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End-to-End Testing

This package contains the end-to-end tests for apptainer.

Basic e2e infrastructure

Initialization and the e2e.TestEnv struct

The e2e.TestEnv struct is created and initialized in the e2e.Run() function, defined in the e2e/suite.go file. This function initializes many fields of the struct and carries out initialization procedures that are necessary for the entire e2e suite to work. Here are a few examples:

  • Creating a temporary test directory (intended to serve as the parent dir for any more specific temporary subdirs that may be needed in the course of specific tests), and setting the TestDir field of the struct to point to that directory.
  • Setting up "fake" home directories for the current user and for root, so that actions that affect the home dir (caches, tokens, config changes, etc.) will not affect the files in the users' real home dirs.
    • This is achieved by creating temporary homedirs for the user and for root, and bind-mounting them over the real ones ($HOME and /root, respectively).
    • Because the e2e suite is run inside a dedicated mount namespace, this bind-mount does not affect the "outside world."
    • The actual function that is called to set up these fake homedirs is SetupHomeDirectories(), defined in e2e/internal/e2e/home.go
  • Blank/default versions of the following are set up & placed in the aforementioned temporary TestDir:
    • apptainer.conf
    • remote.yaml
    • plugin dir
    • ECL configuration
    • Global keyring
  • If the E2E_DOCKER_USERNAME and E2E_DOCKER_PASSWORD environment variables are set, they will be used to generate docker-config.json files, which will be placed inside the .apptainer subdir of the "fake" user homedir and the fake /root (see above).
    • By supplying login credentials to DockerHub in this fashion, one can run e2e tests without hitting the rate-limits that apply when accessing DockerHub anonymously.

The local Docker/OCI registry

Next, a local Docker/OCI registry is spun up for testing purposes. The host & address for this local testing registry is stored in testenv.TestRegistry (note that the string stored here does not contain the docker:// transport prefix).

A few images are immediately pushed to this testing registry; others are only generated on demand, using the testenv.EnsureXYZ() functions, discussed below.

The images immediately pushed to the testing registry (in what follows, <registryURI> should be understood as shorthand for "docker://"+testenv.TestRegistry):

  • <registryURI>/my-busybox:latest:
    • Created by copying docker://busybox:latest at runtime.
  • <registryURI>/private/e2eprivrepo/my-busybox:latest:
    • Another copy of docker://busybox:latest created at runtime, but pushed into a private location in the testing repo that requires authentication.
      • To push the private image, e2e.Run() makes use of the PrivateRepoLogin()/PrivateRepoLogout() functions defined in e2e/internal/e2e/private_repo.go. See the comments on those functions for more information.

The following URIs are then stored in testenv fields for convenience:

  • testenv.TestRegistryImage = <registryURI>/my-busybox:latest
  • testenv.TestRegistryPrivURI = <registryURI>
    • At present, this is simply identical to "docker://"+testenv.TestRegistry. But the test suite is written so that this could point at a different registry.
  • testenv.TestRegistryPrivPath = testenv.TestRegistryPrivURI+"/private/e2eprivrepo"
  • testenv.TestRegistryPrivImage = testenv.TestRegistryPrivPath+"docker://%s/my-busybox:latest"

The EnsureXYZ() functions

Aside from the images copied as part of setting up the local Docker/OCI registry, the e2e suite makes a series of other images available on-demand: these images are copied or built only when a particular EnsureXYZ() function is called.

Below is a description of each of the EnsureXYZ() functions, and the image they create. These functions are defined in e2e/internal/e2e/image.go, and they use mutexes to ensure they are concurrency-safe, and that the initialization they perform is only ever done once in the course of an entire e2e suite run.

  • EnsureImage():
    • Builds the "main" test image, whose definition is located in e2e/testdata/Apptainer.
    • The image is saved to a file named "test.sif" inside testenv.TestDir.
    • The path to this image file is saved in testenv.ImagePath.
  • EnsureORASImage():
    • Pushes the SIF in testenv.ImagePath (see above, under EnsureImage()) to the local testing registry via the ORAS protocol.
    • The image is pushed to <registryURI>/oras_test_sif:latest, and this URI is saved in testenv.OrasTestImage.
  • EnsureSingularityImage():
    • Builds a SIF container that includes an installation of a legacy version of Singularity (for ensuring compatibility), whose definition is located in e2e/testdata/Singularity_legacy.def.
    • The path to this image file is saved in testenv.SingularityImagePath.
  • EnsureDebianImage():
    • Builds a SIF container based on an Ubuntu operating system version that has a libc compatible with the libc of the host running the e2e tests.
    • The path to this image file is saved in testenv.DebianImagePath.

