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File metadata and controls

1183 lines (923 loc) · 51.8 KB
CAP: 0057
Title: State Archival Persistent Entry Eviction
Working Group:
    Owner: Garand Tyson <@SirTyson>
    Authors: Garand Tyson <@SirTyson>
    Consulted: Dmytro Kozhevin <@dmkozh>, Nicolas Barry <@MonsieurNicolas>
Status: Draft
Created: 2024-06-24
Protocol version: 23

Simple Summary

This proposal allows the network to evict PERSISTENT entries, i.e., delete archived PERSISTENT entries from validators.

Working Group

As specified in the Preamble.


To lower the storage requirements of validators and decrease the growth of History Archives.

Goals Alignment

This change is aligned with the goal of lowering the cost and increasing the scale of the network.


Whenever a PERSISTENT entry is evicted or deleted by a transaction (as in deleted as part of TX execution), it will be removed from the “Live State BucketList” (today called the BucketList) and added to the “Archived State Tree” (AST). The AST is made up of a collection of immutable Merkle trees stored on top of the BucketList, called “Archival Snapshots”, plus a single mutable store called the “Hot Archive”.

At any given point, all validators store the Hot Archive on disk. Whenever a PERSISTENT entry is evicted, it is added to the Hot Archive. Eventually, the Hot Archive becomes full. At this point, the Hot Archive is “snapshotted” and converted into an immutable Archival Snapshot. Validators retain only the Merkle root of the newly created Archival Snapshot and delete the rest of the snapshot. The validators then initialize a new, empty Hot Archive and repeat the process.

While validators only store the Merkle root of each Archival Snapshot, the complete Archival Snapshots are persisted in the History Archive. RPC nodes may locally store as few or as many of these snapshots as the operator desires, initialized directly via History Archive files (RPC providers may also shard snapshots across multiple nodes such that no one RPC node is required to store all snapshots). During preflight, RPC will use these local snapshots to attach Merkle style proofs for any archived entry encountered during preflight. These proofs can then be submitted via the RestoreFootprintOp to allow the entries to be used again and become part of the Live State BucketList.


XDR changes

enum BucketListType
    LIVE = 0,
    HOT_ARCHIVE = 1,

enum HotArchiveBucketEntryType
    HOT_ARCHIVE_METAENTRY = -1, // Bucket metadata, should come first.
    HOT_ARCHIVE_ARCHIVED = 0,   // Entry is Archived
    HOT_ARCHIVE_LIVE = 1,       // Entry was previously HOT_ARCHIVE_ARCHIVED, or HOT_ARCHIVE_DELETED, but
                                // has been added back to the live BucketList.
                                // Does not need to be persisted.
    HOT_ARCHIVE_DELETED = 2     // Entry deleted (Note: must be persisted in archive)

union HotArchiveBucketEntry switch (HotArchiveBucketEntryType type)
    LedgerEntry archivedEntry;

    LedgerKey key;
    BucketMetadata metaEntry;

enum ColdArchiveBucketEntryType
    COLD_ARCHIVE_METAENTRY     = -1,  // Bucket metadata, should come first.
    COLD_ARCHIVE_ARCHIVED_LEAF = 0,   // Full LedgerEntry that was archived during the epoch
    COLD_ARCHIVE_DELETED_LEAF  = 1,   // LedgerKey that was deleted during the epoch
    COLD_ARCHIVE_BOUNDARY_LEAF = 2,   // Dummy leaf representing low/high bound
    COLD_ARCHIVE_HASH          = 3    // Intermediary Merkle hash entry

struct ColdArchiveArchivedLeaf
    uint32 index;
    LedgerEntry archivedEntry;

struct ColdArchiveDeletedLeaf
    uint32 index;
    LedgerKey deletedKey;

struct ColdArchiveBoundaryLeaf
    uint32 index;
    bool isLowerBound;

struct ColdArchiveHashEntry
    uint32 index;
    uint32 level;
    Hash hash;

union ColdArchiveBucketEntry switch (ColdArchiveBucketEntryType type)
    BucketMetadata metaEntry;
    ColdArchiveArchivedLeaf archivedLeaf;
    ColdArchiveDeletedLeaf deletedLeaf;
    ColdArchiveBoundaryLeaf boundaryLeaf;
    ColdArchiveHashEntry COLD_ARCHIVE_HASH;

enum LedgerEntryType
    BLOB = 10 // Stores arbitrary data for validator operation

struct LedgerEntry
    uint32 lastModifiedLedgerSeq; // ledger the LedgerEntry was last changed

    union switch (LedgerEntryType type)
        case BLOB:
            BlobEntry blob;

    // reserved for future use
    union switch (int v)
    case 0:
    case 1:
        LedgerEntryExtensionV1 v1;

struct ShortHashSeed
    opaque seed[16];

enum BinaryFuseFilterType

struct SerializedBinaryFuseFilter
    BinaryFuseFilterType type;

    // Seed used to hash input to filter
    ShortHashSeed inputHashSeed;

    // Seed used for internal filter hash operations
    ShortHashSeed filterSeed;
    uint32 segmentLength;
    uint32 segementLengthMask;
    uint32 segmentCount;
    uint32 segmentCountLength;
    uint32 fingerprintLength; // Length in terms of element count, not bytes

