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CAP: 0037
Title: Automated Market Makers
Working Group:
    Owner: OrbitLens <[email protected]>
    Authors: OrbitLens <[email protected]>
    Consulted: Jon Jove <[email protected]>, Nicolas Barry <[email protected]>, Nikhil Saraf<[email protected]>, Phil Meng <[email protected]>, Leigh McCulloch <[email protected]>, Tomer Weller <[email protected]> 
Status: Draft
Created: 2021-03-03
Protocol version: TBD

Simple Summary

This proposal introduces liquidity pools and automated market makers on the protocol level. AMMs rely on a mathematical formula to quote asset prices. A liquidity pool is a ledger entry that contains funds deposited by users (liquidity providers). In return for providing liquidity to the protocol, users earn fees from trades. The described approach of the interleaved order execution combines the liquidity of existing orderbooks with liquidity pools.


Orderbooks market-making (especially on-chain) may be quite tricky. It requires trading bots that constantly track external asset prices and adjust on-chain orders accordingly. In turn, this process results in endless offer adjustments which clog ledger history.

Market makers need to provision liquidity and maintain inventories. For a few trading pairs it is more or less straightforward but the ecosystem expansion brings new assets, new trading pairs. Consequently, inventory requirements increase, as well as the number of operations required to maintain positions on all orderbooks.

On the other hand, automated market makers provide natural incentives for liquidity crowdsourcing, making it much easier for ordinary users to participate in the process while gaining interest on their long-term holdings.

Asset issuers don't need to wait until the token attracts a critical mass of users. They can start making several trading pairs with a newly issued asset by merely depositing tokens to the pool or engaging community users to provision liquidity. This will certainly simplify the process of starting a new project on Stellar, as well as provide a powerful marketing flywheel for early-stage tokens.

The AMM concept implies that no third-party company holds user funds at any point, and the algorithm itself doesn't rely on external data. Therefore, potential regulatory risks are limited compared to the classic exchange design.

Liquidity pools don't store any complex information, don't require regular position price adjustments, and work completely deterministically. From the perspective of the on-chain execution, those characteristics offer much better scalability compared to the existing DEX.

Proposed interleaved order execution on both the orderbook and liquidity pool provides a familiar exchange experience in combination with the ability to have on-chain limit orders. On the other hand, it fully incorporates all benefits of shared liquidity pools, at the same time hiding the underlying technical details from end-users. Users always get the best possible exchange price based on the combined liquidity.


This proposal brings the concept of shared liquidity pools with automated market making to the protocol. Users deposit funds to a pool providing liquidity to the automated market maker execution engine which can quote asset prices based on an algorithm that derives the price directly from the amounts of tokens deposited to the pool.

Pool fees charged on every executed trade are accumulated in the pool, increasing its liquidity. A user can withdraw the pool stake plus proportional accrued interest from the pool. Collected interest incentivizes users to deposit their funds to the pool, participating in the collective liquidity allocation.


  • New ledger entries LiquidityPoolEntry and LiquidityStakeEntry
  • New operations DepositPoolLiquidityOp and WithdrawPoolLiquidityOp
  • Semantic altered for existing operations ManageSellOfferOp, ManageBuyOfferOp, CreatePassiveSellOfferOp, PathPaymentStrictReceiveOp, PathPaymentStrictSendOp

