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compute redemption price rate by PID

目前 RAI 使用了 P 和 I,没有使用 D

$$ \begin{align*} accumulatedLeak &= {perSecondCumulativeLeak}^{\Delta t} \\ P &= redemptionPrice - marketPrice \\ I &= accumulatedLeak \cdot I_{old} + \frac{P + P_{old}}{2} \cdot \Delta t \end{align*} $$

Multiply P by Kp and I by Ki and then sum P & I in order to return the result

$$ P = P_{old} \cdot Kp \\ I = I_{old} \cdot Ki \\ PI = P + I $$

If the P * Kp + I * Ki output breaks the noise barrier, you can recompute a non null rate. Also make sure the sum is not null


目前线上 PIRawPerSecondCalculator noiseBarrier 为 1, 即 |PI| >= 0, 不会忽略

$$ |PI| >= (2 - noiseBarrier) \cdot redemptionPrice - redemptionPrice $$

Return a redemption rate bounded by feedbackOutputLowerBound and feedbackOutputUpperBound as well as the timeline over which that rate will take effect

getBoundedRedemptionRate() 对 rate 做一些限制处理

  • feedbackOutputLowerBound <= PI <= feedbackOutputUpperBound
  • 目前线上 feedbackOutputLowerBound = -999999.999999999999999999999 feedbackOutputUpperBound = 1000000000000000000000000 所以这个限制可以忽略
  • 如果 PI < 0 && PI <= defaultRedemptionRate , 则设置 PI = NEGATIVE_RATE_LIMIT
    • (defaultRedemptionRate = -1000000, NEGATIVE_RATE_LIMIT 近似 1)
  • 如果 defaultRedemptionRate < PI < 1PI = defaultRedemptionRate - NEGATIVE_RATE_LIMIT
  • 如果 1 <= PIPI = defaultRedemptionRate + PI


  1. PIRateSetter.updateRate() 每隔一段时间,触发 redemption price rate 更新
    • 该函数任何人都可以触发,并拿一点奖励补偿 gas 费用,目前设置的间隔是 12 个小时
    • orcl.getResultWithValidity() 从 oracle 拿到 MarketPrice
    • oracleRelayer.redemptionPrice() 获取之前的 redemptionPrice
  2. PIRawPerSecondCalculator.computeRate() PID 模块计算新的反馈参数
    • updateDeviationHistory(proportionalTerm, accumulatedLeak)
    • PI = getGainAdjustedPIOutput(P, I) 计算 PI 反馈参数
    • breaksNoiseBarrier() 过滤太小的反馈参数
    • getBoundedRedemptionRate() 对 PI 做一些限制
// geb-rrfm-rate-setter/src/PIRateSetter.sol
contract PIRateSetter {
    function updateRate(address feeReceiver) external {
        // accumulatedLeak
        uint256 iapcr      = (defaultLeak == 1) ? RAY : rpower(pidCalculator.pscl(), pidCalculator.tlv(), RAY);
        uint256 calculated = pidCalculator.computeRate(
        // set rate
        try setterRelayer.relayRate(calculated, feeReceiver) {

// geb-rrfm-calculators/src/calculator/PIRawPerSecondCalculator.sol
contract PIRawPerSecondCalculator is SafeMath, SignedSafeMath {
    * @notice Compute a new redemption rate
    * @param marketPrice The system coin market price
    * @param redemptionPrice The system coin redemption price
    * @param accumulatedLeak The total leak that will be applied to priceDeviationCumulative (the integral) before the latest
    *        proportional term is added
    function computeRate(
      uint marketPrice,
      uint redemptionPrice,
      uint accumulatedLeak
    ) external returns (uint256) {
        // The proportional term is just redemption - market. Market is read as having 18 decimals so we multiply by 10**9
        int256 proportionalTerm = subtract(int(redemptionPrice), multiply(int(marketPrice), int(10**9)));
        // Update the integral term by passing the proportional (current deviation) and the total leak that will be applied to the integral
        updateDeviationHistory(proportionalTerm, accumulatedLeak);
        // Set the last update time to now
        lastUpdateTime = now;
        // Multiply P by Kp and I by Ki and then sum P & I in order to return the result
        int256 piOutput = getGainAdjustedPIOutput(proportionalTerm, priceDeviationCumulative);
        // If the P * Kp + I * Ki output breaks the noise barrier, you can recompute a non null rate. Also make sure the sum is not null
        if (
          breaksNoiseBarrier(absolute(piOutput), redemptionPrice) &&
          piOutput != 0
        ) {
          // Get the new redemption rate by taking into account the feedbackOutputUpperBound and feedbackOutputLowerBound
          (uint newRedemptionRate, ) = getBoundedRedemptionRate(piOutput);
          return newRedemptionRate;
        } else {