Any test whose correct operation depends on the existence of one of the images listed here should begin by calling the corresponding EnsureXYZ() function.

Remember that the actual initialization carried out by these functions will only ever happen once, and so the performance cost of an EnsureXYZ() call to initialize an image that has already been initialized is negligible.


The e2e suite defines a set of profiles representing different ways that Apptainer might be run. For example, running Apptainer as root; running Apptainer as a regular user with the --fakeroot flag; and so forth.

Profiles control the following aspects of Apptainer execution:

  • Whether Apptainer is run as root or as a regular user.
  • The default CWD (current working directory) in which to run Apptainer. (optional)
  • A set of options (e.g. --fakeroot) to pass to Apptainer CLI commands.
  • A gating function that will only let tests in this profile run under particular conditions. Note that this function does not return a boolean value; instead, it receives the *testing.T object corresponding to the current Go test, and calls t.Skip() if the conditions aren't met.
  • The UID on the host.
  • The UID in-container.

The e2e suite defines, in e2e/internal/e2e/profile.go, the following profiles:

  • UserProfile: a regular user
  • RootProfile: root
  • FakerootProfile: fakeroot
  • UserNamespaceProfile: a regular user and a user namespace
  • RootUserNamespaceProfile: root and a user namespace

To see the particular values that each of these profiles sets, please consult e2e/internal/e2e/profile.go.

Variables with the bolded names above are defined globally in e2e/internal/e2e, so that to access RootProfile from outside the e2e/internal/e2e package, for example, one would typically write e2e.RootProfile.

Individual profiles define a set of public methods. E.g. p.Privileged() will return a bool value indicating whether p is a root profile. See e2e/internal/e2e/profile.go for the full set of public methods.

Invoking the Apptainer CLI

An e2e test typically proceeds by invoking the Apptainer CLI one or more times. In order to use the Apptainer CLI from within the e2e suite in a way that respects profiles and interacts with Go's *testing.T structure correctly, the e2e suite defines the testenv.RunApptainer() function:

func (c ctx) echoEnv(t *testing.T) {
    e2e.EnsureImage(t, c.env)

    env := []string{`FOO=BAR`}
        e2e.WithArgs("/bin/sh", "-c" "echo $FOO"),
            e2e.ExpectOutput(e2e.ExactMatch, "BAR"),

Functional options to testenv.RunApptainer()

The first argument to testenv.RunApptainer() is Go's *testing.T object for the current test. This is followed by one or more functional options. The e2e suite defines a whole host of functional options for testenv.RunApptainer(), and we will highlight only some of them here; the reader should consult e2e/internal/e2e/apptainercmd.go for the full set of options.

  • e2e.AsSubtest(string):
    • Executes the apptainer command in a separate named subtest of the current test (passed in the first argument of testenv.RunApptainer()).
  • e2e.WithProfile(e2e.Profile):
    • The profile for this run of the CLI.
  • e2e.WithCommand(string):
    • The CLI command to execute. (E.g. to run apptainer help, one would pass e2e.WithCommand("help") as one of the functional options to testenv.RunApptainer()).
  • e2e.WithArgs(...string):
    • Additional arguments to pass to the CLI command defined in e2e.WithCommand(), above.
      • Important: Not all arguments to the CLI belong here - in particular, those that are specified by profiles, such as --fakeroot, should be provided by choosing the correct profile in e2e.WithProfile(), above.
  • e2e.WithEnv([]string):
    • Environment variables to set for this run of the CLI.
  • e2e.WithDir(string):
    • The current working directory in which to run the CLI.
  • e2e.PreRun(func(*testing.T)) and e2e.PostRun(func(*testing.T)):
    • Code to run before and after the CLI run itself. Note that the function passed as an argument to PreRun()/PostRun() receives the Go *testing.T object as an argument, and returns no values. Therefore, the function is expected to use methods like t.Skip(), t.Error()/t.Errorf(), t.Fatal()/t.Fatalf(), etc., as appropriate.
  • e2e.ExpectExit():
    • Discussed separately, below.

The e2e.ExpectExit() option

The functional argument e2e.ExpectExit() is more complex than testenv.RunApptainer()'s other functional arguments, and deserves to be discussed in slightly more detail.

