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611 lines (532 loc) · 17.8 KB

Acala Wormhole Relayer


Relayer has two primary functionalities:

  • pays the gas fee and redeems tokens on Karura/Acala after a user sends tokens through wormhole
  • calls asset router contracts to route tokens to wormhole or through XCM

Run Locally

  • install deps: yarn
  • build: yarn build
  • start with dist code: yarn start
  • start with dev server: yarn dev

Run with Docker

docker-compose version: docker-compose version 1.29.2, build 5becea4c

  • start dev server with docker: docker-compose up
  • start dev server with docker in background: docker compose up -d --build



get the relayer version

GET /version


checks if the relayer can relay this request

GET /shouldRelay
params: {
  targetChain: ChainId,
  originAsset: string,    // original address without padding 0s
  amount: string,


# ---------- when should relay ---------- #
GET /shouldRelay?originAsset=0x337610d27c682e347c9cd60bd4b3b107c9d34ddd&amount=10000000000000000000&targetChain=11
=> {"data": { "shouldRelay":true,"msg":"" }}

# ---------- when should not relay ---------- #
GET /shouldRelay?targetChain=12&originAsset=J1toso1uCk3RLmjorhTtrVwY9HJ7X8V9yYac6Y7kGCPn&amount=10000
=> {"data":{"shouldRelay":false,"msg":"transfer amount too small, expect at least 1000000"}}

GET /shouldRelay?targetChain=12&originAsset=0x00000000000000000111111111111&amount=10000
=> {"data":{"shouldRelay":false,"msg":"originAsset 0x00000000000000000111111111111 not supported"}}

GET shouldRelay?targetChain=3&originAsset=J1toso1uCk3RLmjorhTtrVwY9HJ7X8V9yYac6Y7kGCPn&amount=10000000
=> {"data":{"shouldRelay":false,"msg":"target chain 3 is not supported"}}


ask the relayer to relay a request, given the signedVAA

POST /relay
data: {
  targetChain: ChainId,
  signedVAA: string,      // hex encoded string


POST /relay
  targetChain: 11,
  signedVAA: 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,

=> TX receipt
  data: {
    to: '0xd11De1f930eA1F7Dd0290Fe3a2e35b9C91AEFb37',
    from: '0xe3234f433914d4cfCF846491EC5a7831ab9f0bb3',
    contractAddress: '0xd11De1f930eA1F7Dd0290Fe3a2e35b9C91AEFb37',
    transactionIndex: 0,
    gasUsed: { type: 'BigNumber', hex: '0x00' },
    logsBloom: '0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
    blockHash: '0x4fed14e47607e6088d1cb324ddc1bb14ea4c1f67507935b09cf093d11a9d3067',
    transactionHash: '0x1878aed11208b91aa83573f4b88333ca6a0fe96657860470e9bc6002b39e9e28',
    logs: [ [Object] ],
    blockNumber: 95578,
    confirmations: 1,
    cumulativeGasUsed: { type: 'BigNumber', hex: '0x00' },
    effectiveGasPrice: { type: 'BigNumber', hex: '0x01' },
    status: 1,
    type: 0,
    byzantium: true,
    events: [ [Object] ]


checks if the relayer can relay and route this request, returns router address and it's chainId.

  • when request success: return data can be found in
  • when request failed: error can be found in res.error
GET /shouldRouteXcm
params: {
  destParaId: string,     // destination parachain id in number
  dest: string,           // xcm encoded dest in hex
  originAddr: string,    // original token address in hex


# ---------- when should route ---------- #
GET /shouldRouteXcm?dest=0x03010200a9200100d43593c715fdd31c61141abd04a99fd6822c8558854ccde39a5684e7a56da27d&destParaId=2090&originAddr=0x07865c6e87b9f70255377e024ace6630c1eaa37f
  "data": {
    "shouldRoute": true,
    "routerAddr": "0x8341Cd8b7bd360461fe3ce01422fE3E24628262F",
    "routerChainId": 11,