    * @notice Push new observations in deviationObservations & historicalCumulativeDeviations while also updating priceDeviationCumulative
    * @param proportionalTerm The proportionalTerm
    * @param accumulatedLeak The total leak (similar to a negative interest rate) applied to priceDeviationCumulative before proportionalTerm is added to it
    function updateDeviationHistory(int proportionalTerm, uint accumulatedLeak) internal {
        (int256 virtualDeviationCumulative, ) =
          getNextPriceDeviationCumulative(proportionalTerm, accumulatedLeak);
        priceDeviationCumulative = virtualDeviationCumulative;
        deviationObservations.push(DeviationObservation(now, proportionalTerm, priceDeviationCumulative));

    * @notice Compute a new priceDeviationCumulative (integral term)
    * @param proportionalTerm The proportional term (redemptionPrice - marketPrice)
    * @param accumulatedLeak The total leak applied to priceDeviationCumulative before it is summed with the new time adjusted deviation
    function getNextPriceDeviationCumulative(int proportionalTerm, uint accumulatedLeak) public isReader view returns (int256, int256) {
        int256 lastProportionalTerm      = getLastProportionalTerm();
        uint256 timeElapsed              = (lastUpdateTime == 0) ? 0 : subtract(now, lastUpdateTime);
        int256 newTimeAdjustedDeviation  = multiply(riemannSum(proportionalTerm, lastProportionalTerm), int(timeElapsed));
        int256 leakedPriceCumulative     = divide(multiply(int(accumulatedLeak), priceDeviationCumulative), int(TWENTY_SEVEN_DECIMAL_NUMBER));

        return (
          addition(leakedPriceCumulative, newTimeAdjustedDeviation),

    * @notice Return a redemption rate bounded by feedbackOutputLowerBound and feedbackOutputUpperBound as well as the
              timeline over which that rate will take effect
    * @param piOutput The raw redemption rate computed from the proportional and integral terms
    function getBoundedRedemptionRate(int piOutput) public isReader view returns (uint256, uint256) {
        int  boundedPIOutput = piOutput;
        uint newRedemptionRate;

        if (piOutput < feedbackOutputLowerBound) {
          boundedPIOutput = feedbackOutputLowerBound;
        } else if (piOutput > int(feedbackOutputUpperBound)) {
          boundedPIOutput = int(feedbackOutputUpperBound);

        // newRedemptionRate cannot be lower than 10^0 (1) because of the way rpower is designed
        bool negativeOutputExceedsHundred = (boundedPIOutput < 0 && -boundedPIOutput >= int(defaultRedemptionRate));

        // If it is smaller than 1, set it to the nagative rate limit
        if (negativeOutputExceedsHundred) {
          newRedemptionRate = NEGATIVE_RATE_LIMIT;
        } else {
          // If boundedPIOutput is lower than -int(NEGATIVE_RATE_LIMIT) set newRedemptionRate to 1
          if (boundedPIOutput < 0 && boundedPIOutput <= -int(NEGATIVE_RATE_LIMIT)) {
            newRedemptionRate = uint(addition(int(defaultRedemptionRate), -int(NEGATIVE_RATE_LIMIT)));
          } else {
            // Otherwise add defaultRedemptionRate and boundedPIOutput together
            newRedemptionRate = uint(addition(int(defaultRedemptionRate), boundedPIOutput));

        return (newRedemptionRate, defaultGlobalTimeline);