The purpose of this argument is to define what is expected of this CLI run, such that the test will be considered to have failed (specifically, the Fail() method of the *testing.T object will be called) if the expected conditions are not met.

Here, once again, is the e2e.ExpectExit() functional argument from the earlier example:

            e2e.ExpectOutput(e2e.ExactMatch, "BAR"),

The first argument is the Unix exit code the test expects the CLI to return. (Zero, as in this example, means that the CLI run has terminated successfully; though that does not yet mean it did what we expected; keep reading!)

The rest of the arguments to e2e.ExpectExit() are zero or more functional options again. The most common functional options to e2e.ExpectExit() are e2e.ExpectOutput() and e2e.ExpectError(), for examining stdout and stderr output, respectively. (Note that much like fmt.Print() has a fmt.Printf() counterpart, so too do e2e.ExpectOutput() and e2e.ExpectError() have e2e.ExpectOutputf() and e2e.ExpectErrorf() counterparts that allow for standard Go string formatting directives. See e2e/internal/e2e/apptainercmd.go for details.)

Note: Since the APIs of e2e.ExpectOutput() and e2e.ExpectError() are identical, we will discuss e2e.ExpectOutput() from here on out, but the same applies to e2e.ExpectError() as well.

e2e.ExpectOutput() takes two arguments. The first is the match type, and the second is a string. (Or, in the e2e.Expect{Output,Error}f variants, a string followed by a set of arguments corresponding to the format directives in the string.) The following match types are defined in e2e/internal/e2e/apptainercmd.go:

  • ContainMatch:
    • For the test to pass, the output must contain the string in the second argument.
  • ExactMatch:
    • For the test to pass, the output must be equal to string in the second argument. (In particular, it cannot contain anything before or after this string, apart from a final newline.)
  • UnwantedContainMatch:
    • For the test to pass, the output must not contain the string in the second argument.
  • UnwantedExactMatch:
    • For the test to pass, the output must not be equal to string in the second argument.
  • RegexMatch:
    • For the test to pass, it must match the regular expression specified in the second argument.

Thus, in the code snippet above, we see that for the test to pass, the CLI must return the exit code 0 (indicating a successful run), and the output from stdout (disregarding stderr) must be exactly the string BAR - no more, and no less, up to a terminating newline.

While this particular example tests what is expected to be a successful run, these same options also let you test that Apptainer errors out correctly under the circumstances where you want it to do so. You would typically do that by combining an appropriate non-zero exit status as the first argument to e2e.ExpectExit(), with an additional e2e.ExpectError() (or e2e.ExpectErrorf()) functional option to verify that the stderr output of the CLI run is what you want it to be.

Best practices in writing e2e tests

Inline struct arrays for subtests

While the code snippets given so far demonstrate a single execution of testenv.RunApptainer(), it is quite common for a single test to run testenv.RunApptainer() multiple times, each time modifying something about the run conditions.

To enhance the readability of the e2e sources, tests of this sort should be written using the table driven test pattern. As an example, here is the exitSignals() test from e2e/actions/actions.go:

func (c actionTests) exitSignals(t *testing.T) {
	e2e.EnsureImage(t, c.env)

	tests := []struct {
		name string
		args []string
		exit int
			name: "Exit0",
			args: []string{c.env.ImagePath, "/bin/sh", "-c", "exit 0"},
			exit: 0,
			name: "Exit1",
			args: []string{c.env.ImagePath, "/bin/sh", "-c", "exit 1"},
			exit: 1,
			name: "Exit134",
			args: []string{c.env.ImagePath, "/bin/sh", "-c", "exit 134"},
			exit: 134,
			name: "SignalKill",
			args: []string{c.env.ImagePath, "/bin/sh", "-c", "kill -KILL $$"},
			exit: 137,
			name: "SignalAbort",
			args: []string{c.env.ImagePath, "/bin/sh", "-c", "kill -ABRT $$"},
			exit: 134,

	for _, tt := range tests {

Instead of writing a series of calls to RunApptainer() with slightly different arguments each time, we define a new inline struct type containing only the properties we want to vary in each subtest (in this case, only the additional arguments to exec and the expected exit code, alongside the name for the subtest). We place the array of these structs into a local variable (tests), and iterate over this array to create the actual CLI calls we are interested in.

