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OpenAirInterface 5G Core Network Functions Operator

Table of contents


This repository contains operators for OpenAirInterface 5G core network functions. Each network function has a dedicate operator. The operators are designed for Nephio, they are listening to the CRDs proposed by Nephio project.

TODO: We are designing our own CRDs to use these operators without Nephio. Once we have our own CRDs we will move this repository under Openairinterface Orchestration Project.

At the moment we offer operators for below network functions:

  1. oai-amf
  2. oai-smf
  3. oai-upf
  4. oai-nrf
  5. oai-udr
  6. oai-udm
  7. oai-ausf

oai-udr requires MySQL as database backend to store 5G subscriber data. MySQL is deployed using helm-charts.

Each operator is using OAI NF tag v2.0.1. All the NF images are taken from

The repository of each network function operator is organized as below:

├── controllers
│   ├── (Main controller logic)
│   └── (Supporting functions)
├── deployment
│   └── nf.yaml (to deploy the operator)
├── Dockerfile  
├── package
│   └── nfdeploy.yaml (Standalone deployment of NF operator)
└── requirements.txt (All the needed python dependencies)

The controller for each network function is written using Kopf: Kubernetes Operators Framework. The templates for network function configmap are written using Jinja2 templating package.

The requirement for each operator


The operators are tested on Minikube v1.30.1, Kubernetes server v1.26.3 and helm version v3.11.2. Helm is only required to instantiate mysql.

If you want to use minikube as a testing environment then install it from their website. In case you are interested you can follow go to the end of this guide to create a minikube cluster with multus CNI enabled.

Licence Info

The source code is written under the 3-Clause BSD License. The text for 3-Clause BSD License is also available under LICENSE file in the same directory. For more details on third party software, please read the NOTICE file in the same directory.

Functioning of Operators

The controller is listening to nephio proposed crd workload.nephio.org_nfdeployments.yaml cluster wide. In the future it will listen to OAI proposed CRDs also. In R2 the crd is common for all the network functions, the provider field is used to identify the network function and its provider.

Controller requires configuration file of the network function and it allows configuring certain config parameters when the controller is deployed. The controller requires two configmaps when running inside a pod or during development phase you can just provide the path of the network function configuration file and the controllers configuration file. Network function configuration file is a jinja2 template. The variable parameters of those fields are filled using configRef or paramRef. Controller configuration file only contains some constant values for nf deployment and resource consumption releated values. In the future these will be calculated dynamically based on the intent.

The idea of this controller is not to expose multiple configuration paramters but to easily deploy the network function with less efforts from the user.

There are some environment parameters which are used by the controller to configure network function configuration files. They are present in

## Example from AMF
TIME_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"
KUBERNETES_TYPE=str(os.getenv('KUBERNETES_TYPE','vanilla')).lower()    ##Allowed values VANILLA/Openshift
if KUBERNETES_TYPE not in ['vanilla','openshift']:
    print('Allowed values for kubernetes type are vanilla/openshift')
NF_TYPE=str(os.getenv('NF_TYPE','amf'))      ## Network function name
LABEL={'': f"{NF_TYPE}"}   ## Labels to put inside the owned resources
OP_CONF_PATH=str(os.getenv('OP_CONF_PATH',f"/tmp/op/{NF_TYPE}.yaml"))  ## Operators configuration file
NF_CONF_PATH = str(os.getenv('NF_CONF_PATH',f"/tmp/nf/{NF_TYPE}.yaml"))  ## Network function configuration file
DEPLOYMENT_FETCH_INTERVAL=int(os.getenv('DEPLOYMENT_FETCH_INTERVAL',1)) # Fetch the status of deployment every x seconds
DEPLOYMENT_FETCH_ITERATIONS=int(os.getenv('DEPLOYMENT_FETCH_ITERATIONS',100))  # Number of times to fetch the deployment
LOG_LEVEL = str(os.getenv('LOG_LEVEL','INFO'))    ## Log level of the controller
TESTING = str(os.getenv('TESTING','no'))    ## If testing the network function, it will remove the init container which checks for NRFs availability
HTTPS_VERIFY = bool(os.getenv('HTTPS_VERIFY',False)) ## To verfiy HTTPs certificates when communicating with cluster
TOKEN=os.popen('cat /var/run/secrets/').read() ## Token used to communicate with Kube cluster
SVC_TYPE = str(os.getenv('SVC_TYPE','ClusterIP')) 

