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402 lines (286 loc) · 22.5 KB

File metadata and controls

402 lines (286 loc) · 22.5 KB
permalink eleventyExcludeFromCollections



Content for the guides is written using markdown, and pages are styled based on the layouts which are stored in /includes/layouts. Individual guide pages are customized using front matter, which is the set of key-value pairs you see at the top of many pages and posts. Front matter is written in YAML format and sets up some configuration for the page.

This document is a work in progress. If you don't see the information you're looking for, please open a new issue.

Testing and CI/CD

Every pull request will trigger a build on pages. Additionally, we have a github workflow in place that performs a number of tests on every pull request:

  • Automated accessbility test withpa11y-ci
  • Code linting with eslint
  • HTML validation with html-validate
  • Internal link checking with check-html-links

Additionally, we manually use prettier for code formatting.

Accessibility Scanning

We use pa11y-ci is used to scan for accessibility issues. The scan runs as part of our CI setup (see the pull-request.yml workflow) on every pull request, but it can also be run locally. To run locally, type:

npm run test:pa11y-ci

Note that running pa11y-ci inside the docker container may not always work.

In certain cases we may need pa11y-ci to ignore an element. For example, in the accessibility guide there are elements that violate a11y rules on purpose. We know those will fail and don't want to fix them because they are showing an example of a bad practice, and so we want pa11y-ci to ignore them. To do so we can the data attribute data-pa11y-ignore to the element that should be ignored.


<span style = "color:#58AA02" class="exampleFailure" data-pa11y-ignore>This text fails.</span>

Code linting

We use eslint for code linting:

npm run lint

HTML validation

html-validate will check for valid HTML. It is configured in .htmlvalidate.json.

Link checking

check-html-links will test internal links on the site. The internal link check tests whether a target link file exists in the _site folder at the expected location. Because the current version of check-html-link does not return an error value when it finds broken links, the npm script for this check includes an additional grep search for a "✅" which would appear only if there are no broken links. With this (hopefully) temporary fix in place, github actions will report a failure if there are broken links.

If you'd like to run these locally you could run npm run test:links. Alternatively you could use npm run test:links-internal, which will run the test with colorized output if you find that helpful, but note that it will not return an accurate exit code.

If there is a link that is still to be deteremined as we are moving guides, you can use '/TODO/' as the URL. This will visually highlight the link as TODO, and the link will be ignored in the link test.

Code formatting

We use Prettier for code formatting. You can run prettier manually with

npx prettier . --write

Note that this will overwrite files in place. See npx prettier --help for more CLI options.

An easier way to use prettier is to integrate it into your IDE/editor. For example, integration exists for VS Code such that prettier runs on a file every time you save it.

You can also add prettier as a git commit hook, but you will need to set up the script yourself. For example, you can symlink this template file into .git/hooks/pre-commit


Ignoring AssetPaths

We want to avoid commiting the assetPaths.json file, but need to keep it out of the project .gitignore in order to allow eleventy to rebuild when it is changed. One way to resolve this issue is to add assetPaths.json to the git exclude list:

  1. Open up .git/info/exclude
  2. Add assetPaths.json to that file

If that doesn't work, type in git update-index --assume-unchanged _data/assetPaths.json into the terminal.

Link icons

Any link in the contents of the guides (i.e. not part of a layout or page component), will be tested to determine if it's an external link and if the access to the linked resource is restricted to 18F (e.g google docs, murals, etc...). We are using the patterns developed as part of work on the UX guide.

An external link is defined as any link that is not a federal .gov or .mil website. However, as there does not seem to be a programmatic way to distinguish between a federal and non-federal .gov domain, state and local-domains need to be marked as such manually. In order to mark a link as external we can add the USWDS usa-link and usa-link--external classes. To do so in markdown we can utilize the installed markdown-it-attrs plugin and append the class to the link using curly brackets ({ }). For example: [external link]({.usa-link .usa-link--external}.

Private or restricted links are determined by comparing against the list of links in config/privateLinksList.js. If there are other links that are restricted you should add them to this list.