    // Array of uint8_t, uint16_t, or uint32_t depending on filter type
    opaque fingerprints<>;

union LedgerKey switch (LedgerEntryType type)
case BLOB:
        int64 blobID;
        BlobType type;
    } blob;

enum BlobType

struct BlobEntry
    int64 blobID; // Blob ID is the archival epoch
    union switch (BlobType type)
            Hash hash;
        case ARCHIVAL_FILTER:
            SerializedBinaryFuseFilter filter;
    } data;

enum ConfigSettingID

// Contains state archival state that cannot be changed via
// config upgrade
struct StateArchivalMeta
    uint32 currArchivalEpoch;
    uint32 hotArchiveSize; // Current number of entries in the Hot Archive

    // Current iterator position for Merkle generation of the Cold Archive
    uint32 coldArchiveIterLevel;
    uint32 coldArchiveIterIndex;

    // Ledger at which the current pending archival snapshot will be
    // added to the merkle production queue
    uint32 pendingSnapshotPublishLedger;

union ConfigSettingEntry switch (ConfigSettingID configSettingID)
    StateArchivalSettingsExt stateArchivalSettingsExt;
    StateArchivalMeta stateArchivalMeta;

struct StateArchivalSettingsExt
// Rate limit how fast cold snapshots are converted to Merkle trees
uint32 maxEntriesToHash;
uint32 maxBytesToHash;

// Number of entries at which archival snapshot is considered full
uint32 archivalSnapshotSize;

// Number of levels in Archival Snapshot BucketList
uint32 archivalSnapshotDepth;

// The minimum number of ledgers between which the Hot Archive becomes full
// and when the corresponding archival snapshot is initialized and
// added to Merkle Production Queue
uint32 numLedgersToInitSnapshot;

enum ArchivalProofType
    EXISTENCE = 0,

struct ArchivalProofNode
    uint32 index;
    Hash hash;

typedef ArchivalProofNode ProofLevel<>;

struct ArchivalProof
    uint32 epoch; // AST Subtree for this proof

    union switch (ArchivalProofType t)
    case EXISTENCE:
            ColdArchiveBucketEntry entriesToProve<>;

            // Vector of vectors, where proofLevels[level]
            // contains all HashNodes that correspond with that level
            ProofLevel proofLevels<>;
        } existenceProof;
            LedgerKey keysToProve<>;

            // Bounds for each key being proved, where bound[n]
            // corresponds to keysToProve[n]
            ColdArchiveBucketEntry lowBoundEntries<>;
            ColdArchiveBucketEntry highBoundEntries<>;

            // Vector of vectors, where proofLevels[level]
            // contains all HashNodes that correspond with that level
            ProofLevel proofLevels<>;
        } nonexistenceProof;
    } type;

// The transaction extension for Soroban.
struct SorobanTransactionData
    union ExtensionPoint switch (int v)
    case 0:
    case 1:
        ArchivalProof proofs<>;

    SorobanResources resources;
    // Amount of the transaction `fee` allocated to the Soroban resource fees.
    // The fraction of `resourceFee` corresponding to `resources` specified 
    // above is *not* refundable (i.e. fees for instructions, ledger I/O), as
    // well as fees for the transaction size.
    // The remaining part of the fee is refundable and the charged value is
    // based on the actual consumption of refundable resources (events, ledger
    // rent bumps).
    // The `inclusionFee` used for prioritization of the transaction is defined
    // as `tx.fee - resourceFee`.
    int64 resourceFee;

struct LedgerCloseMetaV2
    // same as LedgerCloseMetaV1 up to here

    uint32 currentArchivalEpoch;

    // The last epoch currently stored by validators
    // Any entry restored from an epoch older than this will
    // require a proof.
    uint32 lastArchivalEpochPersisted;

union LedgerCloseMeta switch (int v)
case 0:
    LedgerCloseMetaV0 v0;
case 1:
    LedgerCloseMetaV1 v1;
case 2:
    LedgerCloseMetaV2 v2;

enum LedgerEntryChangeType
    LEDGER_ENTRY_CREATED = 0, // entry was added to the ledger
    LEDGER_ENTRY_UPDATED = 1, // entry was modified in the ledger
    LEDGER_ENTRY_REMOVED = 2, // entry was removed from the ledger
    LEDGER_ENTRY_STATE = 3,   // value of the entry
    LEDGER_ENTRY_RESTORE = 4  // archived entry was restored in the ledger

union LedgerEntryChange switch (LedgerEntryChangeType type)
    LedgerEntry created;
    LedgerEntry updated;
    LedgerKey removed;
    LedgerEntry state;
    LedgerEntry restored;


Archival State Tree (AST)

The Archive State Tree (AST) is a collection of immutable Merkle trees whose leaves are archived entries and PERSISTENT entry keys explicitly deleted via transaction execution. The AST is a collection of subtrees indexed AST[0], AST[1], …, AST[N]. The AST index number is called the Archival Epoch. We define the current Archival Epoch as N + 1, where N is the index of the most recently completed AST subtree.

For some Archival Epoch k, AST[k] is as follows:

AST[k] is a sorted, balanced, binary Merkle tree. When AST[k] is initialized, it contains two dummy boundary leaves of type COLD_ARCHIVE_BOUNDARY_LEAF, one lower bound leaf and one upper bound leaf (these boundary leafs are required for proofs-of-nonexistence).

In addition to these boundary leafs, AST[k] contains a leaf for

  1. Every PERSISTENT entry evicted (but not restored) during archival epoch k. These entries are stored in AST[k] as type COLD_ARCHIVE_ARCHIVED_LEAF.

  2. Every PERSISTENT entry explicitly deleted via transaction execution during epoch k. These keys are stored in AST[k] as type COLD_ARCHIVE_DELETED_LEAF.