This approach cleanly separates the varying aspects of each subtest (contained in the struct array) from those that remain constant (coded in the body of the for-loop).

Note that the struct type defined here includes a field name, which we use to execute each CLI run as its own separate subtest (by passing e2e.AsSubtest( as one of the functional options to RunApptainer()). This is important, because otherwise Go would end up affixing a running counter to the main test name, which would make test logs a lot less informative as far as where test failures have/haven't occurred. Subtest names should strike a balance between clearly representing what the subtest does, on the one hand, and brevity, on the other. Brevity is important here because full test names can get rather long once the names of nested subsets are all spelled out.

Anything that can be passed in a functional argument to RunApptainer() can be part of the struct type we define. The following is the actionCompat() test from e2e/actions/actions.go:

func (c actionTests) actionCompat(t *testing.T) {
	e2e.EnsureImage(t, c.env)

	type test struct {
		name     string
		args     []string
		exitCode int
		expect   e2e.ApptainerCmdResultOp

	tests := []test{
			name:     "containall",
			args:     []string{"--compat", c.env.ImagePath, "sh", "-c", "ls -lah $HOME"},
			exitCode: 0,
			expect:   e2e.ExpectOutput(e2e.ContainMatch, "total 0"),
			name:     "writable-tmpfs",
			args:     []string{"--compat", c.env.ImagePath, "sh", "-c", "touch /test"},
			exitCode: 0,
			name:     "no-init",
			args:     []string{"--compat", c.env.ImagePath, "sh", "-c", "ps"},
			exitCode: 0,
			expect:   e2e.ExpectOutput(e2e.UnwantedContainMatch, "sinit"),
			name:     "no-umask",
			args:     []string{"--compat", c.env.ImagePath, "sh", "-c", "umask"},
			exitCode: 0,
			expect:   e2e.ExpectOutput(e2e.ContainMatch, "0022"),

	oldUmask := syscall.Umask(0)
	defer syscall.Umask(oldUmask)

	for _, tt := range tests {

Here, we pass different e2e.ExpectOutput() options for each of the different subtests (even passing none at all, for the "writable-tmpfs" subtest).

Or consider the testCLICallbacks() test in e2e/plugin/plugin.go:

func (c ctx) testCLICallbacks(t *testing.T) {
	pluginDir := "./plugin/testdata/cli"
	pluginName := ""

	// plugin sif file
	sifFile := filepath.Join(c.env.TestDir, "plugin.sif")
	defer os.Remove(sifFile)

	tests := []struct {
		name       string
		profile    e2e.Profile
		command    string
		args       []string
		expectExit int
			name:       "Compile",
			profile:    e2e.UserProfile,
			command:    "plugin compile",
			args:       []string{"--out", sifFile, pluginDir},
			expectExit: 0,
			name:       "Install",
			profile:    e2e.RootProfile,
			command:    "plugin install",
			args:       []string{sifFile},
			expectExit: 0,
			name:       "CLICallback",
			profile:    e2e.UserProfile,
			command:    "exit",
			args:       []string{"42"},
			expectExit: 42,
			name:       "ApptainerConfigCallback",
			profile:    e2e.UserProfile,
			command:    "shell",
			args:       []string{c.env.TestDir},
			expectExit: 43,
			name:       "Uninstall",
			profile:    e2e.RootProfile,
			command:    "plugin uninstall",
			args:       []string{pluginName},
			expectExit: 0,

	for _, tt := range tests {

Here, we see that both the profile and the command to be run vary from subtest to subtest, so they have been included in the struct type that the function defines.

Iterating over profiles

Often we are interested in running the same test in different profiles. We could do this by using multiple entries in a table driven test, varying the profile field each time. But this is not the tidiest way to achieve this goal. That's because we would be using a data structure intended to capture everything that varies from subtest to subtest when, in reality, we're not varying anything except the profile.

