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How to self-host Riju

You can host your own instance of Riju! This requires a bit of manual setup, but everything that can be automated, has been automated.

Warning: AWS is expensive and you are responsible for your own spending. If you would be perturbed by accidentally burning a few hundred dollars on unexpected compute, you probably shouldn't follow these instructions.

Sign up for accounts

Configure accounts


Fork the Riju repository under your account.


You need to generate an access key with sufficient permission to apply Riju's Terraform. The easiest way to do that if you don't already know your way around IAM is:

  • Go to IAM
  • Create a new user
  • Select "Programmatic access"
  • Select "Attach existing policies directly"
  • Attach the "AdministratorAccess" policy
  • Copy and save the access key ID and secret access key

You also need to create an S3 bucket to store Terraform state. Go to S3, select your favorite AWS region, and create a new bucket called riju-yourname-tf.

(Note that there are two S3 buckets in play; one to store Terraform state and one to store Riju's actual build artifacts. The Terraform one is created manually in this step; the other one is provisioned via Terraform, and you choose the name in your .env file, as described in a later step.)

Namecheap (or any other DNS provider)

Buy a domain name at which to host (or you can use one you already own, or a subdomain of one you already own). All you need is DNS panel access for creating a CNAME.

Install dependencies

Set up Riju locally

Clone the repository:

$ git clone
$ cd riju

Build and start the admin shell; all future actions can be done from within the shell:

$ make image shell I=admin

To get multiple terminal sessions inside the shell, run make tmux and refer to a tmux cheatsheet if you are unfamiliar with tmux usage.

Authenticate with AWS

Run aws configure and enter your IAM access credentials and your preferred AWS region.

Create local configuration (part 1 of 3)

Create a file .env in the Riju directory with the following contents, referring to the following sub-sections for how to fill in the values properly:

# Packer


This will be the sudo password for Riju server nodes. Generate one randomly with pwgen -s 20 1.


This is a static shared secret used for the Riju server's supervisor API. Generate one randomly with pwgen -s 30 1.

Build web AMI

You'll want to run set -a; . .env to load in the new variables from .env. Now run make packer. This will take up to 10 minutes to build a timestamped AMI with a name like riju-20210711223158.

Create local configuration (part 2 of 3)

Add to .env the following contents:

# Terraform


This is the AMI name from make packer.


This is the region in which most Terraform infrastructure will be created. It should be the same as the default region you configured for the AWS CLI. It doesn't have to be the same as the region in which your Terraform state bucket is configured, although it simplifies matters to keep them in the same region.

The main utility of having this as an explicit environment variable is that Terraform respects it and won't always ask you what region to use.


This is the base hostname you will be hosting Riju at (e.g. Even if you plan to host on a subdomain of your domain, set this to the apex. It's just used for TLS certificate provisioning.


This is the name of the S3 bucket that will be used to store Riju build artifacts (aside from Docker images). It needs to be globally unique, so yourname-riju is a good choice.

Set up Terraform infrastructure

Run set -a; . .env again to load in the new variables from .env.

Now run terraform init and fill in the appropriate region and bucket name for the Terraform state bucket you created in the AWS console.

At this point you can run terraform apply to create all the needed infrastructure.

Note: when updating .env configuration that affects the web AMI, follow these steps:

  1. Update .env and make sure it is sourced (set -a; . .env).
  2. Run make packer and get the name of the new AMI.
  3. Update it in .env under AMI_NAME and make sure the update is sourced (set -a; . .env).
  4. Run terraform apply.
  5. In the AWS console, scale up the ASG to 2 replicas and wait for the new instance to become healthy.
  6. Scale the ASG back down to 1 replica; the older instance should be terminated.

Finish AWS configuration

Go back to the AWS console and take care of a few loose ends:

  • If you want, register a custom public registry alias for ECR. This will make your public registry URL easier to remember.
  • In the "View push commands" modal dialogs, take note of the repository URLs for your public and private Riju ECR repositories.