Content organization

The content for all of the guides is in the content folder, which is organized with subfolders for each guide. For example all of the content for the De-risking guide should be placed in content/derisking/.

Additionally, if a guide contains multiple sections, each section should have its own subfolder in that guide's folder. All pages that are part of a section should be placed into the section subfolder. For example, the "Federal Field Guide" is a section within the De-risking Guide, and "Basic principles" is a page in the "Federal Field Guide". So would be placed in content/derisking/federal-field-guide/.

Guide-specific files

If there are images and include files that only one guide uses, create a guide-specific folder within the site-wide asset or _includes folder.

Call a guide-specific include by using {% include '[guide-folder]/[include-name].html' %}. An example is in the Engineering Hiring Guide, where there is a warning about unconscious biases displayed on several pages. The file unconscious-bias-warning.html is located in _includes/eng-hiring/. The pages that use it will contain the line {% include 'eng-hiring/unconscious-bias-warning.html' %}

Guide titles and subdirectories

The _data/titles_roots.yaml file is used to set the title for each guide (i.e. what appears after the 18F logo in the header). In addition it defines the name of the URL “subdirectory” that will be the “root” or homepage for the guide. A guide’s tag is used as a key which maps to the title and root. This tag is referenced to set the title, header, and primary navigation for each guide.


  title: Agile
  root: /agile/

Collections / tags

11ty uses “collections” to create content groupings. We can create a distinct collection for each guide, which allows us to group relevant content together. Site pages can be added to a collection simply by adding a tag to the front matter with the appropriate guide name as the value. The tag name is used throughout the site to refer to each guide (for example to determine the guide’s title).


  • De-risking guide content would have the front matter tags: derisking
  • UX guide pages would have tags: ux-guide


Primary navigation

The _data/navigation.yaml file is used to define the primary navigation for each guide. The guide’s tag is used as a key which maps to its list of link names and urls.


  - name: Home
    url: /agile/

If you set the optional download key to true for a navigation item, it will add the download attribute to the link and display a file download icon next to its name.


  - name: Download
    url: /assets/derisking-government-tech/dist/18F-de-risking-guide-2_0.pdf
    download: true

Secondary navigation

Within _data/navigation.yaml, the secondary_navigation list defines the secondary links that appear above the primary nav and search bar in the site's extended header.

The mapping for each item requires a name and url key. An optional guides key can define the list of guides that will include the link in its secondary nav. In the example below, all guides will include the secondary link for "More 18F guides", but only the derisking-government-tech guide will include the secondary link to "Previous version":

  - name: Previous version
    url: /derisking/
    guides: [derisking-government-tech]
  - name: More 18F guides
    url: /


We can use the EleventyNavigation plugin to programmatically create a sidenav for any collection. In order to group pages within a subsection together, all pages within a section should have a common eleventyNavigation parent key. For example the introduction page for the content guide "Our style" would include the following front matter:

  key: content-style-index
  parent: content-style
  order: 1
  title: Our style

and similarly, the "Active voice" page within that section would have the following in its front matter:

  key: content-active
  parent: content-style
  order: 3
  title: Active voice

In the above front matter:

  • parent: content-style references the name of the parent section.
  • key: content-active sets this page's unique key for the sidenav.
  • order: 3 explicitly sets the order the page should appear in the sidenav (in this case it'll be first).
  • title: Active voice controls what text is displayed in the sidenav. This field is optional, and if it’s omitted the key value will be displayed.

Sticky sidenavs

Use sticky_sidenav: true to stick the sidenav to the top of the window when scrolling.


You can use the existing subnav: options in the original file's front matter to generate a subnav with the current page's anchor links. To prevent errors in eleventyNavigation, ensure the parent and key values are different.

Page titles

By default, the page's <title> tag will use the title set in the page's front matter.

You can also set a custom page title using seo_title in the front matter, to improve the experience for people skimming search results. Reasons to write a custom page title include:

  • The title is more than 30-35 characters long
  • The title is too similar to titles on other guides. (Examples are "Introduction" or "Planning.")

