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pg_audit and nested triggers to materialize a version table

I've been a happy pg_audit user for a while now, and got familiar enough with jsonb that it doesn't bother me too much.

Also, I do not have enough volume so that dumb plans become prohibitive.

But recently, for some concrete work, I needed to materialize versions of entities into a "X_version" table.

This is the good old temporal tables.

What do we do then? We have solutions to our subproblems, but the trick is how to mix them into one thing.

Here's what I got to:

On one hand, I create the temporal table in a similar way to the link above explains.

(defn- create-version-table [table-name]
  (format "
     create table if not exists %1$s_version as
       select gen_random_uuid() as version_id, now() as version_created_at,* from %1$s with no data;

     alter table %1$s_version add primary key (version_id);
     alter table %1$s_version alter column version_id set default gen_random_uuid();
     alter table %1$s_version alter column version_id set not null;

     alter table %1$s_version alter column version_created_at set default now();
     alter table %1$s_version alter column version_created_at set not null;

     create index if not exists %1$s_version_id_version_created_at_idx on %1$s_version (id, version_created_at);
" table-name))

The nice trick here is that create table ... as select ... with no data allows us to create a table with the same fields as another table, just copying the schema. Given how verbose would be to do it in a normal DDL statement, this was a big big hit.

Another NiceThing(TM) is that if we want to add more fields to it, we can just add more output columns to the query. gen_random_uuid() as version_id tells postgresql that this column is a uuid, and the name. So create table has all the required info.

After that, we manually set the not null constraints and indices.

To tie it up, we use pg_audit library from supabase as our trigger provider. You'll see. In the project I'm already using supabase's pg_audit lib, that sets insert/update/delete triggers on a given table and inserts rows in a single table called audit.record_version. Each row has a record::jsonb, old_record::jsonb and other (less important for us).

So I thought I could piggieback on it, and rely on pg_audit to insert records. Myself, I'd have to only to create a trigger for inserts on audit.record_version and that'd be it!

CREATE TRIGGER version_tables_insert_trigger
AFTER INSERT ON audit.record_version
EXECUTE PROCEDURE copy_inserts_into_version();

Next up, create the stored procedure that will populate the versioned table.

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION copy_inserts_into_version()
 AS $$
   if 'table1' = NEW.table_name then
     insert into table1_version select gen_random_uuid(),NEW.ts,* from jsonb_populate_record(null::table1, NEW.record) ;
   -- elsif 'table2' = NEW.table_name then
   --   insert into table2_version select gen_random_uuid(),NEW.ts,* from jsonb_populate_record(null::table2, NEW.record) ;
   end if;
 $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

Some NiceStuff(TM) here too. pg_audit creates a row for each edit in the audited table. That table has (among others) a ts field, a record jsonb and an old_record jsonb.

For our purposes we're good just with record and ts. We will use insert into foobar_version select ... so we don't have to insert manually field by field. The nice nice thing is that we can "explode" a jsonb into a proper postgresql type with jsonb_populate_record. We take the original table name and we cast a null into it to get a null record of that shape. We smash NEW.record into it, and we use that as the source of our select. That select will need to prepend a random uuid, and also the timestamp.

The usage of jsonb_populate_record is in an implicit lateral join.

EXTRA: Did you know that pg17 will have something for bitemporality?