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Alongside Audit Report

Index V2 & OP Migration

Prepared by: Zach Obront, Independent Security Researcher

Date: June 12 to 16, 2023

About Alongside

Alongside is the first tokenized on-chain, broad-based crypto market index. It's index system creates the AMKT token, which provides holders with exposure to a market-cap weighted basket of 25 assets.

About zachobront

Zach Obront is an independent smart contract security researcher. He serves as a Lead Senior Watson at Sherlock, a Security Researcher at Spearbit, and has identified multiple critical severity bugs in the wild, including in a Top 5 Protocol on Immunefi. You can say hi on Twitter at @zachobront.

Summary & Scope

The Alongside-Finance/index-system-v2 repo was audited at commit feb13c74d51472b2d3fdd8f5f653fa4452c78773.

The following contracts were in scope:

  • src/BridgedIndexToken.sol
  • src/IndexToken.sol
  • src/Common.sol
  • src/ProposableOwnable.sol
  • src/Vault.sol
  • src/invoke/Bounty.sol
  • src/invoke/HashStore.sol
  • src/invoke/Issuance.sol
  • src/lib/FixedPoint.sol
  • src/lib/Multiplier.sol
  • src/lib/VArray.sol
  • src/scripts/CoreDeploy.s.sol
  • src/scripts/MainnetInitialMigration.s.sol
  • src/scripts/OPInitialMigration.s.sol

Note that, in the process of performing fixes for this audit, the Alongside team decided to pause development of the contracts to think more about the issue raised in M-09. As a result, many of the less serious fixes were not made, and will be performed when development restarts in the future.

Summary of Findings

Identifier Title Severity Fixed
[C-01] currentMultiplier is calculated incorrectly, causing up to 86400x discounted issuance Critical
[H-01] Token accounting can be permanently broken by malicious rebalancer High
[H-02] If feeScaled is set too high in the constructor, the protocol will be bricked High
[H-03] Fees are sent to vault instead of feeRecipient High
[M-01] First mint could be frontrun to break L1 totalSupply calculation Medium
[M-02] Owner can steal all funds locked in bridge by changing REMOTE_TOKEN value Medium
[M-03] proposedOwner not reset on transfer, allowing ownership to be seized back Medium
[M-04] If bounty is created without all underlying tokens, accounting will be permanently thrown off Medium
[M-05] Authority address can (maliciously or accidentally) steal user funds from the vault Medium
[M-06] Allowing multiple bounties to be live at once creates race condition Medium
[M-07] Vault should have two step ownership transfer Medium
[M-08] Inflation will be overapplied if there is a time period when totalSupply() == 0 Medium
[M-09] System implicitly relies on off chain oracle Medium
[L-01] Issuer can underpay for AMKT because values are rounded down Low
[L-02] Users can dodge rebalancing costs by sandwiching rebalancer Low
[L-03] System cannot support atypical ERC20s Low
[G-01] Unnecessary ownership transfers in deploy script Gas
[G-02] Bounty can use lastKnownMultiplier instead of multiplier() to save gas Gas
[G-03] VArray can remove included field to save gas Gas
[G-04] isRestricted checks can be skipped if msg.sender is the minter address Gas
[G-05] takeOwnership() function checks can be simplified Gas
[I-01] deployVault() function _indexTokenOwner argument is misnamed Informational
[I-02] Try catch can be removed from fulfillBounty() Informational

Detailed Findings

[C-01] currentMultiplier is calculated incorrectly, causing up to 86400x discounted issuance

Multiplier.sol returns a currentMultiplier value, which is intended to represent the multiplier up to the current second (as opposed to the tracked value, which is rounded to the latest day). The value is calculated as follows:

uint256 dT = block.timestamp - trackedTimestamp;

if (dT != 0) {
    uint256 feePerSecondScaled = oneSubFee / 1 days;

    currentMultiplier = fmul(
        feePerSecondScaled * dT
} else {
    currentMultiplier = trackedMultiplier;

To translate: If there is a delta between the end of the latest day and the current time, calculate the feePerSecondScaled by dividing oneSubFee by the number of seconds in a day. Then multiply this value by the number of seconds that have passed, and multiply all that by the trackedMultiplier for the end of the latest day.

However, this logic is flawed. The currentMultiplier is intended to represent a discount that has been caused by fee inflation, and multiplying it by a very small value (which is what happens when the small fee per second value is multiplied by the number of seconds) results in a dramatic decrease in the multiplier.

This has a major impact, because this value is used by realUnits() to calculate the current holdings of each asset minus fees.

This value is used in the issue() function to determine the amount of underlying assets that need to be deposited in order to receive 1 AMKT. Because the values are understated, the function requires a significantly diminished amount of underlying assets.

The result is that a user can deposit ~86400x less underlying assets than they should, and mint AMKT at a discount.