By default, the title front matter will be rendered as an h1 element. There are two additional front matter options that control the markup for the title:

  • page_title_tag: When you need the title of the page to be something other than H1, use this. This takes the name of the tag only, like h2 or div — don't set the full tag like <h3>.
  • hidden_guide_title: If added, this will take the value of hidden_guide_title and render a screen reader only h1 element before the page_title_tag. This option is meant to be used together with the page_title_tag.

Example usage:

title: Questions to ask
page_title_tag: h2
hidden_guide_title: State Software Budgeting Handbook

Which will render the following html:

<h1 class="usa-sr-only">State Software Budgeting Handbook</h1>
<h2 class="page-title derisking">Questions to ask</h2>


Base URL's

Eleventy does not use {{site.baseurl}} to refer to other pages. When linking to another page on the site, use Eleventy's url filter as such:

  • For the home page, use {{ '[Markdown filename]' | url }}.
  • For any other page in content/[guide], use {{ '../[Markdown file name]/' | url }} (remember the trailing slash!)
  • For pages in their own section within each guide, use {{ '../../[Markdown file name]/' | url }} (remember the trailing slash!). An example is in the Engineering Hiring guide, where there are several pages in content/eng-hiring/interviews/. Any page within the interviews folder needs to use ../../ to link to other pages in content/eng-hiring/

Permanent redirection

Many guides used Jekyll's redirect_from and redirect_to frontmatter keys to redirect old pages to current ones. In order to preserve past redirects from old guides, we ported over these frontmatter keys and implemented an 11ty version of this functionality, found in /content/redirect.html.

Note that paths listed as values for these keys should NOT contain the beginning forward slash (like is needed for permalinks):


  - content-guide/foobar/


  - /content-guide/foobar/


Top level

key description data type applies to
category adding a top-level category key will give a methods page a colored background text methods
eleventyExcludeFromCollections an eleventy-supplied option to exclude pages from collections boolean (default false) all
eleventyNavigation part of eleventy's navigation plugin object (see eleventy's docs) all
description page's meta description text all
layout one of the eleventy layouts that the page will use text all
method object for method data object (see below) methods
permalink eleventy-supplied option for setting the url path text all
redirect_from custom option for setting url paths that redirect to this page array of text all
sidenav determines whether page has side navigation (only used for standard page layouts) boolean (default false) all
tags part of eleventy's collection functionality text or array of text (see eleventy docs) all
title page's title used both in meta tags and as the h1 for standard pages text all


key description data type applies to
title a method's title (differs from page title) text methods
what content for method's "what" section text methods
why content for method's "why" section text methods
timeRequired short description of how much time is required for method activity text methods
category a method's category name; do not capitalize text methods

Meta tags

Pages define metadata via HTML meta tags implemented in the _includes/meta.html file. A subset of tags that are defined based on the page configuration are documented below.

OpenGraph meta tags

Page data

property content
og:description The description set in the page's front matter.
og:title "<page title> | 18F <guide title>"
og:type "article"
og:url The page URL.

Image tags

OpenGraph image tags can be configured optionally at a guide level in the _data/meta_images.yaml file. If no configuration exists for a guide, by default no og:image or og:image:alt tags will be rendered.

property content
og:image The URL of the image at the configured asset path set in the path value for the guide, if any.
og:image:alt The alt text set in the alt value for the guide, or "" if alt is unspecified.

Twitter meta tags

name content
twitter:card "summary"
twitter:description The description set in the page's front matter.
twitter:site The Twitter handle configured in the _data/site.yaml file.

User feedback forms

The Guides site implements customer feedback collecting using Touchpoints, a GSA product that provides Paperwork Reduction Act-friendly survey forms.

The survey form is defined within the Touchpoints system and managed by the 18F team. It is integrated into every guide page using a modal and custom button element and modal, as documented in the Touchpoints product wiki.