A better way to achieve this is to embed the call to RunApptainer() inside a for-loop iterating over the set of profiles we want to test. For example:

func (c actionTests) actionTmpSandboxFlag(t *testing.T) {
	e2e.EnsureImage(t, c.env)

	profiles := []e2e.Profile{

	for _, p := range profiles {
			e2e.WithArgs("--sif-fuse=false", "--no-tmp-sandbox", "-u", c.env.ImagePath, "/bin/true"),

It is common to pair this pattern with the table driven test pattern discussed above, which can be easily done as follows:

func (c *ctx) testInstanceAuthFile(t *testing.T) {
	e2e.EnsureORASImage(t, c.env)
	instanceName := "actionAuthTesterInstance"
	localAuthFileName := "./my_local_authfile"
	authFileArgs := []string{"--authfile", localAuthFileName}


	tests := []struct {
		name          string
		subCmd        string
		args          []string
		whileLoggedIn bool
		expectExit    int
			name:          "start before auth",
			subCmd:        "start",
			args:          append(authFileArgs, "--disable-cache", "--no-https", c.env.TestRegistryPrivImage, instanceName),
			whileLoggedIn: false,
			expectExit:    255,
			name:          "start",
			subCmd:        "start",
			args:          append(authFileArgs, "--disable-cache", "--no-https", c.env.TestRegistryPrivImage, instanceName),
			whileLoggedIn: true,
			expectExit:    0,
			name:          "stop",
			subCmd:        "stop",
			args:          []string{instanceName},
			whileLoggedIn: true,
			expectExit:    0,
			name:          "start noauth",
			subCmd:        "start",
			args:          append(authFileArgs, "--disable-cache", "--no-https", c.env.TestRegistryPrivImage, instanceName),
			whileLoggedIn: false,
			expectExit:    255,

	profiles := []e2e.Profile{

	for _, p := range profiles {
		t.Run(p.String(), func(t *testing.T) {
			for _, tt := range tests {
				if tt.whileLoggedIn {
					e2e.PrivateRepoLogin(t, c.env, p, localAuthFileName)
				} else {
					e2e.PrivateRepoLogout(t, c.env, p, localAuthFileName)
					e2e.WithCommand("instance "+tt.subCmd),

Notice that we want to avoid running the same subtest in different profiles with the same test name (in which case, Go would just affix a running counter to the test names, which would not make for very readable output). For this reason, we run the batch of tests in each profile as a separate subtest, using the t.Run(<subtest_name>, func(t *testing.T) {<...>}) method of Go's testing object. We use the profile's .String() method to retrieve the profile's name, and use that as the name of the subtest.

Overall, then, we end up with two levels of subtest nesting here: one level for the profile, and another for the subtest names as defined in the struct array. Here's an example of what the test output log looks like in this case:

=== RUN   TestE2E/SEQ/INSTANCE/auth
=== RUN   TestE2E/SEQ/INSTANCE/auth/User
    apptainercmd.go:698: Running command "/usr/local/bin/apptainer registry logout --authfile ./my_local_authfile docker://localhost:41151"
=== RUN   TestE2E/SEQ/INSTANCE/auth/User/start_before_auth
    instance.go:299: Running command "/usr/local/bin/apptainer instance start --authfile ./my_local_authfile --disable-cache --no-https docker://localhost:41151/private/e2eprivrepo/my-alpine:latest actionAuthTesterInstance"
=== NAME  TestE2E/SEQ/INSTANCE/auth/User
    apptainercmd.go:698: Running command "/usr/local/bin/apptainer registry login --authfile ./my_local_authfile -u e2e -p e2e docker://localhost:41151"
=== RUN   TestE2E/SEQ/INSTANCE/auth/User/start
    instance.go:299: Running command "/usr/local/bin/apptainer instance start --authfile ./my_local_authfile --disable-cache --no-https docker://localhost:41151/private/e2eprivrepo/my-alpine:latest actionAuthTesterInstance"
=== NAME  TestE2E/SEQ/INSTANCE/auth/User
    apptainercmd.go:698: Running command "/usr/local/bin/apptainer registry login --authfile ./my_local_authfile -u e2e -p e2e docker://localhost:41151"
=== RUN   TestE2E/SEQ/INSTANCE/auth/User/stop
    instance.go:299: Running command "/usr/local/bin/apptainer instance stop actionAuthTesterInstance"
=== NAME  TestE2E/SEQ/INSTANCE/auth/User
    apptainercmd.go:698: Running command "/usr/local/bin/apptainer registry logout --authfile ./my_local_authfile docker://localhost:41151"
=== RUN   TestE2E/SEQ/INSTANCE/auth/User/start_noauth
    instance.go:299: Running command "/usr/local/bin/apptainer instance start --authfile ./my_local_authfile --disable-cache --no-https docker://localhost:41151/private/e2eprivrepo/my-alpine:latest actionAuthTesterInstance"
=== RUN   TestE2E/SEQ/INSTANCE/auth/Root
    apptainercmd.go:698: Running command "/usr/local/bin/apptainer registry logout --authfile ./my_local_authfile docker://localhost:41151"
=== RUN   TestE2E/SEQ/INSTANCE/auth/Root/start_before_auth
    instance.go:299: Running command "/usr/local/bin/apptainer instance start --authfile ./my_local_authfile --disable-cache --no-https docker://localhost:41151/private/e2eprivrepo/my-alpine:latest actionAuthTesterInstance"
=== NAME  TestE2E/SEQ/INSTANCE/auth/Root
    apptainercmd.go:698: Running command "/usr/local/bin/apptainer registry login --authfile ./my_local_authfile -u e2e -p e2e docker://localhost:41151"
=== RUN   TestE2E/SEQ/INSTANCE/auth/Root/start
    instance.go:299: Running command "/usr/local/bin/apptainer instance start --authfile ./my_local_authfile --disable-cache --no-https docker://localhost:41151/private/e2eprivrepo/my-alpine:latest actionAuthTesterInstance"
=== NAME  TestE2E/SEQ/INSTANCE/auth/Root
    apptainercmd.go:698: Running command "/usr/local/bin/apptainer registry login --authfile ./my_local_authfile -u e2e -p e2e docker://localhost:41151"
=== RUN   TestE2E/SEQ/INSTANCE/auth/Root/stop
    instance.go:299: Running command "/usr/local/bin/apptainer instance stop actionAuthTesterInstance"
=== NAME  TestE2E/SEQ/INSTANCE/auth/Root
    apptainercmd.go:698: Running command "/usr/local/bin/apptainer registry logout --authfile ./my_local_authfile docker://localhost:41151"
=== RUN   TestE2E/SEQ/INSTANCE/auth/Root/start_noauth
    instance.go:299: Running command "/usr/local/bin/apptainer instance start --authfile ./my_local_authfile --disable-cache --no-https docker://localhost:41151/private/e2eprivrepo/my-alpine:latest actionAuthTesterInstance"