Proof of Concept

First, let's look at the current multiplier calculation in isolation. You can do this by dropping the following contract into your test suite, and running the tests with forge test --match-function testZ__CurrentMultiplierAt1Day:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import "forge-std/Test.sol";
import "src/lib/Multiplier.sol";

contract ZachTest is Test {
    function testZ__CurrentMultiplierAt1Day() public {
        uint lastTs = block.timestamp;
        vm.warp(block.timestamp + 1 days);
        uint lastMul = 1e18;
        uint feeScaled = 27260808837036;
        (,,, uint currMul) = Multiplier.computeMultiplier(lastTs, lastMul, feeScaled);

    function testZ__CurrentMultiplierAt1DayPlus1() public {
        uint lastTs = block.timestamp;
        vm.warp(block.timestamp + 1 days + 1);
        uint lastMul = 1e18;
        uint feeScaled = 27260808837036;
        (,,, uint currMul) = Multiplier.computeMultiplier(lastTs, lastMul, feeScaled);
Running 2 tests for test/Zach.t.sol:ZachTest
[PASS] testZ__CurrentMultiplierAt1Day() (gas: 7212)

[PASS] testZ__CurrentMultiplierAt1DayPlus1() (gas: 7627)

As we can see, the currentMultiplier has decreased from 0.99e18 to 0.11e14, an 86400x decrease.

Now, let's step back and look at how this can be used to steal funds from the protocol. The following test can be dropped into Issuance.t.sol and run with forge test --match-function testZ__IssuanceDiscounted:

function testZ__IssuanceDiscounted() public {

    vm.warp(block.timestamp + 1 days);

    TokenInfo[] memory realUnits = vault.realUnits();
    uint256[] memory startingBalances = new uint256[](realUnits.length);
    for (uint256 i; i < realUnits.length; i++) {
        startingBalances[i] = IERC20(realUnits[i].token).balanceOf(address(this));

    uint snapshotId = vm.snapshot();

    // do the test at the 1 day mark

    uint256[] memory correctSpend = new uint256[](realUnits.length);
    for (uint256 i; i < realUnits.length; i++) {
        correctSpend[i] = startingBalances[i] - IERC20(realUnits[i].token).balanceOf(address(this));

    vm.warp(block.timestamp + 1);

    // redo the test at the 1 day + 1 second mark

    for (uint256 i; i < realUnits.length; i++) {
        uint amountSpent = startingBalances[i] - IERC20(realUnits[i].token).balanceOf(address(this));
        console.log("Correct Amount Spent: ", correctSpend[i]);
        console.log("Actual Amount Spent: ", amountSpent);
        console.log("Discount Rate: 1 / ", correctSpend[i] / amountSpent);

This test copies the logic used by the existing test for issuance, but compares the amount of tokens spent to mint 5e18 AMKT at the 1 day mark to the 1 day plus 1 second mark.

The result is that each token is discounted by 86402x from the correct price:

[PASS] testZ__IssuanceDiscounted() (gas: 10009092)
  Correct Amount Spent:  4999863695955814820
  Actual Amount Spent:  57867215227165
  Discount Rate: 1 /  86402
  Correct Amount Spent:  9999727391911629640
  Actual Amount Spent:  115734430454330
  Discount Rate: 1 /  86402
  Correct Amount Spent:  14999591087867444460
  Actual Amount Spent:  173601645681495
  Discount Rate: 1 /  86402
  Correct Amount Spent:  19999454783823259280
  Actual Amount Spent:  231468860908660
  Discount Rate: 1 /  86402
  Correct Amount Spent:  24999318479779074100
  Actual Amount Spent:  289336076135825
  Discount Rate: 1 /  86402
  Correct Amount Spent:  29999182175734888920
  Actual Amount Spent:  347203291362990
  Discount Rate: 1 /  86402
  Correct Amount Spent:  34999045871690703740
  Actual Amount Spent:  405070506590155
  Discount Rate: 1 /  86402
  Correct Amount Spent:  39998909567646518560
  Actual Amount Spent:  462937721817320
  Discount Rate: 1 /  86402
  Correct Amount Spent:  44998773263602333380
  Actual Amount Spent:  520804937044485
  Discount Rate: 1 /  86402
  Correct Amount Spent:  49998636959558148200
  Actual Amount Spent:  578672152271650
  Discount Rate: 1 /  86402


The currentMultiplier calculation should be reformulated to accurately represent the additional discount for seconds that have passed since the end of the last day.

I would also recommend adding fuzz tests to your test suite that isolate this function and ensure that the multiplier monotonically decreases as seconds pass (whereas, in the current implementation, there is a dramatic decrease the second after the day ends, and then the value increases until the end of the next day).


Fixed as recommended in PR #45. This fuzz test has been added to the test suite, which uses the fixed implementation to ensure that key invariants hold.

[H-01] Token accounting can be permanently broken by malicious rebalancer

The vault holds a nominals value (also known as a virtual balance) for each asset. This value represents the amount of each asset that the vault should hold per 1e18 AMKT tokens. It is an invariant of the system that nominals[asset] * totalSupply / 1e18 should always equal the asset's balance in the contract (unless someone sends ERC20 funds directly to the contract, in which case they are ignored to maintain this invariant).

This is maintained because, when a user calls issue() or redeem(), the amount of each asset that they send or receive is calculated based on the nominals value, keeping the ratio in line.

Similarly, when a user calls fullfillBounty() to rebalance the vault, the bounty units represent the new nominals values, and the tokens are exchanged precisely to bring the vault's balances into alignment with these values.