The Touchpoints javascript code and the ID of the custom button element are defined within the Touchpoints survey configuration and configured in this project in the _data/site.yaml file.

configuration key value
touchpoints.script The absolute URL of the survey's javascript file. If this value is absent, the modal and button won't be included.
touchpoints.button_id The ID of the button element that opens the survey modal. If this value is absent, the ID defaults to "touchpoints-form".

Managing dependencies

This project uses Github's Dependabot to keep the NPM dependencies up to date. Dependabot takes care of noticing version updates and proposing the updates to package.json and package-lock.json as pull requests (PRs). A human developer needs to review these Dependabot PRs and merge them into the main branch.

If Dependabot PRs go un-reviewed for too long, they can have merge conflicts and complex interactions with other code changes. The best practice is to review and merge Dependabot PRs as soon as possible. The automated test suite for this project is quite good, so this is fairly straightforward:

  1. Comment @dependabot recreate on the PR to request Dependabot to update the changes to the current state of main.

  2. After Dependabot updates the PR in accordance with the re-create request, review the changes that are included in the PR. There should be changes only to the package.json and package-lock.json files and ideally they would be small changes, obviously connected to version updates. After reviewing the changes, you should approve the PR.

    Semantic versioning practices suggest that for dependencies where the "major" version changes (the first number, e.g. 3.x.y), breaking changes might be present and additional testing might be warranted. The reviewer could pull the Git branch and test the site build and function locally.

  3. When the automated tests have completed successfully and the PR is reviewed and approved, go ahead and merge the PR.

Replatforming-specific information

This information was relevant during the replatforming effort to merge all 18F guides into this repo, but may not continue to be relevant after replatforming.

Content migration process

The general steps for migrating a guide:

  1. Add the guide to the _data/titles_roots.yaml file with the guide’s tag, name, and root (See Guide titles and subdirectories for an example).
  2. Add the primary navigation for the guide to _data/navigation.yaml.
  3. Add a link to the new guide in _includes/guidelist.html so it will be easier to find.
  4. Copy over the markdown file for the guide into the appropriate subfolder.
  5. Open up the markdown file to edit the front matter:
    1. Change the layout to layout/page or whatever layout is most appropriate.
    2. Add tags: <collection-name> where is the guide’s tag.
    3. Update the permalink to the link that should be displayed. Generally this will be /<guide-root>/<section-name>/<page-name>. Try to match the permalink of the original markdown file.
    4. Add the eleventyNavigation front matter (See Sidenavs for more details) :
      parent: <collection-name>
      key: <unique-key>
      order: <#>
      title: <Sidenav-title>
  6. If your guide offers any downloads, add the files for download to /assets/{guide}/dist/{filename}, and set the download links to point to the same path.
  7. Celebrate! Or edit this documentation to update any steps that may be missing.

Adding new node modules

It may turn out that you need to install an npm package to replicate functionality in the old guides. Here's how to do it!

First, before your write any code or configuration that relies on the package, install the package via Docker Compose while the services are running:

# If you haven't already
$ docker compose up

# In another tab
$ docker compose exec guides npm install {your options here}

Temporary redirection during development

We are planning to release the replatformed guides incrementally. During this time, replatformed guides that are still in development and have not yet been released will redirect users to the existing guide's URL (typically following the pattern of <guide> This approach is implemented using client-side redirects. The _data/redirect_bases.yaml stores a mapping of each guide's tag key (the same one used to create the collections, to the base URL of the current guide. This base URL is then used to generate the URL the user will be redirected to. When a guide gets released, we will need to remove its corresponding key-value pair from _data/redirect_bases.yaml.

Accessibility impacts to client-side redirects

While server-side redirects would be preferable, our deployment limitations have us using client-side redirects for this purpose.

WCAG states that if using this technique, the content attribute should be set to 0 (meaning 0 seconds / immediate redirect), to avoid content "flashing" before the page is redirected.

Since redirects will be immediate, we will leave the redirect page template empty of body content in order to avoid content flashing.

Through manual testing, we’ve determined the redirect is unnoticeable visually and is smooth for screen readers. We welcome any feedback on how to improve this experience.