Leaf nodes are sorted as follows:

cmp(lhs: ColdArchiveBucketEntry, rhs: ColdArchiveBucketEntry): // lhs < rhs
    if lhs.type == COLD_ARCHIVE_HASH and rhs.type == COLD_ARCHIVE_HASH:
        if lhs.level != rhs.level:
            return lhs.level < rhs.level

        return lhs.index < rhs.index

    else if rhs.type == COLD_ARCHIVE_HASH:
        return true

    else if lhs.type == COLD_ARCHIVE_HASH:
        return false

    else if lhs.type == COLD_ARCHIVE_BOUNDARY_LEAF
                and rhs.type == COLD_ARCHIVE_BOUNDARY_LEAF:
        return lhs.isLowerBound and not rhs.isLowerBound

    else if lhs.type == COLD_ARCHIVE_BOUNDARY_LEAF:
        return lhs.isLowerBound

    else if rhs.type == COLD_ARCHIVE_BOUNDARY_LEAF:
        return not rhs.isLowerBound

        return LedgerKey(lhs) < LedgerKey(rhs) // pre-existing compare function

Internal nodes, including the root node, are all of type COLD_ARCHIVE_HASH and constructed as follows:

Let us define a node's level, where leaf nodes have level == 0. For each leaf node with index == i, there is the parent COLD_ARCHIVE_HASH node:

    level: 1
    index: i
    hash: SHA(node[0][i])

Note that the entire leaf node of type ColdArchiveBucketEntry is hashed, not just the underlying LedgerEntry or LedgerKey. We must hash the entire ColdArchiveBucketEntry in order to verify the index of the entry being proved (a requirement for proofs of nonexistence).

All internal nodes with level > 1 are constructed as follows:

Given ChildNode {
    level: n
    index: i

InternalNode = COLD_ARCHIVE_HASH {
    level: n + 1
    index: i / 2
    hash: if node[n][i + 1] exists:
                SHA(node[n][i] + node[n][i + 1])

Proof Structure

In order to protect against "Double Restore" attacks (see Security Concerns), it is necessary to prove that the version of the LedgerEntry being restored is the newest version that exists in the entire AST. This is accomplished by proving that the entry exists in a given subtree, and proving that the key does not exist in every newer subtree.

A restoration proof for archived entry e that was archived in epoch k is as follows:

generateArchivalProof(e: ColdArchiveArchivedLeaf, k: Epoch):
    let key = LedgerEntryKey(e)
    let epochOfArchival = k
    let completeProof = vector<ArchivalProof>{}

    let proofOfExistence = generateProofOfExistenceProof(e, AST[k])

    for epoch in range(epochOfArchival, currentEpoch):
        // See "Archival Filter Optimization for Proofs of Nonexistence"
        if archivalFilterMiss(LedgerKey(e), epoch):
            let proofOfNonexistence = generateProofOfNonexistence(k, AST[epoch])

    return completeProof
Proof of existence

A proof of existence that e exists in some subtree is a Merkle style proof of inclusion. This includes the path from the root node of the tree down to the leaf node being proved and all sibling nodes along the path, excluding the root node. Since the root node is maintained by the validator validating the proof, it can be omitted. Additionally, if multiple entries are being proved, each COLD_ARCHIVE_HASH on the proof path must only be included once.

// Merkle subtree is represented by the map [level][node_index]
generateProofOfExistence(subtree=AST[k], e: ColdArchiveBucketEntry, proof: optional<ArchivalProof>):

    // If proof is not null, we are adding a new entry onto a pre-existing proof
    if not proof:
        proof = ArchivalProof(type = EXISTENCE)
        proof.epoch = k


    let curIndex = e.index

    for level in range(1, treeDepth - 1): // Omit root node
        let curNode = subtree[level][curIndex]

        // Insert path node if not already in proof
        if curNode not in proof.pathLevel[level]:

        // insert neighbor node if not already in proof
        let neighborIndex = curIndex % 2 == 0 ? curIndex + 1 : curIndex - 1
        let neighborNode = subtree[level][neighborIndex]
        if neighbor_node not in proof.pathLevel[level]:

        // Update for next level
        curIndex /= 2

    return proof

Given a proof p and the root of the subtree r, a validator can verify the proof by recomputing the neighbor hashes along the path and checking the result against the saved root hash as follows:

verifyProofOfExistence(p: ArchivalProof, rootHash: Hash):

    for entry in proof.entries:
        let expectedHash = SHA(entry)
        let level = 1
        let index = entry.index

        while level < r.level:
            let proofHash = proof.getNode(level, index)
            if proofHash.hash != expectedHash:
                return INVALID

            let neighborIndex = cur_index % 2 == 0 ? cur_index + 1 : cur_index - 1
            let neighborNode = proof.getNode(level, neighborIndex)

            expectedHash = SHA(expectedHash + neighborNode)
            level += 1
            index /= 2

        If expectedHash == rootHash:
            return VALID
            return INVALID

Proof of nonexistence

A proof of nonexistence demonstrates that for a given LedgerKey k, no such key exists in the given subtree. A proof of nonexistence for k in a given subtree is a proof of existence for two keys lowKey and highKey such that:

  1. lowKey < k
  2. highKey > k
  3. lowKey and highKey are direct neighbors in the subtree, i.e. subtree[highKey].index - subtree[lowKey].index == 1

The proof is generated as follows:

// Merkle subtree is represented by the map [level][node_index]
generateProofOfNonexistence(subtree=AST[n], k: LedgerKey, proof: optional<ArchivalProof>):

    // If proof is not null, we are adding a new entry onto a pre-existing proof
    if not proof:
        proof = ArchivalProof(type = NONEXISTENCE)
        proof.epoch = k