However, during the bounty fulfillment process, there is a callback to the rebalancer:

try Rebalancer(msg.sender).rebalanceCallback() {} catch {
    revert BountyCallbackFailed();

At this point in the function, we have already decided on the numbers of tokens that need to be sent (based on the vault's total supply) in order to keep the nominals value in alignment with the actual balances.

However, since the nominals value has not been updated at the time of this callback, if we call issue() or redeem() from this callback, we will be sending assets at the previous ratio. This will throw off the math that was intended to ensure that nominals[asset] * totalSupply / SCALAR = asset.balanceOf(vault).

The result is that, when the function is completed, this invariant will no longer hold.

This will create a situation where all tokens that were rebalanced in an upward direction during this bounty will have insufficient tokens in the vault to cover the calculated amount of value. This creates two major problems:

  1. These assets are permanently locked as underlying tokens of the vault. If an asset is removed from the vault (nominals[asset] = 0), the rebalancing process will try to send nominals[asset] * totalSupply / SCALAR back to the rebalancer, but the vault will not hold that many tokens, so it will fail.

  2. The accounting will permanently be off, as we expect that the value of the vault's underlying tokens can be calculated using the nominals value of all the assets, but this will no longer be the case.


Add a check that AMKT.totalSupply() has not changed during the callback:

if (indexToken.totalSupply() != startingSupply) {
    revert BountyAMKTSupplyChange();


Fixed as recommended in PR #45.

[H-02] If feeScaled is set too high in the constructor, the protocol will be bricked

When feeScaled is set using the setFeeScaled() function, we perform a check to ensure it is lower than 1e18:

function setFeeScaled(uint256 _feeScaled) external onlyOwner {
    if (_feeScaled > SCALAR) {
        revert AMKTVaultFeeTooLarge();

    feeScaled = _feeScaled;

However, when the value is set from the constructor, there is no such check:

    IIndexToken _indexToken,
    address _owner,
    address _feeRecipient,
    uint256 _feeScaled
) {
    indexToken = _indexToken;
    owner = _owner;

    feeRecipient = _feeRecipient;
    feeScaled = _feeScaled;

    lastKnownMultiplier = SCALAR;
    lastKnownTimestamp = block.timestamp;

This means that it is possible for the constructor to set the value to be greater than 1e18.

This is compensated for by performing this same check each time computeMultiplier is called:

    function computeMultiplier(
        uint256 lastTrackedTimestamp,
        uint256 lastTrackedMultiplier,
        uint256 feeScaled
        returns (
            uint256 trackedTimestamp,
            uint256 trackedMultiplier,
            uint256 newFeeAccrued,
            uint256 currentMultiplier
        if (feeScaled > SCALAR) {
            revert MultiplierFeeTooHigh();


However, this leads to a problem, because we will revert each time computeMultiplier is called.

Not only is this function called from issue(), redeem(), and fulfillBounty() (effectively pausing the protocol), but it's also called from within setFeeScaled().

As we can see above, setFeeScaled() calls tryInflation() before it updates the value. This call to tryInflation() calls multiplier(), which calls computeMultiplier() which will revert because of the old value.

The result is that the protocol will be bricked and will need to be redeployed.


Add a check in the constructor to ensure that feeScaled is being set to a number less than 1e18:

    IIndexToken _indexToken,
    address _owner,
    address _feeRecipient,
    uint256 _feeScaled
) {
    indexToken = _indexToken;
    owner = _owner;

    feeRecipient = _feeRecipient;
+   if (_feeScaled > SCALAR) {
+       revert AMKTVaultFeeTooLarge();
+   }
    feeScaled = _feeScaled;

    lastKnownMultiplier = SCALAR;
    lastKnownTimestamp = block.timestamp;

Additionally, once it is checked here, there is no way for feeScaled to ever be set greater than 1e18, so the check in computeMultiplier() can be removed.


Fixed as recommended in PR #76.

[H-03] Fees are sent to vault instead of feeRecipient

Each time AMKT tokens are issued or redeemed, or a bounty is fulfilled, a call is made to vault.tryInflation(). This function checks if a day has passed since the last inflation and, if it has, takes protocol fees in the form of newly minted AMKT.

function tryInflation() public returns (uint256) {
    uint256 startingSupply = indexToken.totalSupply();

        uint256 timestamp,
        uint256 trackedMultiplier,
        uint256 newFeeAccrued,
        uint256 current
    ) = multiplier();

    uint256 inflation = fmul(startingSupply, finv(newFeeAccrued)) - startingSupply;

    if (inflation > 0) {
        lastKnownMultiplier = trackedMultiplier;
        lastKnownTimestamp = timestamp;, inflation);

    return current;

These protocol fees are intended to be paid to the feeRecipient, a value that is set specifically for this purpose, but instead they are sent to address(this).


if (inflation > 0) {
    lastKnownMultiplier = trackedMultiplier;
    lastKnownTimestamp = timestamp;
-, inflation);
+, inflation);


Fixed as recommended in PR #77.