Temporary dirs & files, and cleanup

Tests should be written so that the state of the filesystem after they run is the same as it was before. To this end, it will typically be necessary to create temporary files or even temporary directories.

As noted above, the initialization code that runs at the beginning of the e2e suite creates a temporary directory and stores its path in testenv.TestDir. Note however that this is a single directory for the entirety of this e2e run, no matter how many individual tests & subtests are run as part of it.

Therefore, an individual test or subtest should take active steps to avoid name clashes for the temporary files & directories it creates. The best strategy for this is as follows:

  • Location: Temporary files & directories should be created under testenv.TestDir.
    • That way, if the same test was executed as part of a different run of the e2e suite, the files would be in different places (because testenv.TestDir differs per-run).
  • Naming: Temporary files & directories should have a name that is unique to the test/subtest being run.
    • That way, temporary files & directories created by different tests/subtests in a single e2e run won't clash with one another.

The functions in Go's standard library for creating temporary files and for creating temporary directories support customizing both the location and the name of the file/dir, and so both these goals can be accomplished:

  • Files:
    • The function os.CreateTemp(dir, pattern string) (*File, error) in the os package of the standard Go library accepts both a parent directory in which to create the file (dir) and a pattern for the filename to include (pattern). Typically, the pattern is used as a prefix, but other behaviors are possible. See the full documentation for this function here.
    • The function e2e.WriteTempFile(dir, pattern, content string) (string, error) defined in e2e/internal/e2e/fileutil.go behaves similarly - indeed, it calls os.CreateTemp() with the dir and pattern arguments it is given.
      • It differs from os.CreateTemp() in that it opens the temporary file it created, writes the content to it, closes it, and returns the path to the temporary file as the first return value.
  • Directories:
    • The function os.MkdirTemp(dir, pattern string) (string, error) in the os package of the standard Go library accepts both a parent directory in which to create the temporary subdir (dir) and a pattern for the dirname to include (pattern). Typically, the pattern is used as a prefix, but other behaviors are possible. See the full documentation for this function here.
    • The function e2e.MakeTempDir(t *testing.T, baseDir string, prefix string, context string) (string, func(t *testing.T)) defined in e2e/internal/e2e/fileutil.go behaves similarly - indeed, it calls fs.MakeTmpDir() (defined in internal/pkg/util/fs/helper.go) with the dir and pattern arguments it is given, and fs.MakeTmpDir() in turn calls os.MkdirTemp() with these arguments.
      • It differs from os.MkdirTemp() in that it doesn't return an error value (any errors that arise will be issued as t.Fatal(<...>) errors to the *testing.T object passed as the first argument), and it returns, alongside the path to the created directory, a function that when called will remove the directory in question.
      • The latter is very useful for cleanup purposes, a topic we turn to presently.