XDR changes

--- a/src/xdr/Stellar-ledger-entries.x
+++ b/src/xdr/Stellar-ledger-entries.x
@@ -403,6 +403,43 @@ struct ClaimableBalanceEntry
+/* Contains information about current balances of the liquidity pool*/
+struct LiquidityPoolEntry
+    Asset assetA;   // asset A of the liquidity pool
+    Asset assetB;   // asset B of the liquidity pool
+    int64 amountA;  // current amount of asset A in the pool
+    int64 amountB;  // current amount of asset B in the pool
+    int64 stakes;   // total number of pool shares owned by the account
+    double fee;     // weighted average pool fee defined by pool participants
+    // reserved for future use
+    union switch (int v)
+    {
+    case 0:
+        void;
+    }
+    ext;
+/* Represents information about the account stake in a pool */
+struct LiquidityStakeEntry
+    AccountID accountID; // account this liquidity stake belongs to
+    Asset assetA;        // asset A of the liquidity pool
+    Asset assetB;        // asset B of the liquidity pool
+    int64 stake;         // share of the pool that belongs to the account
+    double fee;          // proposed pool fee
+    // reserved for future use
+    union switch (int v)
+    {
+    case 0:
+        void;
+    }
+    ext;
 struct LedgerEntryExtensionV1
     SponsorshipDescriptor sponsoringID;
@@ -431,6 +468,10 @@ struct LedgerEntry
         DataEntry data;
         ClaimableBalanceEntry claimableBalance;
+        LiquidityPoolEntry LiquidityPool;
+        LiquidityStakeEntry LiquidityStake;
@@ -479,6 +520,21 @@ case CLAIMABLE_BALANCE:
         ClaimableBalanceID balanceID;
     } claimableBalance;
+    struct
+    {
+        Asset assetA;
+        Asset assetB;
+    } LiquidityPool;
+    struct
+    {
+        AccountID accountID;
+        Asset assetA;
+        Asset assetB;
+    } LiquidityStake;
--- a/src/xdr/Stellar-transaction.x
+++ b/src/xdr/Stellar-transaction.x
@@ -48,7 +48,9 @@ enum OperationType
     CLAWBACK = 19,
 /* CreateAccount
@@ -390,6 +392,37 @@ struct ClawbackClaimableBalanceOp
     ClaimableBalanceID balanceID;
+/* Deposits funds to the liquidity pool
+    Threshold: med
+    Result: DepositPoolLiquidityResult
+struct DepositPoolLiquidityOp
+    Asset assetA;         // asset A of the liquidity pool
+    Asset assetB;         // asset B of the liquidity pool
+    int64 maxAmountA;     // maximum amount of asset A a user willing to deposit
+    int64 maxAmountB;     // maximum amount of asset B a user willing to deposit
+    uint32 priceAccuracy; // deposit price slippage accuracy
+    double fee;           // proposed pool fee
+/* Withdraws all funds that belong to the account from the liquidity pool
+    Threshold: med
+    Result: WithdrawPoolLiquidityResult
+struct WithdrawPoolLiquidityOp
+    Asset assetA;    // asset A of the liquidity pool
+    Asset assetB;    // asset B of the liquidity pool
+    int64 stake;     // stake to withdraw
 /* An operation is the lowest unit of work that a transaction does */
 struct Operation
@@ -1186,6 +1219,67 @@ default:
+/******* DepositPoolLiquidity Result ********/
+enum DepositPoolLiquidityResultCode
+    // codes considered as "success" for the operation
+    // codes considered as "failure" for the operation
+    DEPOSIT_POOL_LIQUIDITY_MALFORMED = -1,           // bad input
+    DEPOSIT_POOL_LIQUIDITY_NOT_ALLOWED = -2,         // invalid pool assets combination
+    DEPOSIT_POOL_LIQUIDITY_PRICE_MISMATCH = -3,      // current pool price doesn't match deposit price
+    DEPOSIT_POOL_LIQUIDITY_INSUFFICIENT_AMOUNT = -4, // not enough funds for a deposit
+    DEPOSIT_POOL_LIQUIDITY_LOW_RESERVE = -5          // not enough funds to cover base reserve
+struct DepositPoolLiquiditySuccessResult
+    // liquidity pool stake that belongs to account
+    LiquidityStakeEntry stake;
+union DepositPoolLiquidityResult switch (
+    DepositPoolLiquidityResultCode code)
+    DepositPoolLiquiditySuccessResult success;
+    void;
+/******* WithdrawPoolLiquidity Result ********/
+enum WithdrawPoolLiquidityResultCode
+    // codes considered as "success" for the operation
+    // codes considered as "failure" for the operation
+    WITHDRAW_POOL_LIQUIDITY_MALFORMED = -1,     // bad input
+    WITHDRAW_POOL_LIQUIDITY_NOT_FOUND = -2,     // account doesn’t have a stake in the pool
+    WITHDRAW_POOL_LIQUIDITY_INVALID_STAKE = -3, // invalid stake amount
+    WITHDRAW_POOL_LIQUIDITY_NO_TRUSTLINE = -4,  // account does not have an established and authorized trustline for one of the assets
+    WITHDRAW_POOL_LIQUIDITY_LINE_FULL = -5      // account would go above the trustline limit
+struct WithdrawPoolLiquiditySuccessResult
+    Asset assetA;   // asset A of the liquidity pool
+    Asset assetB;   // asset B of the liquidity pool
+    int64 amountA;  // amount of asset A withdrawn from the pool
+    int64 amountB;  // amount of asset B withdrawn from the pool
+    int64 stake;    // pool share that has been redeemed
+union WithdrawPoolLiquidityResult switch (
+    WithdrawPoolLiquidityResultCode code)
+    WithdrawPoolLiquiditySuccessResult success;
+    void;