[M-01] First mint could be frontrun to break L1 totalSupply calculation

In order to perform the migration for the AMKT token from L1 to L2, the following process is used:

  • First, the totalSupply of the L1 token is minted on L2
  • Then, it is sent to the L2 bridge, so that the full quantity is locked in the bridge ready to be withdrawn
  • When the funds arrive to L1, the mint() function's logic skips the first mint, so that the totalSupply() stays unchanged, as implemented below
function mint(
    address _to,
    uint256 _amount
    override(IOptimismMintableERC20, ILegacyMintableERC20)
    // ignores the first mint
    if (MIGRATED) {
        _mint(_to, _amount);
        emit Mint(_to, _amount);
    } else {
        MIGRATED = true;

The intention is to ensure that the tokens deposited into the bridge on L2 are not included in the totalSupply calculation on L1. This logic is sound, but it assumes that the first withdrawal will be the team's withdrawal of the full totalSupply, which may not be the case.

To understand why, keep in mind the timing for bridging:

  • Bridging from L2 to L1 (aka withdrawing) is subject to a 7 day waiting period
  • Bridging from L1 to L2 (aka depositing) happens nearly instantly

As soon as the L2 contract is deployed and the funds are bridged (even before they are withdrawn), it is possible for other L1 users to burn their tokens and claim the L2 tokens.

This creates the possibility that a user could immediately burn L1 tokens to claim their L2 tokens, and then immediately withdraw all (or some portion) of those tokens back to L1. This would queue up their withdrawal transaction just minutes after the large withdrawal intended to be the initial one.

[Note that the same attack is possible by a user who calls issue() on L2 with the underlying tokens to create an L2 token, and then withdraws those tokens back to L1.]

After 7 days have passed, the original withdrawal by the Alongside team would become available to be triggered. However, if the team was not prompt in triggering the withdrawal right away (for example, if it was the middle of the night), the malicious user would be able to trigger their withdrawal first.

In this case, the user would receive no tokens, and all the ~30k AMKT tokens from the original withdrawal would be sent to address(0), permanently messing with the L1 total supply.


There are a number of ways this can be adjusted to ensure this attack is not possible. Here are the two simplest solutions:

  1. The MIGRATED flag could be manually turned on and off by the Alongside team, rather than automatically updated after the first withdrawal.

  2. Rather than using a MIGRATED flag to change the token's behavior, we could simply migrate the funds to a special address containing a burner contract. That contract could contain just one permissionless function (burnAllAMKT()) that anyone could call to burn the asset. The token contract would need to be updated with an additional function that allows this address to burn.


Fixed as recommended in PR #82.

[M-02] Owner can steal all funds locked in bridge by changing REMOTE_TOKEN value

In the new BridgedIndexToken.sol, which the L1 contract will be upgraded to, there is a setBridge() function used to set the REMOTE_TOKEN and the BRIDGE addresses.

function setBridge(
    address _remoteToken,
    address _bridge
) external onlyOwner {
    REMOTE_TOKEN = _remoteToken;
    BRIDGE = _bridge;

This function can be called by the owner at any time to update these two addresses.

The addresses are each used in important checks:

  • REMOTE_TOKEN is checked by the Optimism bridge before allowing tokens to be minted on L1, to ensure it matches the address that was set as remoteToken when the L2 tokens were deposited
  • BRIDGE is checked on the token contract to ensure that calls to mint() and burn() can only come from this address

By having the ability to update these values, the owner of the contract can steal all L2 funds locked in the bridge.

Proof of Concept

In order to steal the funds locked in the contract, the owner would perform the following:

  1. Deploy a new ERC20 token on L2, and mint themselves a quantity equal to the number of AMKT tokens locked in the bridge.

  2. Deposit all these tokens into the L2 bridge, with a target of the legitimate L1 contract.

  3. Wait for the 7 day waiting period so that withdrawals are permitted on L1.

  4. Change the REMOTE_TOKEN on the L1 contract to match their newly deployed contract on L2.

  5. Withdraw the tokens on L1, which will be permitted because of the matching REMOTE_TOKEN.

  6. Change the REMOTE_TOKEN back to the original, and deposit the newly minted tokens back into the bridge.

  7. This will convert them into the legitimate L2 AMKT tokens, which will be immediately withdrawn from the bridge, leaving the L2 bridge contract empty, so all the users with funds on L1 will be rugged.

Note that, while funds cannot be stolen by changing the BRIDGE value, the owner can perform a similar attack to brick in progress withdrawals, so this value should be secured as well.


The setBridge() function should only be able to be called once, and then values should be locked. While we cannot make the values immutable (because the contract is already deployed), we can perform the following checks:

function setBridge(
    address _remoteToken,
    address _bridge
) external onlyOwner {
+   require(REMOTE_TOKEN == address(0) && BRIDGE == address(0), "values already set");
+   require(_remoteToken != address(0) && _bridge != address(0), "cannot set to zero addr");
    REMOTE_TOKEN = _remoteToken;
    BRIDGE = _bridge;



[M-03] proposedOwner not reset on transfer, allowing ownership to be seized back

The ProposableOwnable.sol contract amends OpenZeppelin's Ownable Upgradeable contract to add in a two step ownership transfer process, where a new owner must be proposed and then accepted.