    // Get leaf node with lower_bound key
    // Note: Because of dummy boundary entries, there is always
    // some lower bound key in subtree < k
    let lowBoundLeaf = lower_bound(subtree[0], k)

    // Note: Because of dummy boundary entries, there is always
    // some upper bound key in subtree > k
    let highBoundLeaf = subtree[0][lowBoundLeaf.index + 1]

    // Note: generateNonexistenceSubProof is functionally identical to generateProofOfExistence
    generateNonexistenceSubProof(subtree, lowerBoundLeaf, proof)
    generateNonexistenceSubProof(subtree, upperBoundLeaf, proof)

To verify a proof of nonexistence, validators verify that the lowerBound and upperBound proofs of existence are valid, then must check that the two entries provided are direct neighbors as follows:

verifyProofOfNonexistence(p: ArchivalProof, r: ArchivalCOLD_ARCHIVE_HASH):

    for i in range(0, len(p.keysToProve)):
        let k = p.keysToProve[i]
        let lowBound = p.lowBoundEntries[i]
        let highBound = p.highBoundEntries[i]

        // Check that bounds are correct
        if lowerBound >= highBound:
            return INVALID

        if lowerBound.index != highBound.index + 1:
            return INVALID

        if lowBound >= k or highBound <= k:
            return INVALID

        // Note: verifyNonexistenceSubProof is functionally equivalent to verifyProofOfExistence
        if not verifyNonexistenceSubProof(lowBound, r, p)
                or not verifyNonexistenceSubProof(highBound, r, p):
            return INVALID

    return VALID

Archival Filter Optimization for Proofs of Nonexistence

Every new entry being created for the first time must prove that the entry does not exist in the archive. In the most common case, this requires a proof of nonexistence for the key in every AST subtree. This is very expensive, especially in a new entry creation path. Additionally, every archived entry being restored must provide a series of proofs of nonexistence to prove that there is no newer version of the entry in the archive.

To optimize these nonexistence proofs, all validators persist the set of keys in each AST subtree via a probabilistic set called the "Archival Filter." The Archival Filter is a binary fuse filter, a more efficient variant of bloom filters. Binary fuse filters are significantly more memory efficient than traditional sets, but occasionally return false positives, i.e. the filter claims a key exists in the set when it does not. However, the filter is guaranteed to never return a false negative. If a key exists in the set, the filter always claims that the key exists. This means that if the binary fuse filter claims a key does not exist in the set, it is guaranteed to not exist. However if the filter claims a key exist in the set, it may or may not actually exist.

These guarantees allow validators to check for AST subtree exclusion directly without the need of actual proofs of nonexistence in most cases. When a proof of nonexistence is required, the validator will first check the archival filter for the given subtree. If no false positive occurs and the key does not exist in the AST, the validator can conclude that the key does not exist without a proof of exclusion. However, occasionally a false positive might occur. Should the archival filter return a false positive, the transaction can include a full proof of exclusion for the given AST subtree to "override" the false positive.

The Archival Filter will be implemented as a 3 wise binary fuse filter with a bit width of 32 bits. This provides a 1 / 4 billion false positive rate with a storage overhead of 36 bits per key. At the current ledger size of approximately 47 million entries, there would be approximately 211 MB of archival filter overhead. Additionally, there is only a 1% chance that a single false positive would have occurred throughout the entire history of the Stellar network.

Generating the AST

Each validator maintains the "Live State BucketList" (currently called the BucketList). This stores all live ledger state, including entries that are archived, but have not yet been evicted. Additionally, validators will maintain the "Hot Archive", an additional BucketList containing recently archived entries. Validators will maintain a "Cold Archive". The Cold Archive contains the oldest archived entries stored on the validator. The Cold Archive is an in-progress AST subtree that is slowly constructed over time. Eventually, the AST subtree is completed. The validators retain just the root Merkle hash, construct and Archival Filter for the contents of the subtree and drop the now completed Cold Archive.

In this way each validator will maintain the Merkle root of all AST subtrees, as well as an Archival Filter for each subtree. These roots and filters are stored as LedgerEntry of type BLOB in the Live State BucketList.

AST Generation Flow

Consider the initial archival epoch when full State Archival is first enabled. Only the current Hot Archive exists (the in-progress subtree AST[0]). The Pending Cold Archive queue, current Cold Archive, and History Archive snapshots are all empty.

Initial AST state

After some time, the Hot Archive AST[0] will become full and enter the Pending Cold Archive Queue. A new, empty Hot Archive is initialized for AST[1]. While in the Pending Cold Archive Queue, AST[0] will be converted into a single Cold Archive Bucket. In order to give validators time to perform this merge, the AST[0] must stay in the queue for a minimum of numLedgersToInitSnapshot ledgers. In this example, AST[1] also becomes full before numLedgersToInitSnapshot ledgers occur. Thus, AST[1] is also added to this queue, and AST[2] is initialized as the current Hot Archive.

Full Queue

After numLedgersToInitSnapshot ledgers have passed, AST[0] is now eligible to become the current Cold Archive. On the ledger that this occurs, AST[0] is removed from the Pending Cold Archive Queue and initialized as the current Cold Archive. Simultaneously, the single merged Cold Archive Bucket for AST[0] is published to history as the canonical Archival Snapshot for epoch 0.

Initialized Cold Archive

On a deterministic schedule, the root Merkle hash for AST[0] is generated over many ledgers. Note that during this time, even if another numLedgersToInitSnapshot ledgers pass, AST[1] is not eligible to leave the queue until AST[0] has generated a Merkle root and has been dropped by validators.