Modified semantics of trading-related operations presented in this CAP allows to drastically reduce the number of new interaction flows. Liquidity from the pools will be immediately available for existing Stellar applications through the convenient offers and path payment interface operations.

In this proposal, a constant product invariant is used for all calculations A*B=K
Other invariants can be implemented as separate pools with different price quotation formulas and execution conditions.


DepositPoolLiquidityOp operation transfers user funds to the selected liquidity pool defined as LiquidityPoolEntry.

  • Before processing a deposit, basic validation is required to ensure that a given combination of assets is allowed. For example, the situation when assetA=assetB should result in DEPOSIT_POOL_LIQUIDITY_NOT_ALLOWED error. This version of the proposal doesn't imply any other restrictions, but this may change in the future.
  • The node performs a lookup of a LiquidityStakeEntry by hash derived from the operation source account address, poolType, assetA, and assetB.
  • If the proposed pool fee (fee parameter) is less than 0.0001 or greater than 0.01, DEPOSIT_POOL_LIQUIDITY_NOT_ALLOWED error returned.
  • The node loads source account balances for assetA, assetB. If any of the balances do not exist, DEPOSIT_POOL_LIQUIDITY_INSUFFICIENT_AMOUNT error returned.
  • Deposited assets ratio calculated as
    Current pool price:
    • A and B - amounts of asset A and asset B currently in the pool
    • a and b - maxAmountA and maxAmountB defined in the operation
  • Maximum allowed price deviation is controlled by the priceAccuracy (d) parameter.
    In case of a significant deviation, DEPOSIT_POOL_LIQUIDITY_PRICE_MISMATCH error returned. This check is ignored if the pool doesn't exist or priceAccuracy equals to zero.
  • Effective token amounts that can be deposited are adjusted to follow the current price.
    If a*B > b*A , token A deposit amount is adjusted as
    • ad=min(maxAmountA,accountBalanceA)
    • bd=min(maxAmountB,accountBalanceB)
    • a and b – maximum effective amounts of tokens A and B that can be deposited to the pool. If the actual deposited amount of any token equals zero, DEPOSIT_POOL_LIQUIDITY_INSUFFICIENT_AMOUNT error returned.
  • Stake weight calculated as
    • s - account stake (share of the pool obtained after the deposit)
    • a and b - effective amount of tokens to deposit
    • S - total stakes currently in the pool (from LiquidityPoolEntry)
    • A and B - correspondingly amount of token A and B currently deposited to the pool
  • If LiquidityPoolEntry does not exist on-chain (this is the first deposit), it is created automatically. The stake weight for the deposit, in this case, the stake computed as
  • If s=0 (this can be the case with a very small stake or as a result of rounding approximation), the node returns DEPOSIT_POOL_LIQUIDITY_INSUFFICIENT_AMOUNT error.
  • If one of the assets is XLM and its balance does not satisfy the basic reserve requirement, DEPOSIT_POOL_LIQUIDITY_LOW_RESERVE error returned.
  • If the account LiquidityStakeEntry exists, the stake is increased stake+=s and the proposed pool fee updated with the value from the deposit operation. Otherwise, new LiquidityStakeEntry created, numSubEntries for the source account incremented, and base reserve locked.
  • Effective pool fee recalculated using a weighted average formula: Fₙ=(S*F+s*f)/(S+s) where
    • Fₙ - new pool fee
    • S - total stakes currently in the pool (from LiquidityPoolEntry)
    • F - current pool fee
    • s - account stake
    • f - pool fee proposed by the account
  • The node modifies LiquidityPoolEntry setting amountA+=a, amountB+=b, stakes+=s, fee=Fₙ.
  • Deposited funds transferred into the pool.