Because this contract inherits all the functionality of OwnableUpgradeable.sol, it also allows ownership to be transferred directly or renounced:

function renounceOwnership() public virtual onlyOwner {

 * @dev Transfers ownership of the contract to a new account (`newOwner`).
 * Can only be called by the current owner.
function transferOwnership(address newOwner) public virtual onlyOwner {
    require(newOwner != address(0), "Ownable: new owner is the zero address");

 * @dev Transfers ownership of the contract to a new account (`newOwner`).
 * Internal function without access restriction.
function _transferOwnership(address newOwner) internal virtual {
    address oldOwner = _owner;
    _owner = newOwner;
    emit OwnershipTransferred(oldOwner, newOwner);

However, as you can see, none of these functions reset the storage slot associated with proposedOwner.

Any address that is stored in the proposedOwner slot can seize ownership of the contract at any point:

function takeOwnership(address newOwner) public virtual {
        newOwner != address(0),
        "ProposableOwnable: new owner is the zero address"
        newOwner == proposedOwner,
        "ProposableOwnable: new owner is not proposed owner"
        newOwner == msg.sender,
        "ProposableOwnable: this call must be made by the new owner"

This means that ownership can be renounced or transferred with a backdoor left to seize ownership back later.

Proof of Concept

To accomplish this attack, an owner would:

  • propose a new owner of an address they control
  • renounce their ownership, or transfer it to a new owner
  • later, call takeOwnership() from the proposed owner address to seize it back.

Here is a test that can be dropped into your test suite to demonstrate this behavior:

function testZ__ProposedOwner() public {
    // Initialize a token that uses ProposableOwnable, setting myself to owner
    IndexToken token = new IndexToken();
    token.initialize("Fake Token", "FAKE", 1e18);

    // Propose myself as the new owner.

    // Renounce my ownership, apparently giving up control.

    // Because I'm still in the proposedOwner slot, I can still reclaim.


Use OpenZeppelin's Ownable2StepUpgradeable.sol contract instead.


Acknowledged, will fix in future release.

[M-04] If bounty is created without all underlying tokens, accounting will be permanently thrown off

When a bounty is created, it includes a nominal value for each underlying token.

If the token is not going to be adjusted, the nominal value should equal the previous nominal amount, minus all fees that have accrued since then.

uint256 realUnitsAtLastFeeTimestamp = fmul(

if (realUnitsAtLastFeeTimestamp > targetUnits) {
    uint256 diff = realUnitsAtLastFeeTimestamp - targetUnits;
    uint256 underlyingAmount = fmul(diff, startingSupply);

This is because, at the end of rebalancing, the nominal value is set, and the lastKnownMultiplier is reset to SCALAR.

As an example, if we have a nominal for USDC of 100 (meaning 100 USDC per AMKT), but our trackedMultplier is 0.95, this means our realUnits of USDC is 95. If we create a new bounty, we need to set the nominal value to 95, because the trackedMultiplier will be reset to 1.

Since the lastKnownMultiplier is used across all tokens, any tokens that don't have their nominals adjusted are implicitly increasing the number of units the vault believes they have (because that value is calculated as nominals * multiplier * totalSupply, and we are increasing the multiplier without adjusting the others).

However, if an underlying token is not included in the bounty, it does not have new assets transferred in or out of the vault.

Then, when vault.invokeSetNominal(nominals); is called, it is simply skipped:

function invokeSetNominal(
    SetNominalArgs[] calldata args
) external onlyRebalancer {
    for (uint256 i; i < args.length; i++) {
function _setNominal(SetNominalArgs memory args) internal {
    address token = args.token;
    uint256 _virtualUnits = args.virtualUnits;

    if (_virtualUnits == 0) {
        delete nominals[token];

    if (!isUnderlying(token)) {

    nominals[token] = _virtualUnits;

The result is that any token that is skipped is now permanently projected to have more assets in the vault than it actually has. This will create the same issues discussed in H-01, where emptying the vault of the asset is no longer possible, and all token accounting will be permanently thrown off.


The invokeSetNominal() function should ensure that the array passed includes every asset that is included in the _underlying array.


Fixed as recommended in PR #78.

Note that the fix does retain the edge case risk that one underlying token is added twice, while another is not included, but since bounties are created by the owner who will be careful about this risk, it is deemed acceptable.

[M-05] Authority address can (maliciously or accidentally) steal user funds from the vault

Rather than using an oracle, the system relies on an authority address (stored on the HashStore.sol contract) to set the nominals for each asset in the vault. These nominal values are used in rebalancing the pools.

The assumption is that these values that are set reflect a rebalancing of assets that maintains approximately equal value to the current value of the vault (perhaps with some small discount to incentivize the rebalancer).

However, there are no checks to ensure this is the case.

In a reasonable case, the authority address may perform a simple miscalculation that leads to a rebalancer profiting greatly from their action, draining value from the vault.

In a more malicious case, the authority could set all the nominals values to 0 and immediately rebalance the pool themselves. The result would be that they would be sent all assets in the vault, leaving it empty.


It may be worth implementing a more robust oracle system. Even if oracles are not used to generate these prices, they may be used to validate that the resulting value of the pool is within some threshold of the prior value.

This would protect again both user error and the risk that the authority keys ending up with a malicious actor who could use them to steal all the vault's funds.