Create local configuration (part 3 of 3)

Add to .env the following contents:

# Build


This is the URL for your private ECR repository.


This is the URL for your public ECR repository.

Configure DNS

Obtain the DNS record for Riju's ALB from terraform output and install it as a CNAME record in your DNS panel. After DNS propagates, you should now be able to receive a 502 from the load balancer.

Launch instance

Navigate to your EC2 dashboard instances. Select "Launch instance from template" and select riju-server for the launch template.

Attach to target group

Once your instance is running you can attach it to the target group. Navigate to Load Balancing > Target Groups. Select riju-server-http and register the instance that you just launched. Within a minute or two, you should still be getting 502s, but now with an empty response body (these are now coming from the Riju server itself rather than from the load balancer).

Build and deploy

(Note: Although it's easy to build Riju locally, you have to be able to upload the finished build artifacts to ECR, which amount to about 40 GB of data transfer. If you don't have a symmetric Internet plan at home, you may need to do this on an EC2 instance instead. You can provision one manually with at least 128 GB of disk space, install Docker, clone down Riju, copy over your .env file, and proceed as if you were running locally.)

Authenticate to ECR (lasts for 12 hours):

$ make ecr

Invoke Depgraph:

$ dep deploy:live --publish

After innumerable hours of build time (and probably some debugging to fix languages that have broken since the last full build), Riju should(tm) be live on your domain. You can connect to the live server using EC2 Instance Connect by retrieving its instance ID from the AWS console and running mssh admin@i-theinstanceid. Then you can check (using the previously configured admin password) sudo journalctl -efu riju to see the supervisor logs.

Set up content delivery caching (optional)

Enter your domain name on CloudFlare and go through the setup and DNS verification. Update the nameserver settings on Namecheap's side, and enable all the fun CloudFlare options you'd like.

Set up analytics (optional)

Sign up for Fathom Analytics, enter your domain name, and get a tag for embedding. Set this as ANALYTICS_TAG in your .env file (use single quoting, as Makefile handling of quotes is a bit nonstandard), and build and roll out a new web AMI.

Set up monitoring (optional)

Register a free Grafana Cloud account and get your API key. Set it in .env as GRAFANA_API_KEY, and build and roll out a new web AMI.

Set up error tracking (optional)

Set up a Sentry project and get the DSN. Set it in .env as SENTRY_DSN_PACKER, and build and roll out a new web AMI.

Set up alerts (optional)

Set up notification rules as desired in PagerDuty. Configure the AWS CloudWatch integration and obtain an integration URL. Then, in AWS, create an SNS subscription from the Riju SNS topic to the PagerDuty integration URL.

On UptimeRobot, create a monitor for the domain on which you're serving Riju. Then follow the steps to integrate UptimeRobot with PagerDuty.

Set up uptime reporting (optional)

Register with Statuspage and create at least one component. Ideally you want UptimeRobot to send email directly to Statuspage so that the service status can be reported automatically, but this doesn't work out of the box. What you have to, as discussed in the linked forum thread, is set up a filter in your personal email that will forward the uptime alerts to the Statuspage email endpoint.

Set up finance tracking (optional)

Go to the AWS billing console and activate BillingCategory and BillingSubcategory as cost allocation tags. Then, under "Cost & Usage Reports", create a report for delivery to an S3 bucket, with the following parameters:

  • Additional report details: Include resource IDs
  • Data refresh settings: Automatically refresh
  • Time granularity: Hourly
  • Report versioning: Overwrite existing report
  • Compression type: GZIP
  • File format: text/csv

In .env, set BILLING_REPORTS_URL to the S3 filepath prefix for your report. It should look like s3://bucketname/reportpathprefix/reportname. You can now use the tools in the financials subdirectory to generate your own AWS billing reports. It works best if all other AWS resources in your account are also tagged with BillingCategory.