Eventually, the Merkle root for AST[0] is generated. As this time, the Merkle root and Archival Filter for AST[0] is written to the Live State BucketList and the current Cold Archive AST[0] is dropped from validators.

Finished Cold Archive

After AST[0] is dropped from validators, if at least numLedgersToInitSnapshot have passed since AST[1] joined the Pending Cold Archive Queue, AST[1] now becomes the current Cold Archive. The snapshot for AST[1] is published to the History Archives and the cycle repeats.

Finished Cold Archive

Live State BucketList

The Live State BucketList most closely resembles the current BucketList. It will contain all “live” state of the ledger, including Stellar classic entries, live Soroban entries, network config settings, etc. Additionally, it will include all AST information that is permanent and must always be persisted by validators (Merkle roots and Archival Filters). This is a persistent store that is never deleted. The Live State BucketList is published to the History Archive on every checkpoint ledger via the "history" category.

Hot Archive

The Hot Archive is a BucketList that stores recently evicted and deleted PERSISTENT entries and is AST[currentArchivalEpoch]. It contains HotArchiveBucketEntry type entries and is constructed as follows:

  1. Whenever a PERSISTENT entry is evicted, the entry is deleted from the Live State BucketList and added to the Hot Archive as a HOT_ARCHIVE_ARCHIVED entry. The corresponding TTLEntry is deleted and not stored in the Hot Archive.
  2. Whenever a PERSISTENT entry is deleted as part of transaction execution (not deleted via eviction event), the key is stored in the Hot Archive as a HOT_ARCHIVE_DELETED entry.
  3. If an archived entry is restored and the entry currently exists in the Hot Archive, the HOT_ARCHIVE_ARCHIVED previously stored in the Hot Archive is overwritten by a HOT_ARCHIVE_LIVE entry.
  4. If a deleted key is recreated and the deleted key currently exists in the Hot Archive, the HOT_ARCHIVE_DELETED previously stored in the Hot Archive is overwritten by a HOT_ARCHIVE_LIVE entry.

For Bucket merges, the newest version of a given key is always taken. At the bottom level, HOT_ARCHIVE_LIVE entries are dropped. The HOT_ARCHIVE_LIVE state indicates that the given key currently exists in the Live BucketList. Thus, any Hot Archive reference is out of date and can be dropped.

The current Hot Archive is published to the History Archive via the "history" category on every checkpoint ledger.

Whenever the size of the Hot Archive exceeds archivalSnapshotSize, the given AST subtree becomes immutable and is added to the Pending Cold Archive Queue, A FIFO queue holding all full AST subtrees that are "waiting" to become the current Cold Archive. At this point a new, empty Hot Archive is initialized and the current Archival Epoch is incremented to begin constructing the next subtree.

Every BucketList in the Pending Cold Archive Queue is published to the History Archive in the "history" category on every checkpoint ledger. Note that no Bucket files will actually be published, as the Pending Archival Snapshot is immutable.

Pending Cold Archive Queue

Whenever an AST subtree enters the Pending Cold Archive Queue, it is converted into a single Bucket of type Cold Archive over many ledgers in a background thread. The full Merkle tree for the given subtree will eventually be built on top of this single Bucket. Merging the pending AST BucketList into a single Bucket before beginning Merkle tree construction allows for significantly more efficient History Archives. This involves merging the pending AST of type Hot Archive BucketList into a single Bucket as follows:

  1. Merge all levels of the Hot Archive BucketList into a single Bucket
  2. Initialize a Cold Archive Bucket with a lower and upper bound entry of type COLD_ARCHIVE_BOUNDARY_LEAF.
  3. Insert every entry from the merged Hot Archive BucketList into the Cold Archive Bucket:
    • Entries of type HOT_ARCHIVE_ARCHIVED will be converted to entries of type COLD_ARCHIVE_ARCHIVED_LEAF.
    • Entries of type HOT_ARCHIVE_DELETED will be converted to entries of type COLD_ARCHIVE_DELETED_LEAF.

Note that the initial Archival Snapshot has no entries of type COLD_ARCHIVE_HASH. This conversion is necessary because all ColdArchiveBucketEntry must contain their index in the given Bucket.

During this time, the Archival Filter for the given AST subtree is also generated.

After entering the Pending Cold Archive Queue, a pending AST subtree becomes the current Cold Archive when the following conditions are met:

  1. At least numLedgersToInitSnapshot have passed since the pending AST subtree entered the queue
  2. No Cold Archive currently exists
  3. The given pending AST subtree is the oldest in the queue

If a merge has not completed on the ledger in which an AST subtree must leave the queue and initialize the Cold Archive, the validator will block until the merge is complete. This is similar behavior to background Bucket merges today, where the specific merge timing and speed is an implementation detail not part of protocol. Similar to Bucket merge schedules today, very conservative time will be alloted for merges. However, if a new node is joining the network on the ledger before the Cold Archive is set to be initialized, the node may lose sync with the network initially. However, this is currently the case today with normal BucketList background merges and has not presented any significant issues.

Cold Archive

The Cold Archive contains entries of type ColdArchiveBucketEntryType and represents the complete Merkle tree for a given AST subtree. The Cold Archive is initialized from a single, pre-existing Cold Archive Bucket constructed in the Pending Cold Archive Queue. This single Bucket contains all leaf nodes for the given Merkle tree, but does not yet contain any intermediate hash nodes.

On the ledger in which the Cold Archive is initialized, the initial Cold Archive Bucket is published to history as the canonical "Archival Snapshot" for the given epoch. The single leaf Bucket is published in the archivalsnapshot category of the History Archives. Unlike Bucket snapshots in the history category of the History Archives, this snapshot in not used by validators to join the network. Instead, it is used to initialize AST Merkle trees for downstream systems in order to produce proofs.

