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Cassandra CQL migration tool

cqlmigrate is a library for performing schema migrations on a cassandra cluster including:

It is best used as an application dependency, but can also be used standalone.

Adding as a Gradle dependency

repositories {

compile ''

Adding as a Maven dependency


Cassandra Prerequisites

The locks keyspace and table needs to be created before running any migrations.

CREATE KEYSPACE IF NOT EXISTS cqlmigrate WITH replication = {'class': 'REPLICATION_CLASS', 'replication_factor': REPLICATION_FACTOR };
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS cqlmigrate.locks (name text PRIMARY KEY, client text);

Library usage

To apply all .cql files located in /cql in the classpath:

import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.*;

// Configure locking for coordination of multiple nodes
CassandraLockConfig lockConfig = CassandraLockConfig.builder()

// Configure cql migrator
CqlMigratorConfig cqlMigratorConfig = CqlMigratorConfig.builder()

// Create a Cassandra session for cassandra driver 4.x
CqlSession session = CqlSession.builder()
        .withAuthProvider(new ProgrammaticPlainTextAuthProvider("username", "password"))

// Create a migrator and run it
CqlMigrator migrator = CqlMigratorFactory.create(lockConfig);
Path schemas = Paths.get(ClassLoader.getSystemResource("/cql").toURI());
migrator.migrate(session, "my_keyspace", asList(schemas));

The migrator will look for a bootstrap.cql file for setting up the keyspace.

Standalone usage

$ java -Dhosts=localhost, -Dport=9042 -DlocalDC=DC1 -Dkeyspace=my_keyspace -Ddirectories=cql-common,cql-local -jar cqlmigrate.jar

Specify credentials, if required, using -Dusername=<username> and -Dpassword=<password>.

Specify optional properties, if required, using

  • -Dprecheck=<true/false> default false
  • -DtableCheckerTimeout=<duration> default PT1M (This was introduced for AWS Keyspaces as when new table is created it might take time to allocate resources and if additional changes or data are inserted while table is in CREATING state, it will fail. If cluster is no AWS Keyspaces it will not wait.)
  • -DtableCheckerInitDelay=<duration> default PT5S (Supplement previous option as it might take time AWs Keyspaces update their system so we need to wait before we check first time.)
  • -DreadCL default LOCAL_ONE
  • -DwriteCL default ALL

What it does

  1. Checks all nodes are up and their schemas are in agreement.

  2. Tries to acquire a lock for the keyspace. If it can't initially be acquired it will continue to retry at a set polling time until the timeout is reached.

  3. Looks for a bootstrap.cql file and runs it first. This file should contain the keyspace definition:

    CREATE KEYSPACE my_keyspace
     WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1 };
  4. Applies .cql files one by one, sorted by filename in ascending order. It is suggested to prefix the files with a datetime to order them:


    Any previously applied files will be skipped. For AWS Keyspaces, it will wait after each successfully applied file for tables to get into ACTIVE state for initial and maximum duration.

  5. Releases the lock.

schema_updates table

This table is used to determine what has been previously applied.

SELECT * FROM schema_updates;

 filename                         | applied_on               | checksum
           0001-create-tables.cql | 2015-04-08 12:10:04+0100 | ec19dfac7ede62b2a40c0f39706b237cd5c30da6
                 0002-dataset.cql | 2015-04-08 12:10:04+0100 | 4fa2d6c4fae9950f0c9140ae2eb57fe689192b4a
            0003-initial-date.cql | 2015-04-08 12:10:04+0100 | 19d0c9522b6464a06b18192c6e04233f83e78a84

(3 rows)

It also maintains a checksum to ensure the script hasn't changed since it was last applied.

locks keyspace and table

The locks keyspace replication class and factor can be configured using the LocksConfig. This table is used to keep track of what locks are currently in place, and relies on Cassandra's lightweight transactions.

SELECT * FROM locks;

 name                                | client
 airplanes_keyspace.schema_migration | 2a4ec2ae-d3d1-4b33-86a9-eb844e35eeeb

(1 rows)

Each lock will be deleted by cqlmigrate once the migration is complete.

Supported Cassandra versions

This project has been tested against the following versions:

  • DSE 5.1.18 (3.11.3)
  • Apache Cassandra 3.11.5
  • AWS Keyspaces


Cassandra is an eventually consistent, AP database, and so applying schema updates are not as simple as a traditional relational database.

  • Certain schema changes can cause data corruption on cassandra. Be very careful changing a schema for a table that is being actively written to. Generally, adding columns is safe (but be careful with collection types). Test the migration before rolling out to production.

  • AP properties of Cassandra also apply to schema updates - so it is possible for a cluster to have an inconsistent schema across nodes in case of split brain or other situation. cqlmigrate tries to alleviate this with appropriate consistency levels.

Cql File Comments

There are a number of ways to add comments to your cql files.

For inline comments prepend -- to your comment, e.g:

-- Select Queries
SELECT * FROM schema_updates;

For multiline comments wrap them with /* and */, e.g:

    Added by John Smith
    19th September 2017
SELECT * FROM schema_updates;


Originally developed by the Cirrus team at Sky.

  • Adam Dougal
  • James Booth
  • James Ravn
  • Adrian Ng
  • Malinda Rajapakse
  • Ashutosh Gawande
  • Dominic Mullings
  • Yoseph Sultan
  • David Sale
  • Supreeth Rao
  • Jose Taboada