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311 lines (246 loc) · 18.4 KB

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311 lines (246 loc) · 18.4 KB

1 Introduction

The released trace contains a hybrid of training and inference jobs running state-of-the-art ML algorithms. It is collected from a large production cluster with over 6,500 GPUs (on ~1800 machines) in Alibaba PAI (Platform for Artificial Intelligence), spanning the July and August of 2020. We also include a Jupyter notebook that parses the trace and highlights some of the main characteristics (see section 3 Demo of Data Analysis).

We also present a characterization study of the trace in a paper, "MLaaS in the Wild: Workload Analysis and Scheduling in Large-Scale Heterogeneous GPU Clusters", published in NSDI ’22. We would encourage anybody who uses this trace to cite our paper.

  title={{MLaaS} in the Wild: Workload Analysis and Scheduling in Large-Scale Heterogeneous {GPU} Clusters},
  author={Weng, Qizhen and Xiao, Wencong and Yu, Yinghao and Wang, Wei and Wang, Cheng and He, Jian and Li, Yong and Zhang, Liping and Lin, Wei and Ding, Yu},
  booktitle={19th $\{$USENIX$\}$ Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation ($\{$NSDI$\}$ 22)},

Table of Contents

2 Data Files in the Trace


The figure above illustrates an architecture overview of PAI, where users submit ML jobs developed in a variety of frameworks (e.g., TensorFlow, PyTorch, Graph-Learn). Upon the job submission, users provide the application code and specify the required compute resources, such as GPUs, CPUs, and memory. Each job is translated into multiple tasks of different roles, such as parameter servers (PS) and workers for a training job, and evaluator for an inference job. Each task may consist of one or multiple instances and can run on multiple machines. PAI employs Docker containers to instantiate tasks for simplified scheduling and execution on heterogeneous hardware. Below is a brief description of all the tables; the details are deferred to their sections.

  • pai_job_table: job launch information.
  • pai_task_table: task launch information.
  • pai_instance_table: instance launch information.
  • pai_sensor_table: instance resource sensor information.
  • pai_group_tag_table: instance semantic information.
  • pai_machine_spec: machine specification.
  • pai_machine_metric: machine resource metrics with respect to the instance.

(Note: the data in ./data folder, due to its large volume, is encouraged to be downloaded via Git LFS)

Checksum (replacing sha256sum with shasum for macOS users)

$sha256sum -c << EOF
722fef30b7fb7aa50dabd79155614b5423a9d65cf45a9b26c590d57725423a14  pai_group_tag_table.tar.gz
1bf1e423a7ce3f8d086699801c362fd56a7182abdb234139e5ebbed97995ca06  pai_instance_table.tar.gz
5aad7f7caac501136d14ed6a48e40546f825d7b0617a3a4f337e2348fe0a6cb0  pai_job_table.tar.gz
53ad917193d3b1dd0f3055e723148b1f36c2f81789b014ea2930a7875892eef5  pai_machine_metric.tar.gz
cc0d38a4045af1b1af8179de8b1b54b1ddd995e6160d6d061a6b1000f1276c2d  pai_machine_spec.tar.gz
9a0b82e8bdf3949281e4ba1423d9b4b34847e52799eecb138966de46da69c7a0  pai_sensor_table.tar.gz
cd1d6dc3215d2a8607ccf6b6dd952b5db776df86926c73259fea7c1499ac40e5  pai_task_table.tar.gz
320470fa8f77182bc6052c95ff359b75542c748e9516b3d8148a6e2bafc1798d  pai_group_tag_table.header
51f2585178eaaf30ad8cc88c50ec9243b0f7d9603603ab7602efccb7aa34f6b0  pai_instance_table.header
3ac33aefab9a4d81338794fa145fe280594a379444961a9c639f00181c508567  pai_job_table.header
300342613103c6192490f8990958903d837053c13adbc6c094d677074fbbb7ad  pai_machine_metric.header
4c9ea25914ff3f0b73be9ff223fb91002e787138165abd3f584ba37281448e1c  pai_machine_spec.header
d3e26eb31fb3b833821373b487266312151a3bfb2f18fc62017a438546cc1362  pai_sensor_table.header
978bbaabfc8695874c605c01c144b2977f611ceca73aeb72189988cdfbfb0a9c  pai_task_table.header

Size of file

$ls -sh1 *.tar.gz
 53M pai_group_tag_table.tar.gz
663M pai_instance_table.tar.gz
 60M pai_job_table.tar.gz
198M pai_machine_metric.tar.gz
 32K pai_machine_spec.tar.gz
388M pai_sensor_table.tar.gz
 34M pai_task_table.tar.gz