[M-06] Allowing multiple bounties to be live at once creates race condition

When the authority address sets up a bounty in HashStore.sol, they call setHash(), which adds the bounty hash to the isValidHash mapping:

function setHash(bytes32 _hash, bool isValid) external {
    if (msg.sender != authority) revert HashStoreAuth();
    isValidHash[_hash] = isValid;

While each bounty does have a deadline field (so old bounties are unlikely to linger for longer than intended), this architecture allows for multiple bounties to be live at the same time.

In the event that multiple bounties are ever live at the same time, a race condition occurs. In other words, calling bounty A before bounty B will leave the system in a different final state than calling bounty B before bounty A.

This isn't ideal, as the goal of a bounty is for the Alongside team to dictate how the system should be moved into a rebalanced state, and it is undesirable to leave it up to a permissionless function which final state the system ends up in.


Rather than using a mapping to store isValidHash, simply store the current hash in a bountyHash variable. You can then adjust the call from the rebalancer to check that:

bytes32 bountyHash = hashBounty(bounty);
if (bountyHash != hashStore.bountyHash) revert BountyInvalidHash();


Fixed as recommended in PR #79 and PR #80.

[M-07] Vault should have two step ownership transfer

While many of the contracts in the system inherit ProposableOwnable.sol for their ownership, Vault.sol simply tracks an owner in storage and has a one step setOwner() function.

Because the vault is (a) one of the only non-upgradeable contracts in the system and (b) has some very important onlyOwner functionality, it seems especially important that transfers of ownership should be handled with care.


Use ProposableOwnable.sol or OpenZeppelin's Ownable2Step.sol.


Acknowledged, will fix in future release.

[M-08] Inflation will be overapplied if there is a time period when totalSupply() == 0

When any action is taken in the protocol, tryInflation() is called, which checks the multiplier since the last known timestamp and, if there is inflation to apply, mints new AMKT tokens as a fee on the protocol.

function tryInflation() public returns (uint256) {
    uint256 startingSupply = indexToken.totalSupply();

        uint256 timestamp,
        uint256 trackedMultiplier,
        uint256 newFeeAccrued,
        uint256 current
    ) = multiplier();

    uint256 inflation = fmul(startingSupply, finv(newFeeAccrued)) - startingSupply;

    if (inflation > 0) {
        lastKnownMultiplier = trackedMultiplier;
        lastKnownTimestamp = timestamp;, inflation);

As we can see, this function begins by calling multiplier(), which calls Multiplier.computeMultiplier(). This is a pure function which takes in the last tracked timestamp, the last tracked multiplier, and the fee, and uses it to compute the updated values.

In the event that newFeeAccrued < 1e18 (which happens any time more than 1 day has passed since the latest lastKnownTimestamp and fee > 0), there should be a positive value to inflation, and the protocol's values are updated.

However, when startingSupply == 0, inflation == 0 and these updates are skipped.

The correct behavior in this situation would be to update the multiplier and timestamp, but to mint no new tokens (since any percentage inflation of 0 supply should yield 0 additional tokens).

However, as the protocol is currently implemented, the entire if block is skipped if inflation == 0. As a result, the timestamp and multiplier are not updated. If, at a later date, the totalSupply() increases, we will use this new supply to calculate the inflation based on the full change in multiplier since the last time the timestamp was saved.

As an example:

  • Let's imagine the protocol has an inflation rate of 2%.
  • Due to unforeseen issues, the protocol is paused and the supply is 0 for a full year.
  • After a year, user funds are moved back into the protocol.
  • The first time tryInflation() is called, we will have a multiplier of 0.98e18 returned, and we will get instant inflation of 2%


Instead of checking whether inflation > 0, we should check whether there are new fees accrued. We can then update the storage variables, regardless of whether new tokens are actually minted.

function tryInflation() public returns (uint256) {
    uint256 startingSupply = indexToken.totalSupply();

        uint256 timestamp,
        uint256 trackedMultiplier,
        uint256 newFeeAccrued,
        uint256 current
    ) = multiplier();

-   uint256 inflation = fmul(startingSupply, finv(newFeeAccrued)) - startingSupply;

-   if (inflation > 0) {
+   if (newFeeAccrued < SCALAR) {
       lastKnownMultiplier = trackedMultiplier;
       lastKnownTimestamp = timestamp;

+      uint256 inflation = fmul(startingSupply, finv(newFeeAccrued)) - startingSupply;
+      if (inflation > 0 {
 , inflation);
+      }

    return current;

This has the added benefit of also saving gas, as it removes some calculations from the (most common) situation, where tryInflation() is called but a full day hasn't passed.


Fixed as recommended in PR #77.

[M-09] System implicitly relies on off chain oracle

While many smart contract systems rely on on-chain oracles to determine asset prices and calculations, the rebalancing calculations for the AMKT vault is performed off-chain by the Alongside team, and uploaded in the form of a hash to the HashStore:

function setHash(bytes32 _hash, bool isValid) external {
    if (msg.sender != authority) revert HashStoreAuth();
    isValidHash[_hash] = isValid;

There are trade offs to this methodology.

On the plus side, on-chain oracles are some of the most risky areas of any smart contract system, and removing this attack surface does minimize some forms of risk.