# ---------- when should not route ---------- #
GET /shouldRouteXcm?dest=0x03010200a9200100d43593c715fdd31c61141abd04a99fd6822c8558854ccde39a5684e7a56da27d&destParaId=1111&originAddr=0x07865c6e87b9f70255377e024ace6630c1eaa37f
  "data": {
    "msg":"unsupported dest parachain: 1111",

GET /shouldRouteXcm?dest=0x03010200a9200100d43593c715fdd31c61141abd04a99fd6822c8558854ccde39a5684e7a56da27d&destParaId=2090&originAddr=0x07865c6e87b9f70255377e024ace6630c1eaaaaa
  "data": {
    "msg":"unsupported token on dest parachin 2090. Token origin address: 0x07865c6e87b9f70255377e024ace6630c1eaaaaa"

# ---------- when error ---------- #
GET /shouldRouteXcm?dest=0x03010200a9200100d43593c715fdd31c61141abd04a99fd6822c8558854ccde39a5684e7a56da27d&originAddr=0x07865c6e87b9f70255377e024ace6630c1eaa37f
  "error":["destParaId is a required field"],
  "msg":"invalid request params!"


route this request, and returns the transaction hash

  • when request success: transaction hash can be found in
  • when request failed: error can be found in res.error
POST /routeXcm
data: {
  destParaId: string,     // destination parachain id in number
  dest: string,           // xcm encoded dest in hex
  originAddr: string,    // original token address in hex


/* ---------- when success ---------- */
POST /routeXcm
  destParaId: "2090",
  dest: "0x03010200a9200100d43593c715fdd31c61141abd04a99fd6822c8558854ccde39a5684e7a56da27d",
  originAddr: "0x07865c6e87b9f70255377e024ace6630c1eaa37f",

=> tx hash
  data: 0xb292b872fb7ddd33de25b0a7ee66e65bac918ec1ab0a6d93446f3dde7435955b

/* ---------- when error ---------- */
POST /routeXcm

=> error details
    "error": "VM Exception while processing transaction: execution revert: TRANSFER_FAILED 0x08c379a00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000020000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000f5452414e534645525f4641494c45440000000000000000000000000000000000",
    "msg": "internal server error: Error"


relay from wormhole, and route token to target chain, and returns transaction hashes

  • when request success: return data can be found in
  • when request failed: error can be found in res.error
POST /relayAndRoute
data: {
  destParaId: string,     // destination parachain id in number
  dest: string,           // xcm encoded dest in hex
  originAddr: string,    // original token address in hex
  signedVAA: string,      // hex encoded string


POST /routeXcm
  destParaId: "2090",
  dest: "0x03010200a9200100d43593c715fdd31c61141abd04a99fd6822c8558854ccde39a5684e7a56da27d",
  originAddr: "0x07865c6e87b9f70255377e024ace6630c1eaa37f",
  signedVAA: 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

=> tx hashes
  data: [
    0xb292b872fb7ddd33de25b0a7ee66e65bac918ec1ab0a6d93446f3dde7435955b,   // relay
    0xd3b5cbdbc0b8026e7de085b80f0923cf0c92c96f788d702635383c26b8c070c9    // xcm

/* ---------- when error ---------- */
// similar to /routeXcm


similar to /relayAndRoute, the only differences are:

  • internally it sends a single substrate batch extrinsic, instead of sending relay and batch evm tx separately
  • result is returned in a single tx hash


POST /routeXcm
  destParaId: "2090",
  dest: "0x03010200a9200100d43593c715fdd31c61141abd04a99fd6822c8558854ccde39a5684e7a56da27d",
  originAddr: "0x07865c6e87b9f70255377e024ace6630c1eaa37f",
  signedVAA: 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

=> tx hashes
  data: 0xb292b872fb7ddd33de25b0a7ee66e65bac918ec1ab0a6d93446f3dde7435955b    // single batch extrinsic tx hash


checks if the relayer can relay and route this request, returns router address

GET /shouldRouteWormhole
params: {
  originAddr: string;     // original token address in hex
  targetChainId: string;  // dest wormhole chainId wormhole in number
  destAddr: string;       // recepient address in hex
  fromParaId: string;     // from parachain id in number


