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"We belong to the Earth," replied Captain Nemo, "and I am its enemy!"

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"We belong to the Earth," replied Captain Nemo, "and I am its enemy!"

Earth Simulation with Bevy Overview This project is a 3D Earth simulation using the Bevy game engine. It (will) includes features to visualize the Earth both above and below sea level, with full mouse integration for interaction and control. The goal is to simulate military assets and their movements around the globe.

Features 3D Earth model rendering Mouse-controlled camera for navigation Simulation of military assets Use of Bevy game engine and Rust programming language Getting Started Prerequisites Rust programming language: Install Rust Bevy game engine: Add Bevy as a dependency in your Cargo.toml Installation Clone the repository:

git clone cd earth-simulation Update Cargo.toml to include Bevy:

[dependencies] bevy = "0.14" bevy_input = "0.14" bevy_mod_picking = "0.8" Add the following assets to the assets directory:

albedo_ver2.png bump.png clouds.png Running the Simulation Navigate to the project directory:

cd earth-simulation Run the simulation:

cargo run Usage Controls Mouse Movement: Rotate the camera around the Earth Mouse Wheel: Zoom in and out Code Structure Main Function The entry point of the application, setting up the Bevy app and adding the necessary systems.

rust Kopiera kod fn main() { App::new() .add_plugins(DefaultPlugins) .add_systems(Startup, setup) .add_systems(Update, camera_control_system) .run(); } Setup System Sets up the initial scene with a camera and a directional light.

fn setup( mut commands: Commands, mut meshes: ResMut<Assets>, mut materials: ResMut<Assets>, asset_server: Res, ) { commands.spawn(Camera3dBundle { transform: Transform::from_xyz(0.0, 0.0, 800.0).looking_at(Vec3::ZERO, Vec3::Y), ..Default::default() });

commands.spawn(DirectionalLightBundle {
    transform: Transform::from_xyz(4.0, 8.0, 4.0).looking_at(Vec3::ZERO, Vec3::Y),

generate_faces(&mut commands, &mut meshes, &mut materials, &asset_server);

} Face Generation Generates the faces of the Earth using a cube map technique, allowing for detailed texturing and normal mapping.

fn generate_faces( commands: &mut Commands, meshes: &mut ResMut<Assets>, materials: &mut ResMut<Assets>, asset_server: &Res, ) { let faces = vec![ Vec3::X, Vec3::NEG_X, Vec3::Y, Vec3::NEG_Y, Vec3::Z, Vec3::NEG_Z, ];

let offsets = vec![(0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 1.0), (1.0, 0.0), (1.0, 1.0)];

for direction in faces {
    for offset in &offsets {
        commands.spawn(PbrBundle {
            mesh: meshes.add(generate_face(direction, 100, offset.0, offset.1)),
            material: materials.add(StandardMaterial {
                base_color_texture: Some(asset_server.load("albedo_ver2.png")),
                metallic_roughness_texture: Some(asset_server.load("bump.png")),
                perceptual_roughness: 1.0,
                normal_map_texture: Some(asset_server.load("clouds.png")),

} Camera Control System Handles the camera movement and zoom based on mouse input.

fn camera_control_system( mut mouse_motion_events: EventReader, mut mouse_wheel_events: EventReader, mut query: Query<&mut Transform, With>, ) { let mut rotation_delta = Vec2::ZERO; let mut zoom_delta = 0.0f32;

for event in {
    rotation_delta +=;

for event in {
    zoom_delta += event.y;

if let Ok(mut transform) = query.get_single_mut() {
    let yaw_rotation = Quat::from_axis_angle(Vec3::Y, -rotation_delta.x * 0.005);
    let pitch_rotation = Quat::from_axis_angle(transform.rotation * Vec3::X, -rotation_delta.y * 0.005);
    transform.rotation = yaw_rotation * pitch_rotation * transform.rotation;
    let forward = transform.rotation * Vec3::Z;
    transform.translation += forward * zoom_delta * 10.0;

} Contributing Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request for any changes or improvements.

//Carlo Jacal

License This project is licensed under the MIT License.


"We belong to the Earth," replied Captain Nemo, "and I am its enemy!"






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