WithdrawPoolLiquidityOp operation withdraws funds from a liquidity pool proportionally to the account stake size.

  • The node performs a lookup of a LiquidityStakeEntry by hash derived from the operation source account address, poolType, assetA, and assetB.
  • If corresponding LiquidityStakeEntry was not found, WITHDRAW_POOL_LIQUIDITY_NOT_FOUND error is returned.
  • Requested stake withdrawal size larger then LiquidityStakeEntry stake value yields WITHDRAW_POOL_LIQUIDITY_INVALID_STAKE error. If the requested stake equals zero, the entire account liquidity is withdrawn.
  • The node loads current state of the matching liquidity pool.
  • An account has a right to withdraw liquidity stake equal to
    The amount of tokens to withdraw for each asset is computed as
    • s - share to withdraw
    • S - total number of pool shares from LiquidityPoolEntry
    • A and B - current token amount of the asset A and asset B in the pool respectively
  • Trustlines info loaded for assetA and assetB. If the source account does not have a trustline for one of the assets or the trustline is not authorized, WITHDRAW_POOL_LIQUIDITY_NO_TRUSTLINE error returned. If a trustline limit prevents the transfer, WITHDRAW_POOL_LIQUIDITY_LINE_FULL error returned.
  • LiquidityStakeEntry updated: stake-=s. If the remaining stake equals zero, LiquidityStakeEntry is removed, numSubEntries for the source account is decremented, and base reserve unlocked.
  • Effective pool fee recalculated using a weighted average formula: Fₙ=(S*F-s*f)/(S-s) where
    • Fₙ - new pool fee
    • S - total stakes currently in the pool (from LiquidityPoolEntry)
    • F - current pool fee
    • s - stake to withdraw
    • f - pool fee proposed by the account (from LiquidityStakeEntry)
  • LiquidityPoolEntry updated: amountA-=a, amountB-=b, stakes-=s, fee=Fₙ. If the remaining pool stake equals zero, LiquidityPoolEntry is removed.
  • Funds transferred to the source account balances.

Semantic changes for existing operations

Behavior updated for ManageSellOfferOp, ManageBuyOfferOp, CreatePassiveSellOfferOp, PathPaymentStrictReceiveOp, PathPaymentStrictSendOp operations.

When a new (taker) order arrives, the DEX engine loads the current state of all liquidity pools for the traded asset pair, fetches available cross orders (maker orders) from the orderbook, and iterates through the fetched maker orders.

On every step, it checks whether the next maker order crosses the price of the taker order. Before the maker order execution the engine estimates the number of tokens that can be traded on each liquidity pool for the same trading pair up to the price of the current maker order.