# ---------- when should route ---------- #
GET /shouldRouteWormhole?originAddr=0x07865c6e87b9f70255377e024ace6630c1eaa37f&targetChainId=2&destAddr=0x0085560b24769dAC4ed057F1B2ae40746AA9aAb6&fromParaId=2090
  "data": {

# ---------- when should not route ---------- #
GET /shouldRouteWormhole?originAddr=0x07865c6e87b9f70255377e024ace6630c1eaa37f&targetChainId=2&destAddr=0x0085560b24769dAC4ed057F1B2ae40746AA9aAb6&fromParaId=2111
  "data": {
    "msg":"unsupported origin parachain: 2111"

GET /shouldRouteWormhole?originAddr=0x07865c6e87b9f70255377e024ace6630c1e00000&targetChainId=2&destAddr=0x0085560b24769dAC4ed057F1B2ae40746AA9aAb6&fromParaId=2090
  "data": {
    "msg":"origin token 0x07865c6e87b9f70255377e024ace6630c1e00000 not supported on router chain 11"

# ---------- when error ---------- #
GET /shouldRouteWormhole?originAddr=0x07865c6e87b9f70255377e024ace6630c1e00000&targetChainId=2&destAddr=0x0085560b24769dAC4ed057F1B2ae40746AA9aAb6
  "error": ["fromParaId is a required field"],
  "msg": "invalid request params!"


route the quest, and returns the wormhole deposit tx hash

POST /routeWormhole
data: {
  originAddr: string;     // original token address in hex
  targetChainId: string;  // dest wormhole chainId wormhole in number
  destAddr: string;       // recepient address in hex
  fromParaId: string;     // from parachain id in number


POST /routeWormhole
data: {
  originAddr: "0x07865c6e87b9f70255377e024ace6630c1eaa37f",
  targetChainId: "2",
  destAddr: "0x0085560b24769dAC4ed057F1B2ae40746AA9aAb6",
  fromParaId: "2090"

=> tx hash

/* ---------- when error ---------- */
// similar to /routeXcm


checks if the relayer can route this request, returns router address

GET /shouldRouteHoma
params: {
  destAddr: string;   // recepient evm or acala native address
  chain: string;      // 'acala' or 'karura'


# ---------- when should route ---------- #
GET /shouldRouteHoma?destAddr=0x0085560b24769dAC4ed057F1B2ae40746AA9aAb6&chain=acala
  "data": {
    "shouldRoute": true,
    "routerAddr": "0xfD6143c380706912a04230f22cF92c402561820e"

GET /shouldRouteHoma?destAddr=23AdbsfRysaabyrWS2doCFsKisvt7dGbS3wQFXRS6pNbQY8G&chain=acala
  "data": {
    "shouldRoute": true,
    "routerAddr": "0xfD6143c380706912a04230f22cF92c402561820e"

# ---------- when should not route ---------- #
GET /shouldRouteHoma?destAddr=0xabcde&chain=acala
  "data": {
    "shouldRoute": false,
    "msg": "address 0xabcde is not a valid evm or substrate address"

# ---------- when error ---------- #
GET /shouldRouteHoma?chain=acala
  "msg": "invalid request params!",
  "error": [
    "destAddr is a required field"


route the quest, and returns the route txhash

POST /routeHoma
data: {
  destAddr: string;   // recepient evm or acala native address
  chain: string;      // 'acala' or 'karura'


POST /routeHoma
data: {
  destAddr: 0x0085560b24769dAC4ed057F1B2ae40746AA9aAb6
  chain: 'acala'

=> tx hash
  data: '0x677cd79963bb4b45c50009f213194397be3081cfb206e958da02b6357c44674e'

/* ---------- when error ---------- */
// similar to /routeXcm


wait for the token to arrive at the router, then route the quest automatically. Returns the request id, which can be used to track route progress

POST /routeHomaAuto
data: {
  destAddr: string;   // recepient evm or acala native address
  chain: string;      // 'acala' or 'karura'


POST /routeHomaAuto
data: {
  destAddr: 0x0085560b24769dAC4ed057F1B2ae40746AA9aAb6
  chain: 'acala'

=> route id
  data: 'homa-1711514333845'

