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File metadata and controls

715 lines (604 loc) · 22.2 KB

Shapefile Capabilities

This product will help manage shapefiles used to view and filter geospatial data.

About Shapefiles

Geopandas shapefiles have several accompanying files that are automatically generated alongside the primary .shp file. These files are essential components of the shapefile format, each serving a specific function, and they are typically saved in the same directory as the .shp file. Here's a brief overview of these files:

  1. .shp: This is the main file containing the geometry of the features.

  2. .shx: The shape index file. It stores the positional index of the geometric data for efficient access and reading.

  3. .dbf: The attribute format file. It stores tabular attribute information associated with the shapefile. Each row corresponds to a shape, and each column holds an attribute.

  4. .prj: The projection file. It contains information about the coordinate system and projection information used for the geometries in the shapefile.

  5. .cpg: The code page file (optional). It specifies the character encoding used in the .dbf file.

  6. .sbn and .sbx: Spatial index files (optional). Used by some software for quicker spatial querying.

When you use the to_file() method in Geopandas, at a minimum, the .shp, .shx, and .dbf files are created in the specified directory. If your GeoDataFrame has projection information (crs attribute), a .prj file will also be generated.

For example, if you save your shapefile as "my_shapefile.shp", you should see the following files in your directory:

  • my_shapefile.shp
  • my_shapefile.shx
  • my_shapefile.dbf
  • my_shapefile.prj (if CRS information is available)

All these files are necessary to comprehensively describe the shapefile's data and should be kept together to maintain data integrity. If you transfer the shapefile, you need to include all these associated files.


Setting up your Environment

Some environment variables are used by various code and scripts. Set up your environment as follows (note that "source" is used)

source ./bin/

It is recommended that a Python virtual environment be created. Several convenience scripts are available to create and activate a virtual environment.

To create a new virtual environment run the below command (it will create a directory called "venv" in your current working directory):


Once your virtual environment has been created, it can be activated as follows (note: you must activate the virtual environment for it to be used, and the command requires source to ensure environment variables to support venv are established correctly):

source $PROJECT_DIR/bin/

Install the required libraries as follows:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Retrieving Shapefiles

Shapefiles are files that define a geographic region. They are used in this example to ensure that processing only happens within a target region. In order to run the below examples, shapefiles will need to be downloaded from the following link (if not already downloaded)

Shapefiles source:

Retrieved from parent site:

  • retrieved as a dataset from the "Geographic file formats" section, "Shapefile" element, by clicking the "Whole dataset" link

Create the data/shapefiles/WORLD directory as below (if it does not already exist)

mkdir -p ./data/shapefiles/WORLD

Unzip the file into the data/shapefiles/WORLD directory. This should result in a directory structure that looks like below:

|-- shapefiles
    |-- WORLD
        |-- world-adminstrative-boundaries.prj
        |-- world-adminstrative-boundaries.cpg
        |-- world-adminstrative-boundaries.dbf
        |-- world-adminstrative-boundaries.shp
        |-- world-adminstrative-boundaries.shx

A shapefile for Canada is available below

Canada Shapefile

  • website
    • From the Boundary file options, select:
      • Language: English
      • Type: Cartographic Boundary Files (CBF)
      • Administrative boundaries: Census divisions
      • Format: Shapefile (.shp)
    • Then hit the continue button.
    • This should bring up a link labeled (ZIP version, 136,594.0 kb)
      • click this link to download the file

Create the ./data/shapefiles/CAN directory to hold this shapefile

mkdir -p ./data/shapefiles/CAN

Unzip the file into the ./data/shapefiles/CAN

This should result in a directory structure that looks like below:

|-- shapefiles
    |-- CAN
        |-- lcd_000b21a_e.dbf
        |-- lcd_000b21a_e.prj
        |-- lcd_000b21a_e.shp
        |-- lcd_000b21a_e.shx
        |-- lcd_000b21a_e.xml

The canada shapefile will need to be converted to wgs84 format. Use the below command to do so (this may take several minutes):