Amounts to be traded against the pool can be calculated using the following set of formulas:

  • Price-bound swap (estimate based on the target price)
    If new price > current price:
    If new price < current price:
  • Amount-bound buy swap (estimate based on the target token amount)
    For a given token A target amount:
    For a given token B target amount:
  • Amount-bound sell swap (estimate based on the source token amount)
    For a given token A source amount:
    For a given token B source amount:
    • A and B - current amounts of asset A and asset B in the pool
    • a and b – effective amounts of asset A and asset B to swap
    • f - trading pool fee
    • P - maximum price (equals currently processed maker order price)

If a>0 and b>0, the corresponding amount of purchased tokens is deducted from the pool and added to the variable accumulating the total amount traded on the pool. Another variable accumulates matching sold asset amount.

After that, the current maker order itself is matched to the remaining taker order amount, and so on, up to the point when a taker order is executed in full. If a manage offer operation is being processed and the outstanding amount can't be executed on the orderbook nor the pool, a new maker order with the remaining amount is created on the orderbook.

Pool settlement occurs – traded tokens are deducted from the pool and added to the account balance, and matching amount of asset B transferred from the account balance to the pool.

The same behavior applies to path payment operations. This CAP doesn't imply any changes of current order matching or execution process for DEX offers.

A trade against a pool generates a ClaimOfferAtom result with offerID equal to -poolType and empty sellerID.

A simplified flow of the interleaved trade execution process:

trade execution flow

Design Rationale

Orderbook+AMM Execution

Basic liquidity pools implementation separately from the existing DEX has several shortcomings:

  • The new AMM interface requires new trading operations. In addition to the existing ManageSellOfferOp and ManageBuyOfferOp, it also requires something like SwapSellOp and SwapBuyOp for the interaction with AMM. Another two operations required for path payments: SwapPathPaymentStrictReceiveOp and SwapPathPaymentStrictSendOp.
  • While having separate DEX and orderbook looks like a simpler solution, in reality, it results in significantly larger codebase changes (more operations and more use-cases to handle), a lot of work on the Horizon side, and much more effort from the ecosystem developers.
  • The trading process becomes confusing for regular users. What's the difference between an order and a swap? How to get the best rate?
    Of course, sooner or later wallets and exchange interfaces should come to the rescue, providing hints in the interface and maybe even aggregating information across the liquidity pool and orderbook for a given assets pair to ensure the best possible exchange price. That's feasible, but not very user-friendly and may lead to confusion.
  • Fragmented liquidity means that for any trade or path payment larger than several dollars a wallet needs to perform several trades (against the orderbook and liquidity pools) in order to deliver an adequate price to a user, increasing the number of transactions necessary for a swap. In the case of path payments, users will have to choose whether they want operation atomicity with inferior price (due to the path payment tapping either into a liquidity pool or an orderbook) or get a better price while sacrificing the atomicity.
  • The long-existing problem of bots spamming the ledger while competing for arbitrage opportunities substantially widens because independent AMMs rely on arbitrage actors that rebalance pools if the price on the AMM floats too far from global market prices. This presents much more profitable opportunities than doing circular path payments for several ordebook trading pairs. Given the limited capacity of the ledger, this will lead to the whole network paralysis once the competition between several arbitrage bots and market makers inflate transaction fees to the sky. Most of the time, it will be impossible to execute a simple payment because the whole ledger capacity will be flooded with arbitrage transactions sent in response to any DEX offer update from market makers.

Advantages of the proposed approach:

  • Users always receive the best possible price as the trade is executed against the entire liquidity available for the certain trading pair.
  • The orderbook and liquidity pool always remain in the balanced state which means there are no arbitrage opportunities between the pool and orderbook. The trading engine automatically conducts arbitrage rebalancing on each trade under the hood, eliminating the need for external arbitrage actors.
  • There are no reasonable use-cases that require trading exclusively on the pool. Price manipulations is probably the only applicable example of pool-only swaps.
  • Smaller attack surface since there is no way to trade on pool directly. This also automatically prevents attacks based on the imbalanced oracle state and significantly increases the cost of intentional price manipulations as the attacker has to trade against the entire aggregated liquidity on the given asset pair.
  • Better developer experience and interoperability between assets and products. Keeping things simple allows to avoid developer mistakes, and streamline the experience.
  • Immediate availability of liquidity pools for existing applications without the need to upgrade the codebase.
  • It's fairly easy to add new pool-specific swap operations in the future if such a necessity emerges. At the same time, deprecating swap operations in favor of the interleaved orderbook+AMM execution looks fairly more complex.


