

    • TODO: Just trying to sketch out a process, nothing is needed at this point.