SHAPEFILE="./data/shapefiles/CAN/lcd_000b21a_e.shp" ;
python ./src/cli/ $VERBOSE --host $HOST --port $PORT transform \
    --shapefile "$SHAPEFILE"

This will generate the file structure seen below

|-- shapefiles
    |-- CAN
        |-- lcd_000b21a_e.dbf
        |-- lcd_000b21a_e.prj
        |-- lcd_000b21a_e.shp
        |-- lcd_000b21a_e.shx
        |-- lcd_000b21a_e.xml
        |-- lcd_000b21a_e-wgs84.cpg
        |-- lcd_000b21a_e-wgs84.dbf
        |-- lcd_000b21a_e-wgs84.prj
        |-- lcd_000b21a_e-wgs84.shp
        |-- lcd_000b21a_e-wgs84.shx

A shapefile for the USA is available below:

USA Shapefile:

  • website
    • The will be a section of the page with the following headings: 2023, 2023 TIGER/Line Shapefiles, Download
    • Select the "Web Interface" link from this section
    • select 2023 as the year, and "Counties (and equivalent)" as the Layer
    • Hit the submit button
      • This will bring up a different page
    • Click the "Download national file" button. This will download the file

Create the ./data/shapefiles/USA directory to hold this shapefile

mkdir -p ./data/shapefiles/USA

Unzip the file into the ./data/shapefiles/USA

This should result in a directory structure that looks like below:

|-- shapefiles
    |-- USA
        |-- tl_2023_us_country.cpg
        |-- tl_2023_us_country.dbf
        |-- tl_2023_us_country.prj
        |-- tl_2023_us_country.shp
        |-- tl_2023_us_country.shp.ea.iso.xml
        |-- tl_2023_us_country.shp.iso.xml
        |-- tl_2023_us_country.shx

Command Line Interpreter (CLI)

A CLI is available that makes it easy to interact with the service:

python ./src/cli/ $VERBOSE --host $HOST --port $PORT --help

usage: [-h] [--verbose] --host HOST --port PORT {transform,statistics,simplify,buffer,view} ...

Data Mesh Agent Command Line Interface (CLI)

positional arguments:
                        Available commands
    transform           Transform shapefiles to EPSG 4326 (lat/lon)
    statistics          Show statistics for a shapefile
    simplify            Simplify a shapefile (this will reduce number of polygons)
    buffer              Simplify a shapefile (this will reduce number of polygons)
    view                View a raw shapefile

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --verbose             Enable verbose output
  --host HOST           Server host
  --port PORT           Server port

Convert Shapefiles to WGS84 Format

Shapefiles come in many formats but the one we want is called WGS84 which uses a latitude/longitude coordinate system. This command will transform common formats to WGS84, and output the resulting files in the same location of the original with -wgs84 appended to their file name:

SHAPEFILE="./data/shapefiles/CAN/lcd_000b21a_e.shp" ;
python ./src/cli/ $VERBOSE --host $HOST --port $PORT transform \
    --shapefile "$SHAPEFILE"

Get Statistics for a Shapefile

Shapefile optimization is dependent upon understanding the attributes, of the shapefile.

Example: World map

SHAPEFILE="./data/shapefiles/WORLD/world-administrative-boundaries.shp" ;
python ./src/cli/ $VERBOSE --host $HOST --port $PORT statistics \
    --shapefile "$SHAPEFILE"

  "count_polygons": 2007,
  "count_vertices": 217009,
  "mean_num_vertices": 108.12605879422023,
  "mean_area": 7.684178131345802,
  "mean_perimeter": 6.840947526847944,
  "mean_area_perimeter_ratio": 0.12112059727680852,
  "mean_shape_index": 1.6032667463465637,
  "mean_num_holes": 0.0014947683109118087,
  "number_of_features": 256,
  "geometry_types": [
  "geometry_type_counts": {
    "Polygon": 141,
    "MultiPolygon": 115
  "total_bounds": [