ClaimOfferAtom reused for the pool trades has an empty seller account reference since the trade is executed against the pool. In order to distinguish between specific pools which participated in the trade, the offerID field contains a negated poolType value (to avoid potential conflict with real offer IDs).

This allows us to use the same data contract for all trades regardless of the pool/orderbook type. However, introducing a separate contract specifically for pool trades might be beneficial in terms of storage consumed by operation results.

Cooperative Pool Fee Adjustments

Due to diverse trading conditions for different trading pairs, a uniform flat fee may not provide the best yield/risk ratio in edge cases – stablecoin/stablecoin liquidity pools benefit from reduced trading fees so that most of the trades will touch the pool instead of executing purely on the orderbook while illiquid or very volatile trading pairs require higher fees to counter possible impermanent loss or low yield scenarios.

To provide the required pool fee flexibility without inventing complex voting mechanics, the voting prerogative delegated to the liquidity providers which can set the fee parameter in DepositPoolLiquidityOp operation, so the users can vote for the pool fee with their liquidity stakes. The effective pool yield represents a weighted average of proposed liquidity stake fees. This way accounts with larger stakes have more voting power which is fair given that every liquidity provider risks proportional to the deposited stake.

User can only vote for a fee value in a range between 0.0001 and 0.01 (0.01-1%) – a safeguard protecting market participant from paying overpriced fees on illiquid markets while ensuring at least the minimum yield for liquidity providers that participate in pool driven mostly by market makers.

This mechanism ensures that the effective pool fee is always up to date as any deposit/withdrawal operation triggers the recalculation process. Along with an uncomplicated and simple fee voting, it also provides an agile way to adjust to ever-changing market conditions – people always can withdraw a stake and immediately redeposit it with an updated fee in response to growing volatility or narrowing spread on the matching orderbook.

Pool-Related Ledger Entries Optimizations

To deal with disambiguation and simplify the aggregation process, assetA and assetB in LiquidityPoolEntry and LiquidityStakeEntry are always sorted in the alphabetical order upon insertion. The comparator function takes into account the asset type, asset code, and asset issuer address respectively.

Ledger key for the LiquidityStakeEntry is a hash derived from the account address+poolType+assetA+assetB fields combination to optimize the storage.

No Assumptions Regarding Future Pool Types

This CAP makes no assumptions about possible pool functionality extensions or the introduction of other pool types in the future. With high probability, those potential new AMM architectures will require different implementation approaches, separate deposit/withdrawal operations, and additional parameters in ledger entries. It's impossible to predict requirements for yet-to-be-invented concepts, so designing infrastructure with regard to unknown forthcoming changes looks impractical.

As most of the existing approaches that can be ported to Stellar do not provide significant benefits compared to the simple constant product invariant (or existing DEX orderbooks), and the discussion didn't reveal circumstances requiring the introduction of other pool types in the nearest future, it makes sense to avoid excessive future-proofing of the proposed pool implementation.

Protocol Upgrade Transition

Backwards Incompatibilities

Proposed changes do not affect existing ledger entries. Updated trading operations semantics are consistent with the current implementation and do not require any updates on the client side.

This CAP should not cause a breaking change in existing implementations.

Resource Utilization

The price quotation on the liquidity pool adds additional CPU workload in the trading process. However, this may be compensated by the fewer orderbook orders to match.

Utilized formulas and equations may require 128-bit number computations which may be significantly slower than 64-bit arithmetics.

Every LiquidityPoolEntry requires storage space on the ledger but unlike LiquidityStakeEntry it is not backed by the account base reserve. This behavior can't be directly used to perform a resource execution attack as every LiquidityPoolEntry requires at least one LiquidityStakeEntry.

Security Concerns