After being initialized with only leaf nodes, the Cold Archive slowly constructs a Merkle tree on a deterministic schedule over many ledgers. Each ledger, a background thread will hash up to maxEntriesToHash entries and maxBytesToHash bytes, inserting the required COLD_ARCHIVE_HASH entries. The current iterator position is recorded in NetworkConfigSettings via the coldArchiveIterLevel and coldArchiveIterIndex fields.

The current Cold Archive is published to the History Archive via the "history" category on every checkpoint ledger. Note that this is different from the Archival Snapshot published on initialization. Since the Cold Archive is part of the BucketList hash used in consensus, it must be included in BucketList checkpoints.

The Cold Archive should only every have a single version for each key, such that there does not need to be any special Bucket merge logic.

Once the root Merkle node has been created, the root hash is persisted in the live state BucketList and the current Cold Archive is dropped.

Changes to History Archives

The HistoryArchiveState will be extended as follows:

version: number identifying the file format version
server: an optional debugging string identifying the software that wrote the file
networkPassphrase: an optional string identifying the networkPassphrase
currentLedger: a number denoting the ledger this file describes the state of
currentBuckets: an array containing an encoding of the live state bucket list for this ledger

hotArchiveBuckets: an array containing an encoding of the hot archive bucket list for this ledger

pendingColdArchiveBuckets: an array of arrays containing an encoding of the pending cold archive bucket lists for this ledger

coldArchiveBuckets: an array containing an encoding of cold archive bucket list for this ledger

Bucket files for the hotArchiveBuckets, pendingColdArchiveBuckets and coldArchiveBuckets will be stored just as Bucket files are currently stored.

In addition to these changes, a new archivalsnapshot category will be added. This directory will contain all Archival Snapshots, categorized by Archival Epoch, in the following format:

Each Archival Epoch will have a directory in the form archivalsnapshot/ww/xx/yy/ where 0xwwxxyyzz is the 32bit ledger sequence number for the Archival Epoch at which the file was written, expressed as an 8 hex digit, lower-case ASCII string. This directory will store a single Bucket file of the form archivalsnapshot/ww/xx/yy/archivalsnapshot-wwxxyyzz.xdr.gz. While this file does not contain a complete Merkle tree, it contains all necessary information to generate AST[0xwwxxyyzz].

Changes to LedgerHeader

While the XDR structure of LedgerHeader remains unchanged, bucketListHash will be changed to the following:

header.bucketListHash = SHA256(liveStateBucketListHash,
                               pendingArchiveHash[0], // Or 0 if non existent
                               , ..., pendingArchiveHash[n],
                               coldArchiveHash) // Or 0 if non existent


The most notable user facing difference in InvokeHostFunctionOp is a requirement for occasional "invocation proofs". If a key is being created for the first time, validators must check all archival filters to ensure the key does not already exist in the archive. Since archival filters are probabilistic, occasionally there may be a false positive, such that the archival filter indicates a key exists in the archive when it does not. To "override" this false positive, an "invocation proof" must be included in the transaction. An invocation proof is a proof of nonexistence for a given key, proving that a false positive occurred in the archival filter for the key.

Invocation proofs, if required, must be included in proofs struct inside SorobanTransactionData for the given transaction.

Outside of this user facing change, operation behavior changes as follows. Prior to entering the VM, there will be an "archival phase" performed while loading entries from disk. The archival phase is responsible for:

  1. Validating proofs of nonexistence for newly created entries, and
  2. Enforcing archival policies, i.e. failing the TX if the footprint contains an archived entry that has not been restored.

The archival phase works as follows:

for key in footprint.readonly:
    if key does not exist in live BucketList:

for key in footprint.readWrite:
    if key does not exist in live BucketList:
        // Assume key is being created for the first time

        // Incudes hot archive and every pending archival snapshot
        for bucketList in allBucketListsStoredOnDisk:
            if key exists in bucketlist:
                // Entry is archived

        // oldest epoch is epoch of oldest pending archival snapshot,
        // or hot archive in there are no pending snapshots
        for epoch in range(0, oldestEpochOnDisk):
            filter = getArchivalFilter(epoch)
            if key in filter:
                // Check for proof in case of filter false positive
                if validProof(key, epoch) not in tx.proofs:
                    // Entry is archived, or filter miss occurred without overriding proof

Following this new archival phase, InvokeHostFunctionOp will function identically to today. There are no archival specific fees for creating a new entry even if a filter miss occurs and a proof must be verified (see No Archival Fees for Entry Creation).


RestoreFootprintOp will now be required to provide "restoration proofs" for any archived entry that is not currently stored by the validators. The operation can restore a mix of entries that are archived but currently stored by validators and those that are not stored by validators. Restoration proofs are included in the proofs struct inside SorobanTransactionData for the given transaction.

RestoreFootprintOp will now require instruction resources, metered based on the complexity of verifying the given proofs of inclusion. There are no additional fees or resources required for proofs of nonexistence.


Meta will contain the current Archival Epoch via currentArchivalEpoch.This will be useful for downstream diagnostics such as Hubble. Meta will also contain the oldest Archival Snapshot persisted on validators via lastArchivalEpochPersisted. This will be useful to RPC preflight, as it is the cutoff point at which a proof will need to be generated for RestoreFootprintOp.

Whenever a PERSISTENT entry is evicted (i.e. removed from the Live State BucketList and added to the Hot Archive), the full entry will be emitted via evictedPersistentLedgerEntries.

