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yarn add @ebay/ui-core-react


import {
    EbayMenuButtonItem as Item,
    EbayMenuButtonSeparator as Separator,
    EbayMenuButtonLabel as Label
} from 'ebayui-core-react/ebay-menu-button';
import '@ebay/skin/menu-button';
<EbayMenuButton text="Menu">
    <Item>Item 1</Item>
    <Item>Item 2</Item>
    <Item>Item 3</Item>
    <Separator />
    <Item>Log in</Item>
// With a complext label
<EbayMenuButton a11yText="Menu">
    <Label><img src="menu-logo.svg" /></Label>
    <Item>Item 1</Item>
    <Item>Item 2</Item>

EbayMenuButton Attributes

Name Type Required Description
text String No button label text
a11yText String Only without a text label a11y text for the button
noToggleIcon Boolean No whether to hide the chevron toggle icon
expanded Boolean No whether content is expanded
type String No can be radio or checkbox
reverse Boolean No expand menu flyout to the left
fixWidth Boolean No Constrain items container width to button width
borderless Boolean No Whether button has borders
size String No button size: large or regular (default)
priority String No button size: primary, secondary (default), tertiary, none
checked Number No will set the corresponding index item to checked state and use the aria-checked attribute in markup
disabled Boolean No will disable the entire dropdown (disables the ebay-button label) if set to true
variant String No will change the button style: overflow, form or button
collapseOnSelect Boolean No Will collapse whole menu when an item is selected in menu. Typically used in type=radio
prefixId String No The id of an external element to use as the prefix label for the menu button. Cannot be used with prefix-label
prefixLabel String No The label to add before each selected item on the button. Cannot be used with prefix-id (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED)
onExpand Function No Called when content is expanded
onCollapse Function No Called when content is collapsed
onSelect Function No props: (e: event, { index: number }), triggered on item clicked (not for type radio/checkbox)
onChange Function No props: (e: event, { index: number, checked: number[], checkedValues: string[] }), triggered on item checked change, (for type radio/checkbox only)

EbayMenuButtonItem Attributes

Name Type Required Description
value String No for type radio, checkbox: the value to use with callbacks for checkedValues[]
checked Boolean No for type radio, checkbox: whether or not the item is checked
disabled Boolean No makes the menu item disabled
badgeNumber Number No used as the number to be placed in the badge
badgeAriaLabel Number No used as the number to be placed in the badge (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED)
onClick Function No For a non-link menu item, with param { originalEvent }