GET /routeStatus?routeId=homa-1711514333845
=> route status
[{ data: { status: 0 } }]                     // waiting for token
[{ data: { status: 1 } }]                     // token arrived, routing
[{ data: { status: 2, txHash: '0x12345' } }]   // routing tx submitted, waiting for confirmation
[{ data: { status: 3, txHash: '0x12345' } }]   // routing completed
[{ data: { status: -1 } }]                    // routing timeout out (usually becuase no token arrive in 3 min)
[{ data: { status: -2, error: 'xxx' } }]      // routing failed

GET /routeStatus?destAddr=0x0085560b24769dAC4ed057F1B2ae40746AA9aAb6
=> all route status for this address
  { data: { status: 3, txHash: '0x11111' } },
  { data: { status: 2, txHash: '0x22222' } },
  { data: { status: 1 } },

/* ---------- when error ---------- */
// similar to /routeXcm


checks if the relayer can route this request, returns router address

GET /shouldRouteEuphrates
params: {
  recipient: string;   // recepient evm address
  poolId: string;      // euphrate pool id


GET /shouldRouteEuphrates?poolId=0&recipient=0x0085560b24769dAC4ed057F1B2ae40746AA9aAb6
  "data": {
    "shouldRoute": true,
    "routerAddr": "0xCc968605e16C9dF27b03aE3E5273507216Fd4C9C"


route the quest, and returns the route txhash

POST /routeEuphrates
data: {
  recipient: string;   // recepient evm address
  poolId: string;      // euphrate pool id
  token: string;       // token address to route


POST /routeEuphrates
data: {
  recipient: "0x0085560b24769dAC4ed057F1B2ae40746AA9aAb6",
  token: "0x000000000000000000040000000000000000000d"

=> tx hash
  data: '0x677cd79963bb4b45c50009f213194397be3081cfb206e958da02b6357c44674e'

/* ---------- when error ---------- */
// similar to /routeXcm


checks if the relayer can route this request, returns router address

GET /shouldSwapAndRoute
params: {
  poolId: string;         // euphrates pool id
  recipient: string;      // dest evm address


GET /shouldSwapAndRoute?recipient=0x0085560b24769dAC4ed057F1B2ae40746AA9aAb6&poolId=7
  "data": {
    "shouldRoute": true,
    "routerAddr": "0xCc968605e16C9dF27b03aE3E5273507216Fd4C9C"


swap token and airdrop targetAmount of targetToken to recipient, and route the quest, then returns the txhash

POST /swapAndRoute
data: {
  poolId: string;         // euphrates pool id
  recipient: string;      // dest evm address
  token?: string;         // token to route, not required for `shouldRoute`


POST /swapAndRoute
data: {
  "poolId": 7,
  "recipient": "0x0085560b24769dAC4ed057F1B2ae40746AA9aAb6",
  "token": "0xa7fb00459f5896c3bd4df97870b44e868ae663d7"

=> tx hash
  data: '0x677cd79963bb4b45c50009f213194397be3081cfb206e958da02b6357c44674e'

/* ---------- when error ---------- */
// similar to /routeXcm

Routing Process

A complete working flow can be found in routing e2e tests.

evm => parachain

  1. call /shouldRouteXcm and get the router address on karura
  2. bridge with wormhole from evm chain to karura router address
  3. fetch VAA
  4. call /relayAndRoute with the VAA, this does two things:
    • relay (redeem) the token to karura router address
    • then perform routing, which xcm token to the target parachain

parachain => evm

  1. call /shouldRouteWormhole and get the router address on karura
  2. xcm from parachain to the router address to karura
  3. call /routewormhole, this will send the tokens to wormhole from router address
  4. fetch VAA and redeem on the target evm chain


test setup

use the test env file

mv .env.test .env

start a local test stack

yarn start:test-stack

run tests with coverage report

  • run tests and generate coverage data
yarn test:coverage

show coverage report in GUI

yarn vite preview --outDir ./coverage/

run tests with separate relayer (no coverage report)

first start a local relayer

yarn dev

run tests

yarn test

Production Config

cp .env.example .env and replace the test keys with real private keys for relayers