Example: USA map (is relatively simple, with 3371 polygons, but has lots of attributes):

SHAPEFILE="./data/shapefiles/USA/tl_2023_us_county.shp" ;
python ./src/cli/ $VERBOSE --host $HOST --port $PORT statistics \
    --shapefile "$SHAPEFILE"

  "count_polygons": 3371,
  "count_vertices": 8188629,
  "mean_num_vertices": 2429.1394245031147,
  "mean_area": 0.34698383240258607,
  "mean_perimeter": 2.416474222540989,
  "mean_area_perimeter_ratio": 0.09398853830619144,
  "mean_shape_index": 1.4350742014602533,
  "mean_num_holes": 0.013645802432512608,
  "number_of_features": 3235,
  "geometry_types": [
  "geometry_type_counts": {
    "Polygon": 3182,
    "MultiPolygon": 53
  "total_bounds": [

Example: Canada map (is complex, with 176209 polygons, with the bulk of the polygons actually contained in multi-polygons):

SHAPEFILE="./data/shapefiles/CAN/lcd_000b21a_e-wgs84.shp" ;
python ./src/cli/ $VERBOSE --host $HOST --port $PORT statistics \
    --shapefile "$SHAPEFILE"

  "count_polygons": 176209,
  "count_vertices": 17291386,
  "mean_num_vertices": 98.1299820099995,
  "mean_area": 0.00956406356540714,
  "mean_perimeter": 0.0473455811847466,
  "mean_area_perimeter_ratio": 0.0006730547457339072,
  "mean_shape_index": 1.4057918007864374,
  "mean_num_holes": 0.0005334574283946904,
  "number_of_features": 293,
  "geometry_types": [
  "geometry_type_counts": {
    "Polygon": 148,
    "MultiPolygon": 145
  "total_bounds": [

Simplify Shapefiles

Maps can be quite detailed with many complex polygons (the more vertices a polygon has, the more complex it is). Unfortunately, the more complex the shape is, and the more lengthy any processing becomes. To address this, a shapefile can be "simplified", which will reduce the number of vertices for the shape polygons (and multipolygons).

The optimal tolerance seems to be "0.01" which dramatically shrinks the shapefile and number of vertices (and, at times, polygons) while keeping a coherent shape without empty spots. The smaller and less complex shapefile also significantly speeds up processing.

Note that higher tolerances can work, but they have a tendency to have empty holes in the shape which may impact processing, or cause processing errors.

About Simplifying and Tolerances

Shapefile libraries have a "tolerance" parameter which determines how much simplification occurs. Here's what it means in real terms:

  1. Definition of Tolerance: Tolerance is the maximum distance that the simplified geometry is allowed to deviate from the original geometry. It sets a threshold for how much the simplification process can alter the shape of the geometries in the shapefile.

  2. Unit of Measurement: The unit of the tolerance value is the same as the coordinate system of your shapefile. If your shapefile is in a geographic coordinate system (like WGS 84), the tolerance is in degrees. If it's in a projected coordinate system, it's usually in meters or feet.

  3. Practical Implication:

    • A smaller tolerance value means that the simplified geometry will stay closer to the original geometry, preserving more detail.
    • A larger tolerance value allows for greater deviation, which means more simplification and less detail. This can significantly alter the appearance and spatial relationships of the geometries, especially for complex shapes.
  4. Real-World Example:

    • If you set a tolerance of 1 meter in a shapefile with a projected coordinate system, the simplified geometries will deviate from their original shape by no more than 1 meter.
    • If your shapefile is in a geographic coordinate system and you set a tolerance of 0.0001 degrees, this translates to a deviation of about 11 meters at the equator (since a degree of latitude is approximately 111 kilometers).
  5. Use Cases:

    • Simplification is often used to reduce file size and speed up processing. It's particularly useful for visualization and when high precision is not required.
    • However, it's essential to choose an appropriate tolerance considering the scale and purpose of your analysis. Over-simplification can lead to loss of critical details and misrepresentation of spatial relationships.