Even if all files & directories are created in temporary locations as just specified, tests should still clean up after themselves, removing any files and directories they create. This can be done using defer statements, but the preferred practice is to use the t.Cleanup(f func()) method of Go's *testing.T object.

There are several advantages to this approach. First, it allows for conditional cleanup: it is often desirable, whether it be for debugging the e2e test itself or for debugging an issue that these tests have revealed in Apptainer, to retain the temporary files of a failed test. We can therefore make the cleanup of a test conditional on that test having passed. Here is a typical example, in this case using the second return value of e2e.MakeTempDir() discussed above to perform the cleanup, taken from the actionOciOverlayTeardown() test in e2e/actions/oci.go:

	tmpDir, cleanup := e2e.MakeTempDir(t, c.env.TestDir, "persistent-overlay-", "")
	t.Cleanup(func() {
		if !t.Failed() {

In this example, the contents of the temporary directory (whose name will begin with "persistent-overlay-", and whose full name can be read from the test output) will be preserved in cases where the test fails.

The second advantage of t.Cleanup() over the use of defer statements concerns the timing of their execution. While defer statements execute whenever the current function returns, t.Cleanup() statements execute when the current named test completes. This makes it possible to write a test that calls a helper function, have that helper function create various temporary files/dirs and set up their cleanup, and still use those files/dirs from the calling function, because their cleanup will occur only when the entire named test finishes.

Parallel (PAR) vs. non-parallel (SEQ) tests

Go's testing facility allows tests to be run in parallel, utilizing the compute power of multicore systems. This is enabled by calling t.Parallel(), which the suite.Run() function (in e2e/internal/testhelper/testhelper.go), called by the main e2e.Run() function (in e2e/suite.go) does indeed call.

You should therefore assume, when writing an individual e2e test, that it will run in parallel to other e2e tests.

In general, you should try your best to make your test safe to run in parallel. For example, if your test involves building a new image file, don't just put the file in the current directory; create a dedicated temporary directory for this particular test under testenv.TestDir, and build & use your image by specifying an absolute path to your image file in that temporary subdir.

With that said, it is still the case that some tests cannot be run in parallel to one another. Some examples include:

  • Tests that require changing the current working directory.
    • Note that this does not include calls to e2e.WithDir() in testenv.RunApptainer(). These are safe to run in parallel, as they only affect the apptainer process that the test launches, not the process running the test code itself.
  • Tests that require changing the OS umask.
  • Tests that affect files in the user's homedir (or in root's homedir, i.e. /root).
    • Even though the e2e suite sets up "fake" homedirs for the current user and for root, those homedirs are still shared by the entire e2e run. And so, if two different tests were to manipulate files in the homedir at once, they could interfere with each other.
    • Examples where this concern arises include any test that would potentially change, or be sensitive to, the contents of files inside the user's $HOME/.apptainer directory, such as remote.yaml, docker-config.json, and others, as well as any test that changes the content of the system apptainer.conf.

To deal with such cases, e2e/internal/testhelper/testhelper.go defines a function testhelper.NoParallel(func(*testing.T)) func(*testing.T). This function marks the test function it is given as an argument to run sequentially, and not in parallel with any other tests.

It is for this reason that a typical test name in the e2e suite looks as follows:


TestE2E is the test name for the entire e2e suite; it is followed by PAR, for the set of tests run in parallel, or by SEQ, for those tests that cannot be run in parallel and are run sequentially.

For convenience, testhelper.NoParallel() returns its argument as its sole return value. This makes it handy to use in the construction of testhelper.Tests maps. Here, for example, is the E2ETests() function of the "REMOTE" tests group (note that testhelper.NoParallel is assigned to the local variable np for the sake of brevity, another best practice in writing E2ETests() functions):

func E2ETests(env e2e.TestEnv) testhelper.Tests {
	c := ctx{
		env: env,

	np := testhelper.NoParallel

	return testhelper.Tests{
		"add":            c.remoteAdd,
		"list":           c.remoteList,
		"default or not": c.remoteDefaultOrNot,
		"remove":         c.remoteRemove,
		"status":         c.remoteStatus,
		"test help":      c.remoteTestHelp,
		"use":            c.remoteUse,
		"use exclusive":  np(c.remoteUseExclusive),

As can be seen here, the c.remoteUseExclusive() test cannot be run in parallel, but it can be marked for sequential running and added to the testhelper.Tests map in one fell swoop, by making use of the return value of testhelper.NoParallel().