Whenever an entry is restored via RestoreFootprintOp, the LedgerEntry being restored and its associated TTL will be emitted as a LedgerEntryChange of type LEDGER_ENTRY_RESTORE. Note that entries being restored may not have been evicted such that entries currently in the Live State BucketList can see LEDGER_ENTRY_RESTORE events.

Default Values for Network Configs

// Rate limit how fast cold snapshots are converted to Merkle trees
uint32 maxEntriesToHash = 1000;
uint32 maxBytesToHash = 10 mb;

These are very modest, arbitrary starting limits that can be increased later.

// Number of entries at which archival snapshot is considered full
uint32 archivalSnapshotSize = 100;

Long term, 100 entries per archival snapshot is significantly smaller than is optimal. However, given that there is currently a small number of expired PERSISTENT Soroban entries (approximately 50 at the time of this writing), a small initial snapshot size will allow us to evict the first round of persistent entries as a sort of "test run" for early adopters before increasing this to a larger, more reasonable value.

// Number of levels in Archival Snapshot BucketList
uint32 archivalSnapshotDepth = 4;

This value should be increased to scale with archivalSnapshotSize. Since there is a very low initial archivalSnapshotSize value, this value should also begin very low.

// The number of ledger between which the Hot Archive becomes full
// and when the corresponding archival snapshot is initialized and
// added to Merkle Production Queue
uint32 numLedgersToInitSnapshot = 1000; // 1.5 hours

Currently, even the largest Bucket merge events take less than 10 minutes. This value is very conservative in order to support many different SKUs and provide flexibility to instances that may have burst limited storage mediums.

Design Rationale

No Archival Fees for Entry Creation

While additional fees are charged for verifying proofs of existence, no fees are charged for validating proofs of nonexistence. There are several potential ways to break smart contracts should we charge for proofs of nonexistence:

  1. Meter instructions for each binary fuse filter lookup. As the age of the network increases and more Archival Snapshots are produced, the number of filter lookups, and thus the instruction cost, increase linearly. This means that a transaction that could fit within transaction instruction limits at a given epoch may not be valid in a future epoch. This is a significant footgun, as developers wish to maximize transaction complexity according to the current limits.

  2. Meter instructions for proof of nonexistence verification. Proofs of nonexistence should only be required very rarely, with the default false positive rate set to 1 out of a billion. This means that it is highly unlikely contract developers will account for the possibility of nonexistence proofs when writing contracts. A sufficiently complex contract may be close to transaction instruction limits in the "happy path," where no proof is required. Should this contract attempt to create a new key in the "unhappy path," the cost of proof verification will exceed transaction limits. This essentially bricks the contract, making the otherwise valid transaction invalid due to a highly unlikely probabilistic event. Should developers account for this case, they would be under utilizing available transaction limits for a highly unlikely edge case.

At a given epoch, every new entry creation will require the same amount of filter instructions (assuming no filter misses). Several control mechanisms already exist to control entry creation price, such as write fees and minimum rent balances. Given potential footguns and that control mechanisms on entry creation already exists, there is no need for a filter specific resource charge.

As for filter misses, it seems highly unlikely they could be abused to DOS the network. While the instruction consumption of proofs of exclusion is not metered, the transactions still have significant cost due to the increased transaction size incurred by including a proof. Finally the actual compute cost of verifying proofs is not significant, as it requires no disk lookups and only a small handful in-memory hash operations. The transaction size cost incurred by the attacker would significantly outweigh the network cost of the non metered computation.

Expectations for Downstream Systems

AST subtrees are deeply tied to BucketList structure. While stellar-core has an integrated high performance database built on top of the BucketList, there does not yet exist a standalone BucketList database. For this reason, all queries regarding archival state and proof production will be managed by stellar-core.

RPC instances preflighting transactions are expected to use the following captive-core endpoints when interacting with archived state:

  1. getledgerentry Given a set of keys, this endpoint will return the corresponding LedgerEntry along with archival related information. Specifically, this endpoint will return whether the entry is archived, and if it is archived, whether or not it requires a proof to be restored. Additionally, if a given key does not exist, this endpoint will return whether or not the entry creation requires a proof of nonexistence. An example return payload would be as follows:
    // Entry exists in Live State BucketList
    "key": Ledgerkey
    "entry": LedgerEntry
    "state": "live"

    // Entry is archived, but no proof is required since the entry has been recently archived
    "key": Ledgerkey
    "entry": LedgerEntry
    "state": "archived_no_proof"
    "epoch": archivalEpoch

    // Entry is archived and requires a proof
    "key": Ledgerkey
    "entry": LedgerEntry
    "state": "archived_proof"
    "epoch": archivalEpoch

    // Entry has not yet been created, does not require a proof
    "key": Ledgerkey
    "state": "new_entry_no_proof"

    // Entry has not yet been created, requires a nonexistence proof
    "key": Ledgerkey
    "state": "new_entry_proof"
  1. getinvokeproof Given a set of keys that do not currently exist, this endpoint will return an ArchivalProof sufficient to prove the entries for the purposes of InvokeHostFunctionOp. This only returns proofs for new entry creation, not archived entry restoration.

  2. getrestoreproof Given a set of archived keys, this endpoint will return an ArchivalProof sufficient to prove the entries for the purposes of RestoreFootprintOp. This only returns proofs for archived entry restoration, not new entry creation.

History Archive

In order for validators to join the network efficiently, all BucketLists required for consensus are stored in the History Archive State. While this does increase the size of the History Archives in the short term, there is no strong reason that History Archive State files must be persisted permanently at 64 ledger resolution. In the future, Tier 1 policy could be modified such that only resent History Archive State files need to be maintained at checkpoint resolution to assist in node catchup, while older History Archive State files could be dropped or stored at a lower resolution. Note that this does not impact the audibility of the network, as all transaction history will still be maintained.