On the other hand, an off-chain oracle solution is not auditable or verifiable. There are risks that whatever solution the Alongside team uses is manipulated, or that the Alongside team makes an error when performing these calculations, and there is no way to assess these risks from the smart contracts alone.


Similar to my advice in M-05, to create the best of both worlds, it may be worth implementing an on-chain oracle system that verifies the off-chain accounting that the Alongside team is doing. This serves the purpose of avoiding exploit risks, while also verifying that the system is robust against off-chain errors.



[L-01] Issuer can underpay for AMKT because values are rounded down

When issue() is called to mint new AMKT, we calculate the underlyingAmount of each asset to be deposited by multiplying the real units (nominal units discounted for fees) by the amount of AMKT that is being minted.

uint256 underlyingAmount = fmul(tokens[i].units, amount);

All multiplication values in Solidity are rounded down. This means that the amount of underlying assets deposited can be slightly less than the amount that should be required to mint those assets.

In general, it should be the case that rounding should happen in favor of the protocol, not the user. This means that issue() should round up, while redeem() should continue to round down.

For most tokens, this rounding will be insignificant, but there are certain high value, low decimal tokens where the impact could be more substantial. For example:

  • WBTC has a value of $25k for an 8 decimal token, meaning each unit is worth 0.025 cents.
  • gUSD has a value of $1 for a 2 decimal token, meaning each unit is worth 1 cent.

While these values are not substantial enough that there will be an arbitrage opportunity on Optimism, reduced fees (or migration to another L2) could lead to a situation where such an arbitrage was possible. See this article on a Solana exploit for an example.


In the issue() function, add 1 unit to the underlyingAmount to ensure it's rounded up rather than down.

function issue(uint256 amount) external {
    TokenInfo[] memory tokens = vault.realUnits(); // nominal[asset] * multiplier

    for (uint256 i; i < tokens.length; ) {
-       uint256 underlyingAmount = fmul(tokens[i].units, amount);
+       uint256 underlyingAmount = fmul(tokens[i].units, amount) + 1;

        unchecked {

    vault.invokeMint(msg.sender, amount);


Fixed as recommended in PR #81.

[L-02] Users can dodge rebalancing costs by sandwiching rebalancer

When the vault is rebalanced according to a predefined bounty, the nominals will need to line up in such a way that the rebalancer will earn from profit from the trade. Otherwise, there is no incentive for them to do so.

The assumption is that this cost will be spread across AMKT holders.

However, any given holder is able to dodge this cost by sandwiching the call to fullfillBounty() so that the transactions are ordered:

  • redeem() => redeem all their AMKT for underlying
  • fulfillBounty() => the vault is rebalanced
  • issue() => rebuy their AMKT shares for a slightly lower price

This cost will not be passed on to other users. Instead, the rebalancer will earn less than anticipated because totalSupply will have dropped.

While this may not be a huge deal, if it becomes a common practice it could cause problems for rebalancers, since they will not be able to rely on off-chain calculations.


There doesn't appear to be an easy solution to this problem, except for to impose a delay on issuance and redemptions, or allow the rebalancer to temporarily freeze the pool in advance of performing a rebalance.



[L-03] System cannot support atypical ERC20s

When tokens are transferred to or from the vault, the transfer() and transferFrom() functions are used.

function _invokeERC20(address token, address to, uint256 amount) internal {
    IERC20(token).transfer(to, amount);

Technically, the ERC20 spec dictates that tokens must return false in the event that a transfer fails, but it is not necessarily the case that the function will revert.

While that is the typical behavior, there are some tokens like ZRX that do not revert on failed transfers and simply return false.

In the event that these tokens are included as an underlying asset in the protocol, users will be able to call issue() without holding any of the underlying token, and the function will pass when the transfer fails. This will result in the vault being underfunded, relative to the tracked nominal amount.


Use Solmate's SafeTransferLib to ensure all ERC20 edge cases are properly handled.



[G-01] Unnecessary ownership transfers in deploy script

In the OPInitialMigration.sol script, the token is initialized, and then ownership is proposed and taken by msg.sender:


function initalizeIndexToken(
    IndexToken token,
    address minter,
    address owner,
    string memory tokenName,
    string memory tokenSymbol,
    uint256 _supplyCeiling
) internal virtual {
    token.initialize(tokenName, tokenSymbol, _supplyCeiling);

However, when token.initialize() is called, this automatically calls __Ownable_init(), which transfers ownership to msg.sender.

function initialize(
    string memory tokenName,
    string memory tokenSymbol,
    uint256 _supplyCeiling
) external override initializer {
    __ERC20_init(tokenName, tokenSymbol);

    supplyCeiling = _supplyCeiling;

These additional steps can be skipped to save gas on deployment.


Remove the internal call and the takeOwnership() call, and simply initialize() and setMinter() on the token.

- initalizeIndexToken(
-     token,
-     msg.sender,
-     msg.sender,
-     tokenName,
-     tokenSymbol,
-     _supplyCeiling
- );
- token.takeOwnership(msg.sender);
+ token.initialize();
+ token.setMinter(msg.sender);



[G-02] Bounty can use lastKnownMultiplier instead of multiplier() to save gas

When fulfillBounty() is called, we update the inflation of the vault and then get the tracked multiplier:

(, uint256 trackedMultipler, , ) = vault.multiplier();

This multiplier() function performs a lot of work to generate the returned value. However, because tryInflation() was just called, the trackedMultiplier value returned will always equal the lastKnownMultiplier value that is inputted.