Useful utility functions

Some useful utility functions for e2e testing have already been discussed above, including:

Here are some additional utility functions that are available, and which are particularly useful for writing e2e tests:

  • The require package (internal/pkg/test/tool/require/require.go)

    • While not strictly part of the e2e suite - it is available for use in unit-tests, as well - the require package defines a set of functions that allow you to gate a given test, so that it only runs if a particular requirement is met.
    • The functions in this package typically take, as their first argument, a t *testing.T object, and will call the t.Skip() function if the requirement is not satisfied (and will no-op if it is satisfied).
    • Some examples include:
      • require.Filesystem(t *testing.T, fs string): only run the current test if the OS supports the filesystem named in fs
      • require.Command(t *testing.T, command string): only run the current test if the executable command can be found on the path
        • Note that this function uses bin.FindBin(command) first, and only then falls back to exec.LookPath(command), so that it emulates the same preferences (e.g. squashfuse_ll for squashfuse, if available) that Apptainer itself uses
      • require.Arch(t *testing.T, arch string): only run the current test if the CPU architecture we're currently running on is arch
      • require.ArchIn(t *testing.T, archs []string): only run the current test if the CPU architecture we're currently running on is among those listed in archs
    • See internal/pkg/test/tool/require/require.go for the full set of require.XYZ() functions.
  • user.CurrentUser(t *testing.T) *user.User, defined in e2e/internal/e2e/user.go, returns a struct with information about the current user (UID, GID, home directory, etc.)

    • The user.User struct is defined in internal/pkg/util/user/identity_unix.go

Common pitfalls

Test not visible in logs

Scenario: You've written your new test function, placed it in the right file (e.g. imgbuild.go), and now... your test doesn't seem to be running. You can't find it in the e2e output logs anywhere.

Common cause: You've forgotten to add your test function to the testhelper.Tests map created by your testing group's E2ETests() function.

This function is typically located at the bottom of the Go source file corresponding to the e2e group. Your test function - really, a method of the group's e2e context object - won't run unless it is added to the testhelper.Tests map.

Make sure to also mark your test appropriately if it cannot be run in parallel.

Running the e2e suite

To run the e2e-test suite, after compiling and installing apptainer using the standard instructions into /usr/local, use the e2e-test script:

./scripts/e2e-test -v

The -v option means verbose so it will list all the tests being run.

The script should be run as a user with sudo privileges. If the privileges are defined as NOPASSWD but it prompts for a password anyway, add this to the sudoers configuration:

Defaults verifypw = any

Test filtering

To limit tests to a subset, use the -run option to the script with a regular expression matching the paths of tests to run.

For example, to run only the tests in the ACTIONS group:

./scripts/e2e-test -v -run TestE2E/PAR/ACTIONS

or to run only sequential tests that include the word "global":

./scripts/e2e-test -v -run TestE2E/SEQ/.*/.*global

It's not always easy to figure out the full path of tests of interest. The easiest way is to look at the log of an e2e_tests check on any pull request.

Dealing with Docker Hub registry limits

The test suite is heavily relying on Docker Hub registry, since the introduction of the rate pull limit, developers can quickly hit the quota limit leading to the e2e tests randomly failed.

There is two possible approaches to minimize/avoid that:

  1. if you have an account on Docker Hub you can specify and export your credentials via environment variables E2E_DOCKER_USERNAME and E2E_DOCKER_PASSWORD before running the test suite, however if you have a free account the quota limit is simply doubled and may not work for you
  2. or you can run a local pull through cache registry and use E2E_DOCKER_MIRROR/E2E_DOCKER_MIRROR_INSECURE environment variables

Run a local pull through cache registry

The most straightforward way to run it is to run in a terminal:

mkdir -p $HOME/.cache/registry
apptainer run --env REGISTRY_HTTP_ADDR= \
                --env REGISTRY_PROXY_REMOTEURL= \
                --bind $HOME/.cache/registry:/var/lib/registry \

And run the test suite in another terminal:

./scripts/e2e-test -v