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Contributing to Checkbox


This document provides the information needed to contribute to Checkbox, its providers and its documentation.

General recommendations

  • The codebase uses black for formatting, with line-length set to 79.
  • Install black inside your virtual environment using pip instead of using Debian packages from apt, as the versions in pip are more up-to-date.
  • Use git config blame.ignoreRevsFile .git-blame-ignore-revs if you want to ignore commits related to black formatting.
  • Setup your editor of choice to run autopep8 on save. This helps keep everything passing flake8.
  • The code doesn’t have to be pylint-clean, but running pylint on your code may inform you about issues that could come up later in the review process.


Install Checkbox and its providers in a virtual environment

If you want to hack on Checkbox or its providers, one method is to install everything you need in a Python virtual environment.

Install the required tools:

$ sudo apt install git python3-virtualenv

Prepare the development environment. If you are an external contributor and plan on submitting some changes, you will have to fork the Checkbox repository first, and clone your own version locally. Otherwise:

$ cd ~
$ git clone [email protected]:canonical/checkbox.git

Create and activate the Python virtual environment:

$ cd ~/checkbox/checkbox-ng
$ ./mk-venv
$ . ~/checkbox/checkbox-ng/venv/bin/activate

Activate the base providers in the virtual environment from within the virtual environment:

(venv) $ cd ~/checkbox/providers/resource/
(venv) $ ./ develop -d $PROVIDERPATH
(venv) $ cd ~/checkbox/providers/base
(venv) $ ./ develop -d $PROVIDERPATH

Build the executables under the providers in the virtual environment:

(venv) $ cd ~/checkbox/providers/resource/
(venv) $ ./ build
(venv) $ cd ~/checkbox/providers/base
(venv) $ ./ build

Install the Checkbox support library in the virtual environment:

(venv) $ cd ~/checkbox/checkbox-support
(venv) $ python3 -m pip install -e .

You should now be able to run checkbox, select a test plan and run it:

(venv) $ checkbox-cli

Running/Testing Checkbox Remote

By default checkbox-cli runs locally. If you want to run the remote version you have to activate the checkbox-cli run-agent on the Machine under test:

(venv) # checkbox-cli run-agent

Note: Keep in mind that run-agent has to be run as root and needs the virtual env, you may have to re-enable/activate it after a sudo -s

Now you can run the control command to connect to it:

(venv) $ checkbox-cli control IP

Note: run-agent and control can both run on the same machine. in that situation, simply use as the IP.

Writing and running unit tests for Checkbox

Writing unit tests for your code is required. For functions with an easily defined input and output, use doctest. For more complex units of code, use the standard unittest library.

Validate the providers

Ensure the jobs and test plans definitions follow the correct syntax using the validate command. From one of the providers directory:

(venv) $ ./ validate

Writing and running unit tests for providers

Run checks for code quality of provider hosted scripts and any unit tests for providers. From one of the providers directory:

(venv) $ ./ test

Under the hood, this command will

  • check Shell scripts using ShellCheck
  • check Python code quality using flake8
  • run all the Python unit tests

You can run each part separately. See ./ test -h for more information.

If you only want to run one test script from the test suite, you have to point the PYTHONPATH environment variable to the provider's bin/ directory, then go to the tests/ directory and run the unit tests for your test file:

(venv) $ PYTHONPATH=~/checkbox/providers/base/bin python -m unittest <>


In Checkbox we have a coverage requirement for new PRs. This is to ensure that new contributions do not add source paths that are not explored in testing and therefore easy to break down the line with any change.

Collecting Coverage

To collect your coverage and generate a coverage report, run the following:

$ python -m pip install coverage
# cd to the provider you want to test
$ python -m coverage run test -u
$ python -m coverage html

You will get a nice HTML report you can use to visualize the test coverage for all the scripts in the provider.

Note that every part of this repository has a .coveragerc file, they should already include anything you may want to see in the report. If something is missing you can edit it but please, consult with the team before doing so. Tests are intentionally excluded from the coverage report, this is because test files tend to inflate the coverage with no real benefit, so don't worry if you can not spot yours in the report.

Of course, you may only be interested in the coverage of your patch (for example, if you change a file that has a very low coverage, we do not want you to take up the challenge of testing it all if you don't want to!). The easiest way to get this measurement is to open a new PR and connect it with your branch. The Bot should comment on it as soon as the tox job relevant to your change is finished, giving you a handy report. Note that the bot will tell you what you should improve to meet the requirements, the constraints are listed in codecov.yaml in the repo root.

Effective coverage

Getting coverage right is not about having all lines in a source file executed. Coverage is more of a proxy measure of how much of your code behaviour does your test actually execute.