$for file in `ls *.tar.gz`; do tar -xzf $file; done
$sha256sum -c << EOF
d23fcb56d88b2976fda4a62708d77b2a8c98635c4b443f100ed5553d4cd07fbe  pai_group_tag_table.csv
b179f7d7e0927a6663d719b728c92640447c5a0fc3c6e4edff31e7207ab9dd17  pai_instance_table.csv
379ecb3becaba347f44a53bf7eb53e54b185221b2a0338a3f828828d269ba96c  pai_job_table.csv
8b6592daab0373ef7fec730198b4df5891b1722c2ab4c7016249166e131402d3  pai_machine_metric.csv
251e9e33649155a6a935fdc1dc0e90cd4698206936b60bd8fce60ff2ccd51439  pai_machine_spec.csv
12dd9929b70f3efe18d1279d9873e3a519c64f431613b23b059ed8c46a376dd7  pai_sensor_table.csv
6954802b457305f8a9e480ef97c40060baee59649fd3adc62c5a1e048aa058de  pai_task_table.csv


job launch information.

Columns Example Entry
job_name 4b3f04b66a525d2df903eb16
inst_id 8cb3bec23d14dbde320b6613452e768cbbf35b8bd64ee28fcceb77d3c47d
user 58540f191766
status Terminated
start_time 4550879.0
end_time 4551416.0
  • job_name: name of users' submit jobs. It has been desensitized to protect users' privacy (similar to user_name, worker_name, inst_name, etc. below).
  • inst_id: can be treated as job_id where each job_name corresponds to one inst_id; it can be joined with inst_id in pai_sensor_table and pai_group_tag_table.
  • user: user name.
  • status: job status, including 'Running', 'Terminated', 'Failed', 'Waiting'; only 'Terminated' tasks are successful.
  • start_time: timestamp of job submission time.
  • end_time: timestamp of job completion time.

Note of time: Both start_time and end_time are in seconds and have been deducted by a constant number for desensitization. Still, if translated to Unix time in UTC+8 timezone ("Asia/Shanghai"), they will have the same time of the day (e.g., "08:59:59 UTC+8") and the same day of the week (e.g., "Sunday") as the original traces, while having fake dates, months, and years.


task launch information.

Columns Example Entry
job_name 4f057009a5d481acec67b088
task_name tensorflow
inst_num 1.0
status Terminated
start_time 1739162.0
end_time 1739200.0
plan_cpu 600.0
plan_mem 29.296875
plan_gpu 50.0
gpu_type MISC
  • job_name: job name; same as the entry in pai_job_table.
  • task_name: most jobs have only one task, but some may launch multiple tasks of different names (roles), e.g., ps, worker, evaluator.
  • inst_num: number of instances launched by the task.
  • status: task status.
  • start_time: timestamp of task launch time. The gap between job.start_time and the earliest task.start_time in the job implies its wait time before launching (scheduling latency).
  • end_time: timestamp of task completion time.
  • plan_cpu: number of CPU cores requested in percentage (i.e., 600.0 is 6 vCPU cores) .
  • plan_mem: GB of main memory requested.
  • plan_gpu: number of GPUs requested in percentage (i.e., 50.0 is 50% GPU).
  • gpu_type: type of GPUs assigned to this task. MISC is short for "miscellaneous", indicating GPUs of older generations, e.g., NVIDIA Tesla K40m, K80, M60.


instance launch information.

Columns Example Entry
job_name af724763f4f5d0beef445849
task_name worker
inst_name 0d39aa867a79c16eff67daa8f6248f09af8346b177c9e3e23645c48354a8
worker_name 54dbcd2db287841c03d0639b2a93e783a090ea085348f8cdb8e603d8b96f
inst_id e387fbc18d80cc3c9ca4f1f13ff1d46778c9a25eaaeca2a95314fdf20d8e
status Terminated
start_time 2081336.0
end_time 2083889.0
machine 471dda9ed84965451e042145
  • job_name: job name; same as the entry in pai_job_table.
  • task_name: task name; same as the entry in pai_task_table.
  • inst_name: name of instance in each task.
  • worker_name: information to distinguish instances; it is more detailed than inst_name and to be joined with worker_name in pai_sensor_table and pai_machine_metric.
  • inst_id: can be treated as job_id where each job_name is correlated with one inst_id; same as the entry in pai_job_table
  • status: instance status.
  • start_time: timestamp of instance launch time.
  • end_time: timestamp of instance completion time.
  • machine: the name of machine that the instance resides on, to be joined with machine in pai_machine_spec and pai_machine_metric.


instance resource sensor information.