For practical purposes, the conversion of the given tolerance values from degrees to kilometers at the equator is as follows:

  • 1.0 degree = 111.0 km
  • 0.5 degrees = 55.5 km
  • 0.25 degrees = 27.75 km
  • 0.10 degrees = 11.1 km
  • 0.01 degrees = 1.11 km (1111 meters)
  • 0.001 degrees = 0.111 km (111 meters)
  • 0.0001 degrees = 0.0111 km (11 meters)

This conversion is based on the approximation that one degree of latitude (or longitude at the equator) is approximately 111 kilometers.

In summary, the tolerance in shapefile simplification is a measure of how much you're willing to allow the simplified geometries to differ from the original ones, with the actual distance of this deviation determined by the tolerance value and the coordinate system of the shapefile.

Simplify Examples

The simplify command will take a shapefile and simplify it down to a smaller version. The command will simplify and display statistics by default, with an optional --path parameter that will store the result into a new shapefile.

Simplify the WORLD map (notice the reduced number of vertices):

SHAPEFILE="./data/shapefiles/WORLD/world-administrative-boundaries.shp" ;
python ./src/cli/ $VERBOSE --host $HOST --port $PORT simplify \
    --shapefile "$SHAPEFILE" \
    --tolerance $TOLERANCE

  "count_polygons": 2007,
  "count_vertices": 28296,
  "mean_num_vertices": 14.09865470852018,
  "mean_area": 7.661577868296819,
  "mean_perimeter": 6.342956577525841,
  "mean_area_perimeter_ratio": 0.12049765602728271,
  "mean_shape_index": 1.7308405963230042,
  "mean_num_holes": 0.0014947683109118087,
  "number_of_features": 256,
  "geometry_types": [
  "geometry_type_counts": {
    "Polygon": 141,
    "MultiPolygon": 115
  "total_bounds": [

Simplify the USA map (notice the reduced number of vertices):

SHAPEFILE="./data/shapefiles/USA/tl_2023_us_county.shp" ;
python ./src/cli/ $VERBOSE --host $HOST --port $PORT simplify \
    --shapefile "$SHAPEFILE" \
    --tolerance $TOLERANCE

  "count_polygons": 3371,
  "count_vertices": 21213,
  "mean_num_vertices": 6.292791456541086,
  "mean_area": 0.33996386366598746,
  "mean_perimeter": 2.0750544628515457,
  "mean_area_perimeter_ratio": 0.10344223370577886,
  "mean_shape_index": 1.2455165078604686,
  "mean_num_holes": 0.013645802432512608,
  "number_of_features": 3235,
  "geometry_types": [
  "geometry_type_counts": {
    "Polygon": 3182,
    "MultiPolygon": 53
  "total_bounds": [

Simplify the CAN (Canada) map (notice the reduced number of vertices). In this example the --path argument is provided, which will store the result as a new shapefile. This will produce output in the file specified in path, as well as several similarly named files in the same directory.

SHAPEFILE="./data/shapefiles/CAN/lcd_000b21a_e-wgs84.shp" ;

python ./src/cli/ $VERBOSE --host $HOST --port $PORT simplify \
    --shapefile "$SHAPEFILE" \
    --tolerance $TOLERANCE \
    --path "$PATH"

  "count_polygons": 176209,
  "count_vertices": 969749,
  "mean_num_vertices": 5.503402209875772,
  "mean_area": 0.009555841400787775,
  "mean_perimeter": 0.03934500511875684,
  "mean_area_perimeter_ratio": 0.0006816130975421319,
  "mean_shape_index": 1.528548686854621,
  "mean_num_holes": 0.0005334574283946904,
  "number_of_features": 293,
  "geometry_types": [
  "geometry_type_counts": {
    "Polygon": 148,
    "MultiPolygon": 145
  "total_bounds": [

Buffer Shapefile

Some calculations may require the shapefile to be extended around its perimeter. This is called "buffering". Buffering a shapefile creates new geometries that represent a specified distance around existing features, which is extremely useful for a wide range of spatial analyses and planning activities.