Consider the following:

def get_mod_status(a : int, b : int) -> str:
        if a % b == 0:
            return "A is divisible by B"
        return "A is not divisible by B"
    except ZeroDivisionError:
        return "B is 0"
    except ValueError:
        return "Unknown error"

To get 100% code coverage you may write the following tests:

def test_nominal_ok_0(): assert get_mod_status(10, 2) == "A is divisible by B"
def test_nominal_ok_1(): assert get_mod_status(10, 3) == "A is not divisible by B"
def test_error_0(): assert get_mod_status(10, 0) == "B is 0"

def test_error_1():
    class error_mod:
        def __mod__(self, other):
            raise ValueError("Unknown error")
    assert get_mod_status(error_mod(), 10) == "Unknown error"

This is not a very good test suite but we have reached 100% coverage. Notice that most of the function above is easily tested by the first three tests and covering the last two lines takes quite a lot of complexity. This is already an indicator that it may not be worth covering them. Now consider the fact that a % b is equivalent to a - (a // b * b) so they are interchangeable, but if we swap them in the implementation, the last test fails. What went wrong here is that to reach 100% coverage we are giving up on testing the functionality and we are writing tests that mindlessly follow specific code path.

Wrapping up, while preparing the tests for your PR use the coverage as an handy metric to guide you toward thoroughly tested code. Do try to cover all important behaviour of your code but don't add a lot of mocks and/or complexity to squeeze out just a little bit more coverage.

Version control recommendations

Commit title

In general, try to follow Chris Beams’ recommendations. In a nutshell:

  • Limit the length of the title to 50 characters
  • Begin title with a capital letter
  • Use the imperative mode (your title should always be able to complete the sentence “If applied, this commit will...”)

Commit message body

Quoting again from Chris Beams’ article, use the body to explain what and why vs. how.


Run Shellcheck on bin dir scripts

The test command to currently looks for python unittests
in the provider tests/ directory. This change searches the bin/
directory for files with suffix .sh and automatically generates
a unittest that runs the shellcheck command on the file.

Linking a pull request to a GitHub issue

See the GitHub documentation for more information.

Splitting work in separate commits if required

If the changes you provide affect different parts of the project, it is better to split them in different commits. This helps others when reviewing the changes, helps investigation later on if a problem is found and usually helps the original developer to better explain and organize his/her changes.

For example, if you add a new screen to the Checkbox text user interface (TUI) and then modify Checkbox internals to work with this new screen, it is good to have one commit for the new screen, and one for the internals changes.

Each commit should be stable, i.e. not introduce regressions or make tests fail. If two or more commits have to be used together, then they should become one commit.

Rework your changes

Sometimes it is necessary to modify your changes (for instance after they have been reviewed by others). Instead of creating new commits with these new modifications, it is preferred to use Git features such as rebase to rework your existing commits.

Pull requests

Signed commits required

  • To get your changes accepted, please sign your commits. This practice is enforced by many of the CI pipelines executed in the repository (pipelines which use Canonical's github-runner-operator operated runners).

  • If you have just discovered the requirement for signed commits after already creating a feature branch with unsigned commits, you can issue git rebase --exec 'git commit --amend --no-edit -n -S' -i main to sign them. To translate this into English:

    • git rebase --exec: rebases commits
    • --exec '...': exec command '...' after each commit, creating a new commit
    • git commit --amend --no-edit: amend a commit without changing its message
      • -n: bypass pre-commit and commit-msg hooks
      • -S: GPG sign commit
      • -i: let the user see and edit the list of commits to rebase
      • main: to all the commits until you reach main
  • To make commit signing convenient, as per this SO thread, do the following:

    git config --global user.signingkey <your-key-id>
    git config --global commit.gpgSign true
    git config --global tag.gpgSign true
    git config --global push.gpgSign if-asked

General workflow

Follow these steps to make a change to a Checkbox-related project.

  1. Check the GitHub documentation on how to get started. If you are a Checkbox contributor, you can clone the Checkbox repository directly; if you are an external contributor, you will probably have to fork the repository first.

  2. If you created a fork, you need to configure Git to sync your fork with the original repository.

  3. Create a branch and switch to it to start working on your changes. You can use any branch name, but it is generally good to include the GitHub issue number it relates to as well as a quick explanation of what the branch is about:

     $ git checkout -b 123456-invalid-session-content
  4. Work on your changes, test them, iterate, commit your work.

  5. Before sending your changes for review, make sure to rebase your work using the most up-to-date data from the main repository:

     $ git checkout main
     # If you are a Checkbox contributor:
     $ git fetch origin
     # If you are an external contributor:
     $ git fetch upstream
     # Then, rebase your branch:
     $ git checkout 123456-invalid-session-content
     $ git rebase main
     First, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it...
     Applying: <your commits>
  6. Push your changes to your GitHub repository.