AMF/SMF/UPF needs network-attachement-defination for N2/N4/N3 interfaces respectively. Nephio will provide the NAD. Controller is also capable of creating a NAD via changing these fields in oai5gcore/controllerdeploy/amf.yaml configmap oai-amf-op-conf

      parent: 'eth1'   #parent interface on the host machine to create the bridge
      create: False    #If false it will wait for multus defination in the cluster namespace

In case of docker pull limit on your network better to use pull secrets, just authenticated with the docker hub. You can add the pull secret in the operator configuration amf.yaml in configmap like below

      - name: test

At the moment pull secret is only for pulling controller image not nf image.


  1. All the network function controllers except upf and nrf have the same functioning. Though they have a seperate code base but its still similar at the moment.
  2. delete_fn is not really required at the moment but it is kept for the future if we would like to change something in the network function at time of gracefull deletion
  3. In update_fn we are rejecting any changes in the metadata field. This is done specially for annotations. Probably in the later release we will take these changes in consideration.
  4. NRF is the only nf at the moment which is exposing its SBI via metallb. So it is important to configure the cluster with metallb.git checkout cd oai-packages

In case you do not have a working cluster, you can check the last section.

Install the Operators


If you are interested in individually testing operators or want to extend their functionality then you should refer to files of individual operators.

Start by cloning this repository

git clone
git checkout <branch>
cd oai-operators

To deploy the whole core network

  1. You need to fetch the CRDs from nephio, you can use the script and install them on the cluster
kubectl -f crd/
  1. Deploy the operator in any namespace you want. Here we will deploy in oaiops namespace.
kube create ns oaiops
kubectl create -f oai5gcore/controllerdeploy/
  1. At the moment AMF, SMF and UPF custom resource requires network attachment defination so before creating the custom resource we need to define NAD in a namespace. Here we will use oai5g namespace.
kube create ns oai5g
kubectl create -f oai5gcore/nad/
  1. UDR requires an instance of mysql to store the 5G subscriber information, so we need to instantiate a mysql instance. For that we are using helm-charts at the moment.
helm install mysql helm-charts/mysql -n oai5g
  1. Create the custom resources for all core network functions
kubectl create -f oai5gcore/nfdeploy/
  1. Most probably you will have a core network configured.

  2. Test the core network with gNB and UE you can do

## Deploy gNB
helm install gnb helm-charts/oai-gnb
sleep 10
kubectl wait --for=condition=ready pod -l --timeout=5m
## Deploy NR-UE
helm install nrue helm-charts/oai-nr-ue
sleep 10
kubectl wait --for=condition=ready pod -l --timeout=5m
sleep 20
  1. Check if the UE is connected and then ping
## Check if the UE connects via looking at tunnel interface
kubectl exec -it $(kubectl get pods  -l | grep nr-ue | awk '{print $1}') -- ifconfig oaitun_ue1
## ping if it is connected
kubectl exec -it $(kubectl get pods  -l | grep nr-ue | awk '{print $1}') -- ping -I oaitun_ue1 -c 4

Create A Minikube Cluster (An example)

In VM based minikube we have problems with running oai-gnb and oai-nr-ue in RFsimulated mode because of the base operating system of minikube VM. So we are using docker in docker based installation.

minikube delete
#To create the vm
minikube start --driver=docker --cni=bridge --extra-config=kubeadm.pod-network-cidr= --cpus=4
git clone /tmp/multus
kubectl create -f /tmp/multus/deployments/multus-daemonset-thick.yml
# Enable the metrics server (optional)
minikube addons enable metallb
## Configure metallb in the range you want it will be required by NRF.
# Enable the metrics server (optional)
minikube addons enable metrics-server

You can also refer to ./ci-scripts/ script.

End to End test (For CI)

For end to end test the script requires

  1. 4 CPU and 16GB RAM
  2. Name of the controller image tag for example: develop
  3. Name of the parent repository for pushing the images
  4. (Optional) User name of the parent repository for pushing the image
  5. (Optional) Password of the parent repository to push the image
time ./ci-scripts/ $TAG $PARENT $USER $PASS


In a general way, anybody who is willing can contribute on any part of the code in any network component.

Contributions can be simple bugfixes, advices and remarks on the design, architecture, coding/implementation. If you are interested in making a contribution please follow this document.


Operators for Deploying OAI Network Functions







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