In the long term, the only State Archival files that will need to be persisted permanently in the archive are Archive Snapshot files. In order to keep this persisted data as small as possible, only the leaf nodes of these files are stored. This provides all the necessary information to construct the full Merkle tree required to generate proofs, but is significantly smaller. There is no security risk either, as after a full Merkle tree has been constructed from these files, the root can be checked against the roots stored in the validator's current live state.

In addition to saving disk space, this strategy has the added advantage of reducing Archival Snapshot egress. Currently, egress fees are the dominating cost of History Archives. Should a complete Merkle tree exist in the History Archive, it would be easy to develop a lightweight application to generate a proof directly from the History Archive file, bypassing RPC nodes. There have been previous issues with similar applications abusing public History Archives, where large files are constantly downloaded and subsequently deleted repeatedly by such programs. By only storing leaf nodes, it is necessary for an RPC instance to perform an initialization step before generating proofs. While this step will still be relatively fast and cheap, it encourages proper data hygiene, protecting History Archive providers.

Long Term RPC Sustainability

The AST has been designed such that an RPC node may store as many or as few Archival Snapshots as the operator desires. For example, an RPC provider may only serve the last two years worth of Archival Snapshots, such that any archived entry older than two years old cannot be restored by that node. Additionally, RPC providers may shard Archival Snapshots across many different nodes and route requests accordingly.

While this is possible long term, the size of the Archival Snapshots will not be significant enough to warrant this additional complexity. For the forseeable future, RPC providers should expect to maintain all Archival Snapshots. However, this does not need to be the case in the future should Archival State grow significantly.

Calculating BucketList Size for Fees

It is not immediately clear whether or not BucketLists other than the Live State BucketList should count towards BucketList size used in fee calculations. The Live State BucketList is a leading indicator of network state usage, while archival related BucketLists are lagging indicators. By counting archival related BucketLists in fee calculation, the network is penalized more from validator implementation details then penalized for actual network usage. Additionally, archival related BucketLists will introduce significant fee volatility on the network, as entire BucketLists will be dropped whenever a Merkle hash is generated. These reasons support only counting Live State BucketList size towards fees.

However, the primary purpose behind size related fees is to apply back pressure when validator disk usage is high. Archival related BucketLists are stored on disk and therefore contribute to the storage issue, such that they should be included in fee calculations to provide appropriate back pressure.

Ideally, archival related BucketLists should not count towards fees to provide the best experience to network users. The rate of Archival Snapshot production and root hash production should outpace that of eviction and entry creation. Should this be the case, there is no need for additional size related fees. Additionally, adding more complexity to BucketList size fee calculation will further complicate simulation, which has historically has issues with respect to fee estimation.

Finally, because of the current relatively low Soroban usage rate compared to Stellar classic, classic entries dominate BucketList growth anyway. Soroban entries make up a small fraction of ledger state, so including archival BucketLists in size calculations would only mildly effect overall fees. Given that counting archival BucketLists towards fees provides a worse user experience, more complexity for downstream systems, and provides little actual benefit with current usage rates, no archival BucketLists will be included in fee calculation at this time. This means the current write fee calculation will remain unchanged and only depend on the Live BucketList size. Should this prove to be an issue in the future, another protocol upgrade may change fee calculations.

Security Concerns

Many attack vectors have been considered, including the following:

Double Nonce

Consider a one-time nonce created at a deterministic address (a common design practice for minting NFTs). The legitimate owner of the nonce creates the entry in Archival Epoch N, and the nonce entry is subsequently archived and evicted. Much later in epoch N + 5, and attacker attempts to recreate the nonce at the same address, but this time with the attacker as owner. The validators do not currently store the original nonce entry, and have no way of knowing the nonce exists and is owned by another entity. Because the validators believe this entry is being created for the first time, the nonce is recreated and the attacker now has established control.

To defeat this, proofs of nonexistence are required when creating an entry for the first time. In the scenario above, because the nonce exists in the archive, no valid proof of nonexistence for the key exists, and the attacker would not be able to recreate the entry.

Double Spend via Multiple Restores

Consider a balance entry with a non-zero balance that has been evicted and is no longer stored by validators. The attacker restores the entry, spends the balance, then deletes the balance entry. However, even though the entry has been deleted in the Live State, the non-zero version of the balance entry still exists in the archive. The attacker then restores the non-zero balance entry again. The entry is added back to the Live State with a non-zero balance, resulting in a double spend.

The defense against this attack is to write deletion events into the Archival Snapshot. When restoring an entry, the proof must verify that the key exists in the given Archival Snapshot and does not exist in any newer epoch. Because deletion events are written to Archival Snapshots, the attacker will not be able to prove that no newer version of the balance key exists (as the deletion key is newer than the non-zero balance entry) defeating the attack.

Issues with Requiring Authorization for Restoration

Consider a design where authorization was required for restoration such that only the entry owner could restore an archived entry. Consider a loan contract, where an attacker has put up some collateral for a loan. The collateral balance entries are archived, and the attacker defaults on the loan. When the loan contract attempts to collect the collateral, the entries are archived, and the contract cannot restore the entries to collect collateral.

To defeat this attack, authorization is not required for restoration. There is no significant security concern with allowing arbitrary restoration. Even though any entity can restore an entry, authorization is still required to modify the entry once restored.

Test Cases

Specific test cases are still TBD. Formal verification of proof generation and validation may be useful.