We can see this because, after tryInflation() is called, lastKnownTimestamp will either be set to block.timestamp, or will be a time in the past 24 hours.

When that value is passed to computeMultiplier() it leads to days == 0, which means that newFeeAccrued == SCALAR, therefore the following function will always return the value of lastTrackedMultiplier.

trackedMultiplier = fmul(newFeeAccrued, lastTrackedMultiplier);


Instead of recomputing all the values in multiplier(), we can simply make lastKnownMultiplier a public variable, and call that value directly to return the amount needed to perform the bounty calculation.



[G-03] VArray can remove included field to save gas

Currently, the VerifiableArray struct has the following elements:

struct VerifiableArray {
    address[] elements;
    mapping(address => uint256) indexOf;
    mapping(address => bool) included;

Rather than using an additional storage slot to store included, this could be made more efficient by encoding whether or not the element is included within the indexOf field.


To do this, you would change the indexOf mapping to indexOfPlusOne. That means that, for the 0th element in the array you would store 1, for the 1st element you would store 2, etc.

You can then implement a helper function called indexOf() that subtracts 1 from the mapping's value. In the event that the mapping's value is 0 (it is unset, and thus would not be included), this indexOf() mapping will revert.

You can look at how Curve implements gauge_types as an example:



[G-04] isRestricted checks can be skipped if msg.sender is the minter address

In IndexToken.sol, there are checks when tokens are minted, burned or transferred that nobody involved in the transaction is restricted. This functionality is used to blacklist bad actors.

    /// @notice Compliance feature to blacklist bad actors
    /// @dev Negates current restriction state
    /// @param who address
    function toggleRestriction(address who) external override onlyOwner {
        isRestricted[who] = !isRestricted[who];
        emit ToggledRestricted(who, isRestricted[who]);

These checks extend to checking the msg.sender on the mint() and burn() functions, both of which are gated by the onlyMinter modifier, which means that msg.sender == minter. Since the minter role is an approved address, it is not necessary to check whether it is restricted.


function mint(
    address to,
    uint256 amount
) external override whenNotPaused onlyMinter {
        totalSupply() + amount <= supplyCeiling,
        "will exceed supply ceiling"
-   require(!isRestricted[to] && !isRestricted[msg.sender]);
+   require(!isRestricted[to]);
    _mint(to, amount);

function burn(
    address from,
    uint256 amount
) external override whenNotPaused onlyMinter {
-   require(!isRestricted[from] && !isRestricted[msg.sender]);
+   require(!isRestricted[from]);
    _burn(from, amount);



[G-05] takeOwnership() function checks can be simplified

Currently, the takeOwnership() function performs the following checks to determine whether a user is allowed to take ownership:

function takeOwnership(address newOwner) public virtual {
        newOwner != address(0),
        "ProposableOwnable: new owner is the zero address"
        newOwner == proposedOwner,
        "ProposableOwnable: new owner is not proposed owner"
        newOwner == msg.sender,
        "ProposableOwnable: this call must be made by the new owner"

To summarize:

  • the inputted newOwner must not be address(0)
  • the inputted newOwner must equal proposedOwner
  • the inputted newOwner must equal msg.sender

This can be simplified by removing the newOwner value altogether, and simply checking that msg.sender == proposedOwner.


Replace the checks in takeOwnership() with the following:

function takeOwnership() public virtual {
        msg.sender == proposedOwner,
        "ProposableOwnable: sender is not proposed owner"

Alternatively, replace the ProposableOwnable.sol contract with OpenZeppelin's Ownable2StepUpgradeable.sol contract.



[I-01] deployVault() function _indexTokenOwner argument is misnamed

The deployVault() function in CoreDeploy.s.sol script takes the following arguments:

function deployVault(
    IIndexToken indexToken,
    address _indexTokenOwner,
    address _hashStoreOwner,
    uint256 feeScaled,
    address feeRecipient
) internal returns (Vault) {

As we can see, the _indexTokenOwner variable is only used to set the vault owner. The index token owner is set later, in the initalizeIndexToken() function.

The correct value is passed to the function, so there is no harm, but the name should be updated to reflect the reality of what is happening.


Rename the _indexTokenOwner argument to _vaultOwner.



[I-02] Try catch can be removed from fulfillBounty()

Currently, the fulfillBounty() function uses a try catch block when performing a callback to the rebalancer:

try Rebalancer(msg.sender).rebalanceCallback() {} catch {
    revert BountyCallbackFailed();

A try catch block is used to ensure that a function does not revert in the case that the call reverts, and instead is moved to the catch block to perform that action instead.

However, in this case, the catch block simply reverts, so the behavior is the same.

The only difference between the two cases is that, without a try catch block, the error message would be the underlying error from the call, whereas in the current architecture, the error message is the generic BountyCallbackFailed().


- try Rebalancer(msg.sender).rebalanceCallback() {} catch {
-    revert BountyCallbackFailed();
- }
+ Rebalancer(msg.sender).rebalanceCallback();