About Buffering

Buffering in the context of a shapefile is a geospatial operation used to create a zone around the features (like points, lines, or polygons) within the shapefile. This zone is typically a uniformly sized area or distance around the features. The buffer operation is quite practical and widely used in geographic information system (GIS) analyses. Here’s how it works in practical terms:

  1. Buffering Points: If your shapefile contains points (like locations of trees, wells, or landmarks), buffering these points creates circles (or polygons approximating circles) around each point. The radius of each circle is the buffer distance you specify. For instance, creating a 10-meter buffer around trees in a park would result in circular areas with a 10-meter radius around each tree.

  2. Buffering Lines: For line features (like roads, rivers, or utility lines), buffering adds a corridor of a specified width around each line. This buffer extends equally on both sides of the line. For example, a 5-meter buffer around a road would create a corridor 10 meters wide (5 meters on each side) along the entire road.

  3. Buffering Polygons: When buffering polygons (like buildings, lakes, or land parcels), the operation creates a new polygon larger than the original, with the added width being the buffer distance. If the buffer distance is negative, the new polygon is smaller, effectively creating an inner buffer. For instance, buffering a lake with a 20-meter buffer might be used to designate a protective zone around the lake.

Practical applications include:

  • Proximity Analysis: Buffering is commonly used to identify areas within a certain distance of a feature. For instance, you might buffer schools and then analyze what facilities (like parks or libraries) fall within that buffer zone.

  • Environmental Planning: To protect sensitive areas, a buffer zone might be created around them. For example, creating buffer zones around wetlands to regulate construction and preserve ecosystems.

  • Safety and Regulations: Buffer zones around utilities, such as gas pipelines, can be used to enforce safety regulations.

  • Impact Studies: In assessing the impact of a new development, buffers can be used to visualize and analyze the areas that will be affected.

Buffer zones are often visualized on maps to clearly show the areas around features that are within a certain distance. This can be crucial for planning, decision-making, and regulatory compliance.

Note that buffering may nominally increase the complexity of the shapefile.

Buffering Examples

Buffer a shapefile using either degrees or meters units (both distances in degrees and meters are shown - pick the distance and units from below):

SHAPEFILE="./data/shapefiles/WORLD/world-administrative-boundaries.shp" ;
DISTANCE=11100 ;
python ./src/cli/ $VERBOSE --host $HOST --port $PORT buffer \
    --shapefile "$SHAPEFILE" \
    --distance $DISTANCE \
    --units "$DISTANCE_UNITS"

  "count_polygons": 664,
  "count_vertices": 365359,
  "mean_num_vertices": 550.2394578313254,
  "mean_area": 39.43415349901627,
  "mean_perimeter": 19.68996588786907,
  "mean_area_perimeter_ratio": 0.3750658795146738,
  "mean_shape_index": 1.4778930660433793,
  "mean_num_holes": 0.43373493975903615,
  "number_of_features": 256,
  "geometry_types": [
  "geometry_type_counts": {
    "Polygon": 177,
    "MultiPolygon": 79
  "total_bounds": [

View a Raw Shapefile

Create an HTML file to view a raw shapefile. Note that several shapefiles are available, so you can pick the one you want to use. When complete, point your browser to the output path to view the output:

SHAPEFILE="./data/shapefiles/CAN/lcd_000b21a_e-wgs84.shp" ;
SHAPEFILE="./data/shapefiles/USA/tl_2023_us_county.shp" ;
SHAPEFILE="./data/shapefiles/WORLD/world-administrative-boundaries.shp" ;
SHAPEFILE="./tmp/sample.shp" ;
python ./src/cli/ $VERBOSE --host $HOST --port $PORT view \
    --shapefile "$SHAPEFILE" \
    --path "$OUTPUT_PATH"