Code review criteria & workflow

As a general rule, there should be one reviewer per PR. A review that requests changes should provide sufficient depth so that the proposer can bring the code to an acceptable standard without input from other reviewers. In certain infrequent situations, it may be necessary for a reviewer to request that another reviewer provide additional guidance. This must be explicitly communicated in the PR comments. Examples of when this might be done include working around cases of low test coverage or when the changes affect something known to be of low quality (e.g., something significantly complex and hard to reason about, brittle, dated, known to have broken in the past, etc.).

On approving a change without any change requests the reviewer will merge the pull request. If they choose not to perform the merge, they must leave a comment explaining the rationale (mostly this exception is to cover situations when significant changes need to be staged across multiple releases).

The reviewer is encouraged to use suggestions to communicate exact intended solutions, and to make it easy to apply them. The reviewer must do this when making trivial style related suggestions. The reviewer might also post code into the PR, or to a branch branched off from the feature branch, to communicate more complex suggestions.

Whenever a Checkbox maintainer provides a review for a PR, they accept responsibility to follow the PR through to its conclusion.

The following sections describe the criteria upon which Checkbox maintainers will base their determination among "Approve", "Request Changes", and "Comment".

Reviewer will approve the pull request when...

  1. They have read and understood the pull request description and changes being proposed.
  2. The requirements laid out in the PR template are met. In particular:
  • the reviewer is convinced the changed code works as advertised.
  • tests introduced cover the new functionality, as well as untouched code it may affect.
  • testing reported by the author covers the new functionality, as well as untouched code it may affect.
  • if needed, reviewer has tested the changed solution locally.

If the PR has no problems to address that requires actions from its contributor, reviewer merges it upon approval (and deletes the feature branch).

When non-blocking issues are encountered by the reviewer, they mark the PR "approved" and leave the changes and resulting merge to the contributor. Approval with comments is done by the reviewer when:

  • Reviewer's change requests on the PR are only at most subjective (taste is a factor, e.g. arguable readability benefits).
  • Reviewer is proposing cleaner / simpler alternatives to some parts of the code being proposed that if un-addressed is not risky to address in follow-up.
  • Reviewer is proposing changes that are best (safer, faster, more productive, etc) to address in follow-up PRs. The reviewer will in these cases file follow-up issues, and link to them in the PR description.
  • The code was determined to be difficult to read, i.e. it could be improved, but in the end the reviewer understood it (reviewer leaves a comment in these cases, but leaves it to contributor discretion to address).
  • Reviewer believes they have not caught a problem, but asks question(s) out of curiosity or to confirm their understanding (on contributor then to consider the question and either make further changes or simply answer it).
  • Reviewer points out issues unrelated to what the PR is trying to accomplish (i.e. the problem existed before).

Reviewer will "request changes" to your PR when...

  1. the pull request description is unclear, or it is clear that the changes do not meet the requirements in the PR template.
  2. doesn't do what is claimed.
  3. introduces a new bug.
  4. introduces a maintenance problem.
  5. the solution is unnecessarily, significantly, too complex for the problem being solved.
  6. the introduced code / patch is very difficult to understand (the reviewer has doubts of understanding it right, or doubts that others would).
  7. the PR should be split into multiple parts (is too big to safely review, i.e. may hide critical issues). This call is not to be done for sake of readability, it is done for safety:
  • if reviewer believes it were more elegant to split the PR, they should approve and comment
  • if the reviewer believes to not be doing a good job reviewing it without it being split, they should "request changes" and in their comment request for it to be split.

Reviewer will "comment" if...

They are not confident in making a call, delegating explicitly in a comment to a reviewer who they believe can make a call, as quickly and as early as possible in the process.


Checkbox documentation lives in the docs/ directory and is deployed on Read the Docs. It is written using the reStructuredText format and built using Sphinx.

The documentation should follow the style guide in use for documentation at Canonical. Please refer to it when proposing a change.

To install everything you need, go to the docs/ directory and type:

make install

This will create a virtual environment with all the tooling dedicated to output and validate the documentation.

To get a live preview of the documentation, you can then run:

make run

This will provide a link to a locally rendered version of the documentation that will be updated every time a file is modified.

Finally, you can validate your changes with:

make spelling  # to make sure there is no typos
make linkcheck # to make sure there are no dead links
make woke      # to check for non-inclusive language

Note: Please make sure you wrap the text at 80 characters for easier review of the source files.

Once all is good, you can submit your documentation change like any other changes using a pull request.