Columns Example Entry
job_name a9449d475665e3bf0512520b
task_name worker
worker_name bcecec52225d6b4ae6bc724ce0269a02026195a364f54cf4850c2cca0054
inst_id 589de47b56f88129837f506134b874e0356dc0931732a687bcf907fb8325
machine 6884752e3565b15cafe14218
gpu_name /dev/nvidia0
cpu_usage 140.1451612903226
gpu_wrk_util 16.0625
avg_mem 1.4627511160714286
max_mem 2.3935546875
avg_gpu_wrk_mem 1.2446746826171875
max_gpu_wrk_mem 2.3994140625
read 21271328.384615384
write 16376189.815384615
read_count 2922.4461538461537
write_count 3419.7846153846153
  • job_name: job name; same as the entry in pai_job_table.
  • task_name: task name; same as the entry in pai_task_table.
  • worker_name: worker name; same as the entry in pai_instance_table.
  • inst_id: can be treated as job_id where each job_name corresponds with one inst_id; same as the entry in pai_job_table
  • machine: machine name; same as the entry in pai_instance_table.
  • gpu_name: name of the GPU on that machine (not gpu_type).
  • cpu_usage: number of CPU cores used in percentage (i.e., 600.0 is 6 vCPU cores) (c.f. plan_cpu in pai_task_table).
  • gpu_wrk_util: number of GPUs used in percentage (i.e., 50.0 is 50% GPU) (c.f., plan_gpu in pai_task_table).
  • avg_mem: GB of main memory used (in average) (c.f., plan_mem in pai_task_table).
  • max_mem: GB of main memory used (maximum) (c.f., plan_mem in pai_task_table).
  • avg_gpu_wrk_mem: GB of GPU memory used (in average).
  • max_gpu_wrk_mem: GB of GPU memory used (maximum).
  • read: Bytes of network input.
  • write: Bytes of network output.
  • read_count: Number of times of network read input.
  • write_count: Number of times of network write output.

Note of sensor: all the sensor metrics (CPU, GPU, Memory, I/O) in this table are collected for each instance (indexed by worker_name) but not task, taking the average of all data in the instance's lifetime (except for max_mem and max_gpu_wrk_mem being the maximum).


instance semantic information.

Columns Example Entry
inst_id f7f6218cb5cb82e00b85476691d15d5055c143a351396d8f81737421dbd6
user d2d3b77d342e
gpu_type_spec V100M32
group fbeb14d671c629b6e82bee889fe4bb4c
workload nmt
  • inst_id: can be treated as job_id where each job_name corresponds with one inst_id; same as the entry in pai_job_table
  • user: user name; same as the entry in pai_job_table.
  • gpu_type_spec: being empty if the instance does not specify GPU type requirements, else being one of the gpu_type in pai_task_table.
  • group: a semantic tag that indicates some instances have similar customized inputs, e.g., entry scripts, command-line parameters, data sources and sinks; consequently, instances with the same group tag are considered as repeated instances. Please refer to the trace analysis paper for detailed discussion.
  • workload: we study some Deep Learning tasks by investigating their customized inputs (mentioned above) and record their workload in this field; around 9% instances have this tag, including graphlearn, ctr, bert, etc.


machine specification.

Columns Example Entry
machine 82e5af3cd5c4af3f56c62c54
gpu_type T4
cap_cpu 96
cap_mem 512
cap_gpu 2
  • machine: machine name; same as the entry in pai_instance_table.
  • gpu_type: GPU type; same as the entry in pai_task_table.
  • cap_cpu: CPU capacity; number of CPU cores in the machine.
  • cap_mem: memory capacity; GB of main memory capacity in the machine.
  • cap_gpu: GPU capacity; number of GPU in the machine.


machine resource metrics with respect to the instance.

Columns Example Entry
worker_name b739d0d058e0db100aaf47e48a4d61320c95c2f5a334a8262d5e830d849c
machine 74e1c8457b01c76b314b22bb
start_time 6150435
end_time 6150689
machine_cpu_iowait 0.0028667003281999497
machine_cpu_kernel 3.583656890012642
machine_cpu_usr 14.928745108999438
machine_gpu 87.82875849911859
machine_load_1 18.298592909228066
machine_net_receive 111649584.57135652
machine_num_worker 5.053068410462776
machine_cpu 18.515268699340282
  • worker_name: worker name; same as the entry in pai_instance_table.
  • machine: machine name; same as the entry in pai_instance_table.
  • start_time: timestamp of instance launch time; same as the entry in pai_instance_table.
  • end_time: timestamp of instance completion; same as the entry in pai_instance_table.
  • machine_cpu_iowait : machine-level metrics of CPU I/O wait.
  • machine_cpu_kernel : machine-level metrics of CPU kernel usage.
  • machine_cpu_usr : machine-level metrics of CPU user usage.
  • machine_gpu : machine-level metrics of GPU utilization.
  • machine_load_1 : machine-level metrics of 1-min load average.
  • machine_net_receive : machine-level metrics of network received bytes.
  • machine_num_worker : machine-level metrics of number of co-located instances (workers).
  • machine_cpu : machine-level metrics of CPU overall usage.

Note of machine_ metrics: these metrics are machine-level metrics, taking average of the sensor data during the instance's (indexed by worker_name) lifetime.

3 Demo of Data Analysis

The displayed Jupyter notebook and the underlying utility script can be found under the analysis directory.

analysis-01.png analysis-02.png analysis-03.png analysis-04.png analysis-05.png analysis-06.png analysis-07.png